English Vocabulary Difficult Words

Some English words are tricky to learn and use, but knowing them can really show how well you understand the language. These difficult words can make your speaking and writing more interesting and precise. In this blog post, we will look at some challenging English words that might seem hard at first but are very useful to know. We’ll explain what they mean and how you can use them in sentences. By the end of this, you’ll feel more confident about tackling these tough words!

English Vocabulary Difficult Words

  • AbscondFlee, escape secretly
  • BelligerentAggressive, warlike behavior
  • CacophonyHarsh, discordant sounds
  • DefenestrationThrowing out window
  • EnervateWeaken, drain energy
  • FacetiousFlippant, not serious
  • GrandiloquentPompous or extravagant
  • HaplessUnfortunate, luckless
  • IconoclastAttacks cherished beliefs
  • JejuneNaive, simplistic, dry
  • KowtowAct excessively subservient
  • LugubriousSad, gloomy, mournful
  • MunificentMore generous, lavish
  • NefariousWicked, villainous, evil
  • ObfuscateDeliberately make unclear
  • ParsimoniousStingy, extremely frugal
  • QuixoticExceedingly idealistic; unrealistic
  • RecalcitrantResisting authority, control
  • SagaciousWise, shrewd
  • TaciturnSilent, not talkative
  • UbiquitousPresent everywhere
  • VicissitudesChanges of fortune
  • WheedleCoax, persuade cunningly
  • XenophobiaFear of foreigners
  • YokelUnsophisticated country person
  • ZephyrGentle, mild breeze
  • AccoladeAward, honor, praise
  • BanalCommon, trivial, ordinary
  • CapriciousImpulsive, unpredictable
  • DecorousProper, in good taste
  • EbullientBubbling with enthusiasm
  • FlabbergastedAstonished, shocked
  • GarrulousExcessively talkative
  • HedonismPursuit of pleasure
  • InsidiousSubtly harmful, stealthy
  • JuxtaposePlace side by side
  • LaconicUsing few words
  • MendaciousDishonest, lying
  • NihilismBelief in nothing
  • OstentatiousShowy, pretentious
  • PejorativeExpressing contempt or disapproval
  • QuerulousComplaining, whining
  • ReticentReserved, silent, restrained
  • SurreptitiousSecret, stealthy
  • TruculentFierce, cruel, savage
  • UnctuousOily, excessively flattering
  • VituperativeBitter and abusive
  • WinsomeCharming, pleasing
  • XericDry, arid
  • ZaftigHaving a full, shapely figure
  • AcerbicBiting, bitter in tone
  • BucolicPertaining to countryside
  • CircuitousIndirect, roundabout
  • DilatoryTending to delay
  • ExtemporizeImprovise, speak without preparation
  • FractiousIrritable, quarrelsome
  • GlibFluent but insincere
  • HubrisExcessive pride, arrogance
  • InculcateInstill by persistent instruction
  • JingoismExtreme patriotism, warlike foreign policy
  • LassitudeLack of energy
  • MercurialQuick, unpredictable changes in mood
  • NoxiousHarmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant
  • OpulentRich, luxurious; wealthy
  • PerniciousHaving a harmful effect
  • QuotidianEveryday, commonplace
  • ReprobateMorally unprincipled person
  • ScrupulousDiligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details
  • TrepidationFear, apprehension
  • UmbrageOffense, annoyance
  • VerisimilitudeAppearing true or real
  • WizenedShriveled or wrinkled with age
  • YenStrong desire, craving
  • ZeitgeistSpirit of the time
  • AbrogateRepeal or do away with
  • BroachBring up for discussion
  • ConundrumA confusing problem
  • DeleteriousCausing harm or damage
  • EffulgentRadiant, splendorous
  • FecundFertile, productive
  • GrandioseImpressive, high-flown
  • HistrionicOverly theatrical, dramatic
  • ImmutableUnchanging over time
  • JocularFond of or characterized by joking
  • LiminalBetween stages, transitional
  • MalapropismHumorous misuse of words
  • NeophyteA person who is new to a subject
  • ObdurateStubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion
  • PenuryExtreme poverty
  • QuixoticExceedingly idealistic, unrealistic
  • RecumbentLying down, reclining
  • SpeciousMisleadingly attractive, plausible but wrong
  • TorporPhysical or mental inactivity
  • UsurpTake illegally or by force
  • VerdantGreen with grass or other vegetation
  • WitheringIntense scorn or criticism
  • XenialFriendly to strangers
  • YeomanPeasant, small landowner
  • ZigguratTerraced Mesopotamian temple tower
  • ApostateOne who renounces religion

