170+ Beautiful Butterfly Names (Cute & Colourful)

Do you ever wonder how butterflies get their unique and whimsical names? From the majestic Monarch to the charming Painted Lady, butterfly names seem as captivating as the creatures themselves.

But have you ever stopped to think about the stories behind these names?

In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of butterfly nomenclature and uncover the intriguing tales beneath their enchanting titles.

How to Choose a Butterfly Name

  1. Research different butterfly species.
  2. Consider its Origin or native region.
  3. Reflect on its Coloration and patterns.
  4. Observe unique Behavior.
  5. Identify the Emotion it evokes.
  6. Use Descriptive
  7. Seek Cultural References or meanings.
  8. Connect with Personal memories or feelings.
  9. Choose names that sound pleasant or Melodic.

Must Learn: Bat Names

Butterfly Names

Here is a List of the Best Butterfly Names with meanings:

  1. Danaus – Derived from the Monarch butterflies genus.
  2. Morpho – Representing the vibrant blue Morpho butterfly.
  3. Luna – Moon; Inspired by the Luna moth, though not a butterfly.
  4. Vanessa – Genus of butterflies including the Painted Lady.
  5. Adonis – Beautiful; Adonis Blue butterfly.
  6. Aurora – Dawn; Inspired by the Northern and Pink-edged Sulphur butterflies.
  7. Apollo – Mountain butterfly species found in Europe.
  8. Argus – Bright-eyed; Argus butterflies have eye-like patterns.
  9. Pearl – Inspired by the Pearl-bordered Fritillary.
  10. Comet – Tail patterns reminiscent of a comet’s trail.
  11. Jester – For butterflies with patterns resembling a jester’s outfit.
  12. Monarch – A widely known butterfly species with distinct orange and black patterns.
  13. Helios – Sun; Inspired by butterflies with bright, sun-like patterns.
  14. Peacock – Inspired by the Peacock butterfly with eye-patterned wings.
  15. Brimstone – A yellow butterfly found in Europe.
  16. Satyr – For the Satyrini tribe of butterflies.
  17. Siren – Enticing; For captivating butterfly patterns.
  18. Zephyr – West wind; For light, delicate butterflies.
  19. Nymph – A group of butterflies with delicate appearances.
  20. Papilio – Genus of swallowtail butterflies.
  21. Lycaena – Genus of copper butterflies.
  22. Sable – A dark-colored butterfly species.
  23. Copper – Inspired by the various copper butterflies.
  24. Azure – Inspired by several blue butterflies.
  25. Lacewing – Butterflies with intricate patterns similar to lace.
  26. Cherub – Tiny and delicate; Inspired by smaller butterfly species.
  27. Sylph – Ethereal; Inspired by delicate and almost transparent butterflies.
  28. Faylinn – Fairy kingdom; For fairy-like butterflies.
  29. Echo – For butterflies with repeating patterns.
  30. Jade – A hue of green; Inspired by green-colored butterflies.
  31. Tiger – Inspired by the striped pattern on certain butterflies, like the Tiger Swallowtail.
  32. Viceroy – A butterfly species resembling the Monarch.
  33. Alpine – Butterflies found in mountainous regions.
  34. Marina – Inspired by marine-colored butterfly wings.
  35. Regal – For majestic-looking butterflies.
  36. Sphinx – Inspired by the Sphinx moth, although it’s not a butterfly.
  37. Swirl – For butterflies with swirling patterns on their wings.
  38. Raven – For dark-winged butterflies.
  39. Mirage – For butterflies with colors that seem to change at different angles.
  40. Pixie – For tiny and enchanting butterflies.
  41. Kaiser – For grand or imperial-looking butterflies.
  42. Sol – Sun; For bright, sun-colored butterflies.
  43. Gossamer – For thin-winged and delicate butterflies.
  44. Fritillary – A family of butterflies with checkered patterns.
  45. Harlequin – For butterflies with patchy, contrasting patterns.
  46. Crimson – For deep red butterflies.
  47. Velvet – For butterflies with a rich, velvety appearance on their wings.
  48. Mosaic – For butterflies with intricate, mosaic-like patterns.

