Spanish Words that Start with F

Spanish words starting with ‘F’ are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. From fiery expressions to mystical terms, exploring this often overlooked corner of the Spanish language opens up a whole new realm of understanding. Whether you’re an avid adventurer in search of linguistic thrills or simply curious about expanding your vocabulary repertoire, join us as we navigate through the intriguing labyrinth of ‘F’ words in Spanish.

Here are most common 10 Spanish words that Start with F:

  1. Familia – Family
  2. Feliz – Happy
  3. Fuego – Fire
  4. Flor – Flower
  5. Fácil – Easy
  6. Frente – Front
  7. Forma – Form
  8. Fuerte – Strong
  9. Frase – Phrase
  10. Fumar – To smoke

Spanish Words that Start with F

  • Familia – Family
  • Fruta – Fruit
  • Frente – Forehead/Front
  • Fuego – Fire
  • Fiesta – Party
  • Falda – Skirt
  • Fútbol – Soccer/Football
  • Fácil – Easy
  • Frío – Cold
  • Favor – Favor
  • Faro – Lighthouse
  • Fin – End
  • Foso – Pit
  • Ficha – Token/Record
  • Frase – Sentence
  • Firme – Firm/Steady
  • Fuga – Leak/Escape
  • Felpa – Fleece
  • Felpo – Terry
  • Fulgor – Gleam
  • Feliz – Happy
  • Flor – Flower
  • Frente – Front
  • Forma – Form
  • Fuerte – Strong
  • Frase – Phrase
  • Fumar – To smoke
  • Febrero – February
  • Futuro – Future
  • Fama – Fame
  • Familiares – Relatives
  • Firmar – To sign
  • Falta – Lack
  • Frecuente – Common
  • Frente a – In front of
  • Felicidad – Happiness
  • Flotar – To float
  • Frecuencia – Frequency
  • Felicitar – To congratulate
  • Frontera – Border
  • Favorito – Favorite
  • Fingir – To pretend
  • Fundamental – Fundamental
  • Fuerza – Force
  • Fumarillo – Cigarette
  • Funcionar – To function
  • Frenar – To brake
  • Fuerte – Loud
  • Famoso – Famous
  • Frenético – Frantic
  • Físico – Physical
  • Floristería – Florist
  • Frío – Chilly
  • Ferrocarril – Railroad
  • Flamenco – Flamenco
  • Frigorífico – Refrigerator
  • Felino – Feline
  • Fugaz – Fleeting
  • Fiebre – Fever
  • Fallecer – To pass away
  • Factura – Invoice
  • Fotografía – Photography
  • Fachada – Facade
  • Fulgor – Radiance
  • Fusil – Rifle
  • Fragancia – Fragrance
  • Feroz – Fierce
  • Flujo – Flow
  • Felicitar – To compliment
  • Fantasía – Fantasy
  • Fluorescente – Fluorescent
  • Fuga – Leak
  • Fermentar – To ferment
  • Fórmula – Formula
  • Fortalecer – To strengthen
  • Frivolidad – Frivolity
  • Frigorífico – Freezer
  • Fragilidad – Fragility
  • Financiero – Financial
  • Fronterizo – Borderline
  • Fusilar – To shoot
  • Funcionario – Civil servant
  • Fomentar – To promote
  • Frente – Forehead
  • Fortuna – Fortune
  • Fértil – Fertile
  • Fealdad – Ugliness
  • Ferrocarril – Railway
  • Férreo – Ironclad
  • Fraccionar – To fractionate
  • Fantástico – Fantastic
  • Fraterno – Fraternal
  • Fanático – Fanatic
  • Fusión – Fusion
  • Ficción – Fiction
  • Flaqueza – Weakness
  • Frugal – Frugal
  • Fusilamiento – Shooting
  • Ferviente – Fervent
  • Fascinante – Fascinating
  • Fluctuar – To fluctuate
  • Fabuloso – Fabulous
  • Fidelidad – Fidelity
  • Formulario – Form
  • Farándula – Showbiz
  • Fomento – Promotion
  • Fobia – Phobia
  • Fusilar – To execute
  • Fornido – Burly
  • Fronterizo – Border