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English Vocabulary Words A to Z

Vocabulary words Ending with V

Difficult Words Used In Daily Life

Oblivion Wayfarer Languid
Desolate Ubiquitous Quotidian
Leverage Haughty Delicate
Accelerate Imbibe Vicissitude
Clamor Countenance Wanderlust
Jabber Bedlam Pejorative
Quarantine Gallant Devote
Kickoff Xerox Vigilante
Tenet Reiterate Largess
Fragile Yatter Overwhelm
Eclectic Affluent Kalopsia
Mandarin Unanimous Ascetic
Quibble Flick Discrepancy
Vociferous Ostracism Labyrinth
Budge Qualitative Leviathan
Harbinger Fatuous Habitual
Inquisition Epitaph Jaunt
Adverse Licentious Querulous
Accretion Gale Cringe
Rebuke Xylography Ramification
Obscure Languish Keen
Cognizant Barren Scornful
Protocol Utopian Denigrate
Solace Neophyte Gamble
Preamble Manifestation Callous
Impetus Realm Iconoclast
Acumen Tactical Quench
Fasten Backbite Archetypa
Chauvinist Wither Feud
Futile Inveterate Sanctimonious
Camaraderie Knight Gibberish
Macrocosm Junk Remorse
Enslave Utility Threshold
Cue Quantitative Niche
Jurisdiction Utterance Merchandise
Advocate Nemesis Aggrandize
Kudos Sagacious Odour
Franchise Kinship Cajole
Lampoon Omnipotent Wrangle
Genial Cliche Sarcasm
Lacuna Circumlocution Reminiscent
Zippy Quandary Incarnate
Didactic Hostile Idiosyncracy
Ephemeral Protagonist Kleptomania
Indigenous Charisma Multifarious
Narcissist Ballad Taunt
Endure Jovial Wizard
Jolly Anachronistic Whimsical
Hail Pandemonium Malapropism
Diabolical Alacrity Nullify
Depict Heathen Hegemony
Phlegmatic Zeal Vernacular
Banish Enigma Destitute
Xenophobia Pinnacle Vigorous
Egregious Elegy Unbiased
Juxtapose Abandon Mundane
Paranoia Zest Contagion
Valediction Winsome Keystone
Omen Nocturnal Extinction
Matriarchy Petrify Kindle
Blandishment Vengeance Reconnaissance
Rampant Hinder Imperative
Tangible Undaunted Barbaric
Recalcitrant Delicacy Endeavour
Versification Taboo Tenuous
Nirvana Convivial Omniscient
Unravel Abscond Paramount
Equanimity Judicious Benefactor
Termination Promulgate Idiosyncratic
Quintessence Beguile Pseudonym
Construe Manoeuvre Gambit
Renaissance Gratuitous Abolish
Tantamount Serendipity Satire
Libertarian Patriarchy Kinesis
Dismantle Valiant Jargon
Travesty Relegate Inevitable
Juncture Seminal Extricate
Abnegation Adamant Enervate
Embezzlement Scrutinise Edifice
Perplex Nomenclature Oblivious
Foresight Lunatic Incumbent
Engrave Upheaval Quadrilateral
Fathom Versatile Pertinacious
Wretched Rejuvenate Beseech
Omnipresent Demagogue Fidelity
Tactful Yank Gastronomy
Addle Quantum Obsolete
Dauntless Chasm Havoc
Mediocre Genre Obdurate
Magnanimous Garment Fete
Baffle Luminary Gaze
Valour Insane Semantics
Wardrobe Nepotism Solipsism
Summon Unilateral Disparate