Butterfly Scientific Names

  1. Danaus
  2. Papilio
  3. Morpho
  4. Heliconius
  5. Pieris
  6. Lycaena
  7. Nymphalis
  8. Colias
  9. Aglais
  10. Satyrus
  11. Argynnis
  12. Pararge
  13. Hesperia
  14. Polyommatus
  15. Coenonympha

Butterfly Names for Girls

  1. Aria
  2. Bella
  3. Liana
  4. Mariposa
  5. Seraphina
  6. Alina
  7. Ivy
  8. Luna
  9. Oriana
  10. Aurora
  11. Faye
  12. Selene
  13. Esme
  14. Giselle
  15. Thalassa

Cute Butterfly Names

  1. Flicker
  2. Dottie
  3. Sparkle
  4. Breeze
  5. Twinkle
  6. Puff
  7. Lolly
  8. Whimsy
  9. Glimmer
  10. Dainty
  11. Feather
  12. Giggles
  13. Twirl
  14. Fluff
  15. Wisp

Unique Butterfly Names

  1. Quill
  2. Lustra
  3. Zenith
  4. Nova
  5. Irides
  6. Eclat
  7. Solstice
  8. Isra
  9. Phera
  10. Calix
  11. Lumin
  12. Zephyra
  13. Serin
  14. Caeli
  15. Ondine

Names for Big Butterflies

  • Grace
  • Glide
  • Majesty
  • Harmony
  • Noble
  • Valor
  • Serenity
  • Prestige
  • Blessing
  • Virtue
  • Honor
  • Tranquil
  • Purity
  • Ethereal
  • Splendor

Names for Small Butterflies

  • Monarch
  • Painted Lady
  • Red Admiral
  • Swallowtail
  • Brimstone
  • Copper
  • Apollo
  • Buckeye
  • Fritillary
  • Hairstreak
  • Peacock
  • Comma
  • Speckled Wood
  • Blue Morpho
  • Clouded Yellow

Famous Butterfly Names

  1. Flutter
  2. Majesty
  3. Radiance
  4. Euphoria
  5. Mirage
  6. Allure
  7. Luster
  8. Dream
  9. Mirage
  10. Oasis
  11. Gleam
  12. Fantasy
  13. Whisper
  14. Glow
  15. Rhapsody

Monarch Butterfly Names

  1. King
  2. Regal
  3. Monarcha
  4. Crown
  5. Throne
  6. Empire
  7. Royal
  8. Reign
  9. Dynasty
  10. Dominion
  11. Majesty
  12. Noble
  13. Scepter
  14. Coronet
  15. Tiara

Royal Butterfly Names

  1. Duchess
  2. Prince
  3. Empress
  4. Queen
  5. Monarch
  6. Baroness
  7. Viscount
  8. Countess
  9. Regent
  10. Marquess
  11. Knight
  12. Earl
  13. Chieftain
  14. Archduke
  15. Kingpin

Japanese Butterfly Names

  1. Cho
  2. Hana
  3. Sakura
  4. Yuki
  5. Koi
  6. Tsubasa
  7. Haru
  8. Aki
  9. Riku
  10. Tsuki

Rainforest Butterfly Names

  1. Rain
  2. Amazon
  3. Canopy
  4. Equator
  5. Jungle
  6. Oasis
  7. Torrent
  8. Banyan
  9. Tropic
  10. Fern

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Butterfly Names by Color

  1. Goldie
  2. Rosy
  3. Emerald
  4. Auburn
  5. Sable
  6. Opal
  7. Azure
  8. Coral
  9. Ivory
  10. Jade

Purple Butterfly Names

  1. Lavender
  2. Lilac
  3. Amethyst
  4. Plum
  5. Violet
  6. Orchid
  7. Grape
  8. Mauve
  9. Mulberry
  10. Periwinkle

Blue Butterfly Names

  1. Azure
  2. Sky
  3. Ocean
  4. Cobalt
  5. Sapphire
  6. Navy
  7. Turquoise
  8. Teal
  9. Indigo
  10. Lagoon

Red Butterfly Names

  1. Ruby
  2. Crimson
  3. Cherry
  4. Garnet
  5. Rose
  6. Cardinal
  7. Scarlet
  8. Vermilion
  9. Maroon
  10. Berry

Yellow Butterfly Names

  1. Sunbeam
  2. Goldfinch
  3. Daffodil
  4. Canary
  5. Saffron
  6. Lemon
  7. Sunflower
  8. Honey
  9. Flaxen
  10. Mustard

Black Butterfly Names

  1. Midnight
  2. Obsidian
  3. Raven
  4. Onyx
  5. Charcoal
  6. Jet
  7. Sable
  8. Pitch
  9. Ebony
  10. Shadow

White Butterfly Names

  1. Snow
  2. Ivory
  3. Pearl
  4. Alabaster
  5. Linen
  6. Dove
  7. Frost
  8. Lily
  9. Chalk
  10. Milk

Birth Month Butterfly Names

  1. January – Snowflake
  2. February – Amour
  3. March – Spring
  4. April – Raindrop
  5. May – Bloom
  6. June – Solstice
  7. July – Sunray
  8. August – Harvest
  9. September – Equinox
  10. October – Auburn
  11. November – Ember
  12. December – Frost

Butterfly Scientific Names

Cute Butterfly Names

Unique Butterfly Names

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