20 Advanced English Words

Advanced English words are like secret keys that unlock more detailed and exciting ways to express ourselves. In this post, we’re going to learn some bigger and more complex words that can make your English sound very impressive. These words are perfect for telling stories, writing essays, or even making your conversations more interesting. Understanding these words will also help you do better in school and enjoy reading more. Let’s explore these amazing words and see how they can be used in your daily life!

Advanced English words

  1. Pedantic – Overly scholarly, meticulous, detail-oriented.
  2. Effusive – Unrestrained, gushing, overly demonstrative.
  3. Impetuous – Impulsive, rash, hasty.
  4. Morose – Sullen, gloomy, melancholy.
  5. Insidious – Stealthy, subtle, deceptive.
  6. Placid – Calm, peaceful, serene.
  7. Erudite – Learned, scholarly, knowledgeable.
  8. Garrulous – Talkative, loquacious, verbose.
  9. Incendiary – Inflammatory, provocative, fire-starting.
  10. Languid – Lethargic, sluggish, listless.
  11. Meticulous – Precise, careful, detailed.
  12. Nocturnal – Nightly, of the night, done at night.
  13. Obdurate – Stubborn, unyielding, inflexible.
  14. Palliative – Soothing, relieving, alleviating.
  15. Querulous – Complaining, grumbling, petulant.
  16. Reticent – Reserved, silent, restrained.
  17. Stoic – Unemotional, impassive, indifferent.
  18. Taciturn – Silent, uncommunicative, laconic.
  19. Unctuous – Oily, overly flattering, smarmy.
  20. Vitriolic – Bitter, scathing, harsh.
  21. Wistful – Yearning, longing, pensive.
  22. Zealot – Fanatic, radical, extremist.
  23. AbateReduce, diminish, decrease.
  24. Banal – Trivial, commonplace, clichéd.
  25. Capricious – Unpredictable, whimsical, fickle.
  26. Desultory – Random, aimless, haphazard.
  27. Eclectic – Diverse, varied, wide-ranging.
  28. Feckless – Ineffective, worthless, irresponsible.
  29. Guile – Cunning, craftiness, deceit.
  30. Hubris – Arrogance, pride, overconfidence.

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Advanced Vocabulary 

Advanced English words


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