Idle Oblivion Wayfarer
Languid Desolate Ubiquitous
Quotidian Leverage Haughty
Delicate Accelerate Imbibe
Vicissitude Clamor Countenance
Wanderlust Jabber Bedlam
Pejorative Quarantine Gallant
Devote Kickoff Xerox
Vigilante Tenet Reiterate
Largess Fragile Yatter
Overwhelm Eclectic Affluent
Kalopsia Mandarin Unanimous
Ascetic Quibble Flick
Discrepancy Vociferous Ostracism
Labyrinth Budge Qualitative
Leviathan Harbinger Fatuous
Habitual Inquisition Epitaph
Jaunt Adverse Licentious
Querulous Accretion Gale
Cringe Rebuke Xylography
Ramification Obscure Languish
Keen Cognizant Barren
Scornful Protocol Utopian
Denigrate Solace Neophyte
Gamble Preamble Manifestation
Callous Impetus Realm
Iconoclast Acumen Tactical
Quench Fasten Backbite
Archetypa Tenuous Nirvana
Convivial Omniscient Unravel
Abscond Paramount Equanimity
Judicious Benefactor Termination
Promulgate Idiosyncratic Quintessence
Beguile Pseudonym Construe
Manoeuvre Gambit Renaissance
Gratuitous Abolish Tantamount
Serendipity Satire Libertarian
Patriarchy Kinesis Dismantle
Valiant Jargon Travesty
Relegate Inevitable Juncture
Seminal Extricate Abnegation
Adamant Enervate Embezzlement
Chauvinist Wither Feud
Futile Inveterate Sanctimonious
Camaraderie Knight Gibberish
Macrocosm Junk Remorse
Enslave Utility Threshold
Cue Quantitative Niche
Jurisdiction Utterance Merchandise
Advocate Nemesis Aggrandize
Kudos Wrath Flip
Furtive Vertigo Sagacious
Odour Franchise Kinship
Cajole Lampoon Omnipotent
Wrangle Genial Cliche
Sarcasm Lacuna Circumlocution
Reminiscent Zippy Quandary
Incarnate Didactic Hostile
Idiosyncracy Ephemeral Protagonist
Kleptomania Indigenous Charisma
Multifarious Narcissist Ballad
Taunt Endure Jovial
Wizard Jolly Anachronistic
Whimsical Hail Pandemonium
Malapropism Diabolical Alacrity
Nullify Depict Heathen
Hegemony Phlegmatic Zeal
Vernacular Banish Enigma
Destitute Xenophobia Pinnacle
Vigorous Egregious Elegy
Unbiased Juxtapose Abandon
Mundane Paranoia Zest
Contagion Valediction Winsome
Keystone Omen Nocturnal
Extinction Matriarchy Petrify
Kindle Blandishment Vengeance
Reconnaissance Rampant Hinder
Imperative Tangible Undaunted
Barbaric Recalcitrant Delicacy
Endeavour Versification Taboo
Scrutinise Edifice Perplex
Nomenclature Oblivious Foresight
Lunatic Incumbent Engrave
Upheaval Quadrilateral Fathom
Versatile Pertinacious Wretched
Rejuvenate Beseech Omnipresent
Demagogue Fidelity Tactful
Yank Gastronomy Addle
Quantum Obsolete Dauntless
Chasm Havoc Mediocre
Genre Obdurate Magnanimous
Garment Fete Baffle
Luminary Gaze

Difficult words

Read more: English Vocabulary Daily Use pdf

Difficult English Vocabulary

Difficult Vocab Words

Difficult Words Used In Daily Life


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