100+ Synonyms For Sad Feelings

When expressing sadness in English, a rich vocabulary can help convey the depth and nuances of your emotions more accurately. For beginners looking to enhance their language skills, understanding different synonyms for “sad” can be incredibly useful.

Each synonym carries its unique shade of meaning, helping to paint a more vivid picture of your feelings in various contexts. Here are some common synonyms for “sad,” each with a brief explanation and example sentence to aid your learning.

Synonyms For Sad Feelings

  • Melancholy – gloomy, somber
  • Sorrowful – mournful, unhappy
  • Dismal – bleak, dreary
  • Woeful – regretful, pitiful
  • Mournful – grieving, sorrowful
  • Doleful – sorrowful, sad
  • Gloomy – dark, dreary
  • Despondent – hopeless, disheartened
  • Downcast – dejected, disheartened
  • Heartbroken – crushed, devastated
  • Unhappy – displeased, dissatisfied
  • Somber – grave, serious
  • Blue – depressed, unhappy
  • Dejected – disheartened, discouraged
  • Downhearted – low, dejected
  • Disconsolate – inconsolable, desolate
  • Forlorn – abandoned, lonely
  • Desolate – barren, lonely
  • Glum – moody, sullen
  • Morose – sullen, gloomy
  • Dispirited – discouraged, disheartened
  • Miserable – wretched, unhappy
  • Dreary – dull, somber
  • Heavy-hearted – burdened, sorrowful
  • Pensive – thoughtful, reflective
  • Lugubrious – mournful, gloomy
  • Melancholic – depressive, gloomy
  • Weepy – tearful, sad
  • Wistful – yearning, longing
  • Dolorous – pained, sorrowful

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List of Synonyms

Synonyms A to Z

Synonyms for Depressed

  • Despairing – hopeless, despondent
  • Disheartened – discouraged, dispirited
  • Low-spirited – down, disheartened
  • Hopeless – despairing, pessimistic
  • Subdued – suppressed, restrained
  • Distressed – troubled, perturbed
  • Disenchanted – disillusioned, disappointed
  • Downtrodden – oppressed, subdued
  • Disgruntled – dissatisfied, displeased
  • Dejected – rejected, downcast
  • Down – depressed, disheartened
  • Lethargic – sluggish, inactive
  • Oppressed – burdened, subdued
  • Overwhelmed – swamped, overburdened
  • Defeated – beaten, overpowered
  • Demoralized – discouraged, disheartened
  • Bereft – deprived, forlorn
  • Anguished – tormented, distressed
  • Brooding – moping, pondering
  • Dispirited – disheartened, discouraged
  • Pessimistic – negative, gloomy
  • Fatalistic – resigned, bleak
  • Crestfallen – disheartened, deflated
  • Troubled – disturbed, distressed
  • Woebegone – sad, dejected
  • Disillusioned – disappointed, disenchanted
  • Suffering – in pain, distressed
  • Discouraged – disheartened, demoralized
  • Resigned – accepting, submissive

List of Synonyms for Sad


Meaning: Deeply pensive, gloomy.
Sentence: Rain brings melancholy thoughts sometimes.


Meaning: Expressing deep sadness.
Sentence: Her eyes were sorrowful today.


Meaning: Dark, dismal, hopeless.
Sentence: Sky looked gloomy at dawn.


Meaning: Feeling profound hopelessness.
Sentence: He feels despondent without friends.


Meaning: Expressing sorrow or grief.
Sentence: Music sounds mournful in fog.


Meaning: Sorrowful, melancholic.
Sentence: Her doleful look spoke volumes.


Meaning: Overwhelmed by grief or disappointment.
Sentence: She’s heartbroken after the split.


Meaning: Depressingly dreary.
Sentence: The news was absolutely dismal.


Meaning: Characterized by misery.
Sentence: His tale was truly woeful.


Meaning: Pitifully sad, abandoned.
Sentence: He stood forlorn and lost.

Synonyms For Sad Feelings

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