Spanish Nouns that Start with F

  1. Fábrica – Factory
  2. Farmacia – Pharmacy
  3. Foto – Photo
  4. Fracción – Fraction
  5. Farol – Lantern
  6. Frontera – Border
  7. Funda – Case/Sheath
  8. Felpa – Fleece
  9. Furgón – Van
  10. Fusil – Rifle
  11. Fardo – Bundle
  12. Fase – Phase
  13. Filo – Edge
  14. Fisura – Fissure
  15. Fuente – Fountain/Source
  16. Flor – Flower
  17. Felpo – Terry cloth
  18. Fuero – Jurisdiction
  19. Fábula – Fable
  20. Filo – Sharp edge

Spanish Verbs that Start with F

  1. Fumar – To smoke
  2. Faltar – To lack/miss
  3. Formar – To form
  4. Fundir – To melt
  5. Flotar – To float
  6. Fijar – To fix/set
  7. Filtrar – To filter
  8. Festejar – To celebrate
  9. Fomentar – To promote
  10. Fraccionar – To fractionate
  11. Facturar – To invoice
  12. Fantasear – To fantasize
  13. Finalizar – To finish
  14. Fermentar – To ferment
  15. Frenar – To brake
  16. Forjar – To forge
  17. Fregar – To wash/scrub
  18. Frotar – To rub
  19. Fugarse – To escape/run away
  20. Funcionar – To work/function

Spanish Adjectives that Start with F

  1. Feliz – Happy
  2. Falso – False
  3. Fuerte – Strong
  4. Flaco – Thin
  5. Fresco – Fresh
  6. Fino – Fine
  7. Frágil – Fragile
  8. Férreo – Iron/Strict
  9. Furtivo – Stealthy
  10. Famoso – Famous
  11. Fútil – Futile
  12. Fijo – Fixed/Steady
  13. Flamante – Brand new
  14. Frecuente – Frequent
  15. Filoso – Sharp
  16. Fugaz – Fleeting
  17. Fronterizo – Borderline
  18. Formal – Formal
  19. Final – Final
  20. Furioso – Furious

Spanish Objects that Start with F

  1. Faro – Lighthouse
  2. Fusil – Rifle
  3. Funda – Case/Sheath
  4. Farolillo – Small lantern
  5. Fregona – Mop
  6. Fuelle – Bellows
  7. Felpudo – Doormat
  8. Frigorífico – Refrigerator
  9. Felpo – Terry cloth towel
  10. Filo – Knife’s edge
  11. Flauta – Flute
  12. Filtro – Filter
  13. Foco – Spotlight
  14. Fósforo – Match
  15. Funda nórdica – Duvet cover
  16. Felpa – Fleece material
  17. Ficha – Chip/Token
  18. Fular – Scarf
  19. Fax – Fax machine
  20. Férula – Splint

Related: Spanish Words that Start with E ( Coolest, Verbs & Adjectives )
300 Spanish Words that Start with D
Spanish Words That Start With C (Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives)

Spanish Nouns that Start with F

5 Letter Spanish words that Start with F

  1. Flaco – Thin
  2. Flota – Fleet
  3. Fulor – Flourish
  4. Felpo – Terry
  5. Funda – Case
  6. Fuego – Fire
  7. Favor – Favor
  8. Firma – Signature
  9. Fallo – Mistake/Failure
  10. Fusil – Rifle
  11. Fluir – Flow
  12. Flaco – Skinny
  13. Freno – Brake
  14. Falta – Fault
  15. Farol – Lantern
  16. Felpa – Fleece
  17. FrutaFruit
  18. Flujo – Flow
  19. Fuero – Privilege
  20. Férreo – Ironclad

6 Letter Spanish words that Start with F

  1. Frente – Forehead
  2. Frutas – Fruits
  3. Felino – Feline
  4. Fútbol – Soccer
  5. Furtivo – Stealthy
  6. Fuerte – Strong
  7. Fresco – Fresh
  8. Frenar – Brake
  9. Fusión – Fusion
  10. Fijado – Fixed
  11. Forjar – Forge
  12. Factor – Factor
  13. Filtro – Filter
  14. Férreo – Ironclad
  15. Frugal – Frugal
  16. Flores – Flowers
  17. Follar – Foliage
  18. Frecuo – Often
  19. Fragua – Forge
  20. Fusilo – I shoot

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