List Of Bedroom Vocabulary With Pictures In English

List Of Bedroom Vocabulary With Pictures In English

Shutters Bed sheet Shelf Sheet
Bunk Bed Alarm Clock Double Bed Wallpaper
Twin Bed Hanger Dresser Vase Carpet
Rocking Chair Rug Bed Drawer
Fan Dressing Table Laptop Bunk Beds
Pillow Shelve Cot Floor
Chest Of Drawers Lampshade Writing Desk Nightstand
Desk Cushion Four-Poster (Bed) Mattress
Blinds Window Dressing Gown Slippers
Basket Mosquito killer Chair Light
Bulb Ceiling Table Clock Cupboard Wall Clock
(Wooden) Floor / Flooring Door Curtains (Drapes-Us) Pajamas
Blanket Single Bed Ceiling Stool
Lamp Hi-Fi Closet Night Lamp
Sofa Bed Wardrobe Hat Stand Radio Alarm
Utility Drawers Picture Frame Television Bedside Table
Air Conditioner Quilt Tea Table Bedspread
Jeweler Clothes Valet Picture Mirror
Quilt – Duvet Cover Duvet Makeup Hair brush Desk Lamp
Ironing Board Bookshelf Table Pillowcase-Pillow
Duvet Cover Armchair Switch Socket
Plug Wall    

Read more: Flower Names

Bedroom Vocabulary Words With Pictures in english

English Vocabulary For The Bedroom With Pictures

English Vocabulary For The Bedroom With Pictures 1

Bedroom Vocabulary Words With Pictures

Bedroom Vocabulary Words With Pictures

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