In the English language, certain letters are less commonly used as initial characters for words, and ‘X’ is one of them. Despite its rarity, there are still a variety of words that begin with ‘X,’ ranging across different categories and contexts.
The letter ‘X’ often brings to mind things like ‘xylophone’ or ‘x-ray,’ but there are many more words beyond these common examples. In this exploration, we’ll delve into an extensive list of objects and things beginning with ‘X,’ showcasing the diversity and uniqueness of this letter in the English lexicon.
Objects That Start With X
- Xylophone
- X-ray machine
- Xerox machine
- Xylograph
- Xebec (a type of sailing ship)
- Xylene
- Xenon lamp
- Xiphoid (a part of the sternum)
- Xerophyte (a type of plant)
- Xyst (a garden walk)
- Xiphos (ancient Greek sword)
- Xylitol
- Xyloplast (type of plastic)
- Xiphias (swordfish)
- Xanthate (a chemical compound)
- Xerographic printer
- Xystus (a type of portico)
- Xantippe (a type of vessel)
- Xylophone mallets
- Xanthene (a chemical compound)
- Xiphoid process model (anatomical)
- Xanthophyll (a pigment)
- Xoanon (ancient wooden statue)
- Xystarch (official in ancient athletics)
- Xeruses (ancient garments)
- Xebecs (various models)
- Xanthein (a chemical compound)
- Xenolith (a type of rock)
- Xerophilous plants
- Xograph (3D postcard)
- Xerothermic habitat
- Xebec sail
- Xylography tools
- Xyston (ancient spear)
- Xerogel (a type of gel)
- Xoana (multiple wooden statues)
- X-ray tubes
- Xysti (multiple porticoes)
- Xenotime (a mineral)
- Xanthomelanous hair
- Xyloid jasper (a gemstone)
- Xylogallic acid
- Xanthometer (a device measuring yellow)
- Xerophilic moss
- X-ray film
- Xanthochroism (biological term)
- Xylocopa (type of bee)
- Xerographic paper
- Xanthoria (a lichen)
- Xanthophyta (a phylum of algae)
- Xanthydrol (a reagent)
- Xiphopagus (conjoined twins)
- Xerophthalmia (eye condition)
- Xyridaceae (a family of flowering plants)
- Xylanase (an enzyme)
- Xylobalsamum (a type of balsam)
- Xeroderma (a skin condition)
- Xylostromata (a type of fungus)
- Xenograft (a surgical graft)
- Xerophytic vegetation
- Xystos (ancient gymnasium)
- Xylomancy tools (for divination)
- Xanthocarpous fruit
- Xiphisternum (part of sternum)
- Xerophthalmic salve
- Xanthelasma (skin condition)
- Xylopyrography equipment
- Xanthochroid hair
- Xenogenesis theory books
- Xylophagous insects
- Xiphias gladius (swordfish species)
- Xylocarp (hard woody fruit)
- Xenobiotics (foreign substances)
- Xylometer (wood measuring device)
- Xiphoidian sculptures
- Xerochasy (a botanical term)
- Xylotheque (wood library)
- Xanthation products
- Xerophilous cacti
- Xylosma bush
- Xerophilic algae
- Xiphoidal artifacts
- Xylopolist (wood seller)
- Xanthopsia glasses
- Xerostomia remedies
- Xyster (surgeon’s tool)
- Xanthine (a chemical compound)
- Xylol (a solvent)
- Xantusiidae (family of night lizards)
- Xiphiplastron (turtle anatomy)
- Xerophilous herbs
- Xyloquinone (a chemical compound)
- Xystus sculptures
- Xanthosoma plant
- Xerography equipment
- Xiphophorus fish
- Xylarium (wood collection)
- Xylophonic instruments
- Xiphosuran (horseshoe crabs)
- Xanthoceras tree
- Xerothermic organisms
- Ximenesia encelioides (a plant)
- Xiphoidalgia (medical condition)
- Xylophone books
- Xanthone (a chemical compound)
- Xerophyte specimens
- Xoography (engraving on wood)
- Xanthoma (skin lesions)
- Xylobalsamum oil
- Xyridales (order of plants)
- Xylophagous larvae
- Xanthoria elegans (a lichen)
- Xystum models
- Xerographic toner
- Xylochromatic paintings
- Xiphias software
- Xerotic skin care products
- Xylolite (a type of flooring)
- Xylocaine (anesthetic)
- Xenops (a type of bird)
- Xanthophyll samples
- Xerotic ointment
- Xylem samples
