Mispronunciation of words! Mispronunciation is simply the act of pronouncing a word wrong. A meaning of a words can be changed by the wrong pronunciation. It may be due to different reasons. sometimes our tongue slips and we pronounce incorrect. Its also mean the wrong act of pronouncing a word that change its completely meaning.
What does mispronunciation means?
Mispronunciation means the wrong act of pronouncing a word that change its meaning. commonly changed meaning due to wrong pronunciation. so, it is necessary to fix your commonly mispronounced words.
What is Mispronunciation example?
It is the act of pronouncing a word or sound wrongly , it can be a serious problem to making yourself understood in a foreign language , for example Suite, sure , Resume etc.
What are the 10 most commonly mispronounced words ?
Stomach, Library, Accessory, cache, Mayonnaise, Meme, Epitome, Definitely, Debris, Calendar.
Here are 20 commonly mispronounced words:
- Library – “lier-bree” instead of “lie-brary”
- Espresso – “expresso” instead of “es-presso”
- Cupcake – “cup-cake” instead of “cup cake”
- Pecan – “pee-can” instead of “puh-kahn”
- Quinoa – “kee-no-ah” instead of “keen-wah”
- Caramel – “car-a-mel” instead of “kuh-rah-mel”
- Croissant – “cwa-sont” instead of “kwah-sawn”
- Fiancé – “fie-an-say” instead of “fee-ahn-say”
- Fuchsia – “fook-sha” instead of “fyoo-sha”
- Açaí – “ah-sigh-ee” instead of “ah-sah-ee”
- Horseradish – “horse-radish” instead of “hor-ser-adish”
- Paprika – “puh-pree-ka” instead of “puh-pree-kuh”
- Acai – “ah-kye” instead of “ah-sigh”
- Hors d’oeuvre – “horse doover” instead of “or-derv”
- Broccoli – “bro-kee” instead of “bro-kuh-lee”
- Pajamas – “puh-jah-muhs” instead of “puh-jam-uhs”
- Guacamole – “gwah-kuh-mole” instead of “gwah-kah-mole”
- Baguette – “bag-get” instead of “buh-get”
Mispronunciation of Words
Accessory | |
CORRECT | Ak-sess-or-y |
INCORRECT | Ass-ess-or-y |
Across | |
CORRECT | A-cross |
INCORRECT | A-crost |
Antarctica | |
CORRECT | Ant-arc-tic |
INCORRECT | Ant-ar-tic |
Athlete | |
CORRECT | Ath-leet |
INCORRECT | Ath-a-leet |
Cache | |
CORRECT | Kash |
INCORRECT | Kash-ay |
Clothes | |
CORRECT | Klothz |
Entrepreneur | |
CORRECT | Ahn-truh-pruh-nur |
INCORRECT | Enter-pren-you |
February | |
CORRECT | Feb-roo-air-y |
INCORRECT | Fe-yoo-air-y |
Mayonnaise | |
CORRECT | May-on-naise |
INCORRECT | Man-naise |
Vegetable | |
CORRECT | Veg-table |
INCORRECT | Vegi-table |
Buffet | |
CORRECT | Boo-fay |
INCORRECT | Buff-ay |
Cocoa | |
CORRECT | Koh-koh |
INCORRECT | Koh-koh-wa |
Arctic | |
CORRECT | Arc-tic |
INCORRECT | Ar-tic |
Forte | |
CORRECT | Fort |
INCORRECT | For-tay |
Nuclear | |
CORRECT | Nuke-lee-ar |
INCORRECT | Nuke-yoo-lar |
Mischievous | |
CORRECT | Mis-chi-vus |
INCORRECT | Mis-chee-vee-us |
Niche | |
CORRECT | Neesh |
Often | |
CORRECT | Off-en |
INCORRECT | Oft-en |
Picture | |
CORRECT | Pic-shur |
INCORRECT | Pitch-er |
Probably | |
CORRECT | Prob-ab-aly |
INCORRECT | Pro-bab-ly |
Vehicle | |
CORRECT | Vi-ekle |
INCORRECT | Vay-hikle |
Boutique | |
CORRECT | Boo-teek |
INCORRECT | Boh-teek |
Chaos | |
CORRECT | Key-os |
INCORRECT | Cha-os |
Meme | |
CORRECT | Meem |
INCORRECT | Mee-mee/mem |
Marijuana | |
CORRECT | Mar-uh-wah-nuh |
INCORRECT | Mary-joo-anna |
Women | |
CORRECT | Wih-men |
INCORRECT | Woo-men |
Heart | |
CORRECT | Haa-rt |
Tomb | |
CORRECT | Toom |
Asthma | |
CORRECT | Az-ma |
INCORRECT | As-tha-ma |
Wednesday | |
CORRECT | Wenz-day |
INCORRECT | Wed-nes-day |
Bowl | |
INCORRECT | Ba-ool |
Pizza | |
CORRECT | Peet-zuj |
Jewelry | |
CORRECT | Jew-ell-ree |
INCORRECT | Jew-ler-ree |
Pronunciation | |
CORRECT | Pro-nun-see-s-shun |
INCORRECT | Pro-noun-see-a-shun |
Quote | |
CORRECT | Kwoht |
Fillet | |
CORRECT | Fih-lay |
INCORRECT | Fil-let |
Onion | |
CORRECT | A-nion |
INCORRECT | O-nion |
Sour | |
CORRECT | Sower |
Suite | |
CORRECT | Sweet |
INCORRECT | Shit/soot |
Yolk | |
CORRECT | Yohk |
INCORRECT | Yol-ke |
Resume | |
CORRECT | Reh-zu-may |
INCORRECT | Ri-zum |
Receipt | |
CORRECT | Ree-seet |
INCORRECT | Ree-sipt |
Chassis | |
CORRECT | Sha-see |
INCORRECT | Chay-sis |
Dessert | |
CORRECT | Dizz-urt |
INCORRECT | Dez-ert |
Infographics of Mispronunciation of Words
Mispronunciation of Words PDF
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