- Xiphisternal joints
- Xylan (a polysaccharide)
- Xylophone sheet music
- Xanthophyceae specimens
- Xerostomia treatment kits
- Xiphorhynchus (bird species)
- Xylopic acid
- Xanthocomic costumes
- Xylidic acid
- Xylocarpus granatum (mangrove tree)
- Xiphosurida (class of arthropods)
- Xerophyllum (a genus of plants)
- Xiphocentron (a genus of caddisflies)
- Xanthochromism specimens
- Xylotomous beetles
- Xerotic lotion
- Xanthan gum
- Xylophage models
- Xerogarden designs
- Xiphoid process replicas
- Xanthine oxidase inhibitors
- Xylophonic scores
- Xylophone cases
- Xerochilia treatments
- Xiphoid artifacts
- Xerophilous shrubs
- Xylograph prints
- Xylophonic compositions
- Xyleborus beetles
- Xylopolymers
- Xeranthemum plants
- Xanthopsar (bird genus)
- Xylocarps
- Xerophytic adaptations
- Xanthorrhoea plants
- Xiphocaris (a genus of shrimp)
- Xylography art pieces
- Xystus columns
- Xystos models
- Xanthomonas cultures
- Xiphinema (a genus of nematodes)
- Xerophthalmia glasses
- Xerophytic plant models
- Xylophilous fungi
- Xylophonic melodies
- Xylophonic tunes
- Xanthoria parietina (a lichen)
- Xanthelasma treatments
- Xylophone stands
- Xylographic art
- Xanthocyanopsy glasses
- Xiphophorus hybrids
- Xylophage displays
- Xerographic cartridges
- Xyston replicas
- Xyster models
- Xylocaine sprays
- Xanthopterin (a pigment)
- Xylophonic ringtones
- Xiphoid sculptures
- Xerophytic landscape models
- Xyster sets
- Xylophone keys
- Xylography books
- Xylophone music
- Xylopolypus (a genus of fungi)
- Xiphias images
- Xerographic films
- Xylophagous molds
- Xanthophyll cycle models
- Xylotheque samples
- Xerophthalmia models
- Xerography machines
- Xiphosura models
- Xystus replicas
- Xerotic creams
- Xerophyte kits
- Xylophilous insect models
- Xanthophyllum (a genus of flowering plants)
- Xylophilous beetles
- Xylophone accessories
- Xylographic stamps
- Xylopolist tools
- Xyston models
- Xanthate salts
- Xylarium specimens
- Xerophyte displays
- Xiphoidian art
- Xeranthemum seeds
- Xylophonic compositions
- Xylopyranose (a sugar)
- Xylophagous termite specimens
- Xerophytic seedlings
- Xanthopsia simulators
- Xylophonic art pieces
- Xystus mosaics
- Xylography sets
- Xerophthalmia simulators
- Xylophonic games
- Xylophone art
- Xylographic posters
- Xerographic supplies
- Xiphos illustrations
- Xylitol products
- Xanthoria specimens
- Xystus models
- Xylophone models
Explore More:
(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z)
Furniture That Starts With X
- X-frame Chair
- X-back Chair
- X-leg Table
- X-base Stool
- X-shaped Bookshelf
- X-frame Bench
- X-design Console Table
- X-style Coat Rack
Electronic Items With X
- Xbox Console
- Xiaomi Smartphone
- Xerox Machine
- Xfinity Router
- XLR Microphone
- Xiaomi Smartwatch
- Xbox Controller
- X-series Laptop
Foods That Start With X
- Xacuti
- Xiaolongbao
- Xouba
- Xnipec
- Xylocarp
- Xigua
- Xoconostle
- Xylitol
Animals That Start With X
- Xerus
- Xenopus
- Xenops
- Xantus’s Hummingbird
- X-ray Tetra
- Xoloitzcuintli
- Xanthareel
- Xenarthra
Kindergarten Object Begins With Letter X
- Xylophone
- X-ray Playset
- X-marks-the-spot Game
- X-shaped Blocks
- Xenops Picture
- Xerox Paper for Art
- Xylography Kit
- X-stitch Kit
Household Objects That Start With X
- X-acto Knife
- Xylograph
- Xylophone for Kids
- Xmas Lights
- Xenon Bulbs
- X-base End Table
- X-stitch Embroidery
- Xerox Printer
Clothing Starting With X
- X-back Dress
- X-Ray Vision Costume
- X-cite Sports Jersey
- X-Large T-shirts
- X-strap Sandals
- X-front Bra
- X-pattern Socks
- Xavier University Hoodie
Sharp Objects That Start With X
- X-acto Knife
- Xenolith Blade
- Xiphoid Dagger
- Xyster
- Xenon Sword Replica
- X-cut Scissors
- Xiphos (Ancient Greek Sword)
- Xenomorphic Razor