Examples Of Homophones. Here is a list of Homophones words in English. homo means “same”. Most of the words used in daily routine life are homophones words.
There are many words that sound the same but have different meanings. These are known as homophones. Some common examples are “breath” and “broach,” “floor” and “floorboard,” “shoe” and “shoehorn.” It can be confusing to know which word to use when speaking or writing, so here is a list of some of the most common homophones.
Also Learn: Opposite Words
Examples Of Homophones In English
- Bare _ Bear
- Be _ Bee
- Blue _ Blew
- By _ Buy
- Cell _ Sell
- Eye _ I
- Flower _ Flour
- For _ Four
- Hair _ Hare
- Heel _ Heal
- Here _ Hear
- Hour _ Our
- It’s _ Its
- Knew _ New
- Knight _ Night
- Know _ No
- Lone _ Loan
- Meat _ Meet
- One _ Won
- Pair _ Pear
- Peace _ Piece
- Plain _ Plane
- Right _ Write
- Role _ Roll
- Sea _ See
- Sun _ Son
- Tail _ Tale
- Their _ There
- They’re _ Their
- To _ Too
- Two _ To
- Wear _ Where
- Weak _ Week
- Whether _ Weather
- Which _ Witch
- Who’s _ Whose
- Yolk _ Yoke
- Your _ You’re
- Brake _ Break
- Flower _ Hour
- Allowed _ Aloud
- Bored _ Board
- Capital _ Capitol
- Censor _ Sensor
- Coarse _ Course
- Complement _ Compliment
- Dew _ Due
- Die _ Dye
- Faint _ Feint”
- Fair _ Fare
- Greece _ Grease
- Hearse _ Hearse”
- Hole _ Whole”
- Its _ It’s”
- Lead _ Led”
- Mail _ Male”
- Morning _ Mourning”
- Pair _ Pear”
- Pole _ Poll”
List of Homophones
- Reed….read
- Pique….peak….peek
- Way….weigh….whey
- Toed….towed….toad
- They’re….their….there
- Cousin….cozen
- Handmade….handmaid
- Bear….bare
- Loath….loathe
- Guilder….gilder
- Carrot….caret….karat….carat
- Roomer….rumor
- Earn….urn
- Pride….pried
- Patience….patients
- Naval….navel
- Humerus….humorous
- Need….knead….kneed
- Bass….base
- Tudor….tutor….tooter
- Summary….summery
- Colonel….kernel
- Parlay….parley
- Pete….peat
- Seam….seem
- Step….steppe
- Rumor….roomer
- Faint….feint
- Vice….vise
- Loot….lute
- Sorry….sari
- Horse….hoarse
- Whirled….whorled….world
- Sheik….chic
- Red….read
- Wined….whined….wind
- Bread….bred
- Eye….i….aye
- Ascent….assent
- Mare….mayor
- Innumerable….enumerable
- Crawl….kraal
- Assistance….assistants
- Trussed….trust
- Confirmation –
- Peer….pier
- Primer….primmer
- Threw….through
- Chased….chaste
- Meddle
- Hostel….hostile
- Rough….ruff
- So….sow….sew
- Beau….bow
- Through….threw
- Pear….pair….pare
- Aid….aide
- Flair….flare
- Wears….wares….where’s
- Surf….serf
- Cellar….seller
- Matter….madder
- Tow….toe
- Lone….loan
- Heir….err….air
- Teem….team
- Eight….ate
- One….won
- Affect….effect
- Educe….adduce
- Bode….bowed
- Ball….bawl
- Lay….lei
- Lain….lane
- Quarts….quartz
- Soot….suit
- Caster….castor
- Dense….dents
- Ducked….duct
- Lade….laid
- Mode….mowed
- Missed….mist
- Apatite….appetite
- Censor….sensor
- Weather….whether….wether
- Wind….wined….whined
- Bore….boar
- Cruel….crewel
- Leek….leak
- Wax….whacks
- Preys….praise….prays
- Abel….able
- Weighed….wade
- Swayed….suede
- Burger….burgher
- Bib….bibb
- May be….maybe
- Main….mane….maine
- Bald….balled….bawled
- Bowled….bold
- Weight….wait
- Serial….cereal
- Patted….padded
- Vein….vain….vane
- Crepe….crape
- Graham….gram
- Whale….wale….wail
- Bomb….bombe….balm
- Tacks….tax
- Whoa….woe
- Presence….presents
- Stile….style
- Niece….nice
- Yew….ewe….you
- Hold….holed
- Bite….byte….bight
- Fur….fir
- Breech….breach
- Wait….weight
- Four….fore….for
- Low….lo
- Pray….prey
- Canter….cantor
- Hangar….hanger
- Insight….incite
- Petrel….petrol
- Moose….mousse
- Timber….timbre
- Aye….eye….i
- Boar….bore
- Burred….bird
- Canvas….canvass
- Reel….real
- Worn….warn
- Cored….chord….cord
- Finish….finnish
- Knot….not
- Coffers….coughers
- Braid….brayed
- Shofar….chauffeur
- Afterward….afterword
- Crewel….cruel
- Pekoe….picot
- Vile….vial
- Scents….sense….cents
- Czech….check
- Currant….current
- Latter….ladder
- Groan….grown
- Venous….venus
- I’ll….aisle….isle
- Wether….weather….whether
- Mayor….mare
- Manner….manor
- Bow….beau
- Won….one
- Enumerable….innumerable
- Carol….carrel
- Lowed….load….lode
- Bah….baa
- Knap….nap
- Ale….ail
- Seller….cellar
- Instance….instants
- Mettle….meddle….medal –
- Break….brake
- Bold….bowled
- Russell….rustle
- Ducks….ducts
- For….four….fore
- Tope….taupe
- Hoop….whoop
- Cited….sided….sighted
- Roux….rue
- Hew….hue….hugh
- Wayne….wain….wane
- Holey….holy….wholly
- Graphed….graft
- Verses….versus
- – misses
- Rain….reign….rein
- Hour….our
- Rung….wrung
- Shoo….shoe
- Fends….fens
- Fate….fete
- Fourth….forth
- Allusive….elusive….illusive
- Sea….see
- Knight….night
- Gym….jim
- Lier….lyre….liar
- Dissent….descent
- Grater….greater
- War….wore
- Plait….plate
- Tear….tier
- Wails….wales….whales
- Marc….mark
- Fiancé….fiancée
- Canopy….canapé
- Aureole….oriole
- Sighed….side
- Check….czech
- There….they’re….their
- Franc….frank
- Hare….hair
- Mule….mewl
- Faze….phase
- Shown….shone
- Bated….baited
- Whole….hole
- Air….heir….err
- Fowl….foul
- Pail….pale
- Vary….very
- Rye….wry
- Pistil….pistol
- Ferry….fairy
- Bridal….bridle
- Chord….cord….cored
- Sighs….size
- Taupe….tope
- Staid….stayed
- Cheap….cheep
- Led….lead
- Know….no
- Sow….sew….so
- Whey….way….weigh
- Adds….adz….ads
- Suite….sweet
- Mucous….mucus
- Load….lode….lowed
- Navel….naval
- Leis….lays….laze
- Apprise….apprize
- Fir….fur
- Billed….build
- Peon….paean….paeon
- Two….to….too
- Morning….mourning
- Jibe….gibe
- Emend….amend
- Lei….lay
- Ariel….aerial
- Sword….soared
- Whirred….word
- Use….ewes….yews
- Phlox….flocks
- Plain….plane
- Merry….mary….marry
- Taper….tapir
- We’ve….weave
- Mantel….mantle
- Llama….lama
- Lock….loch
- Mewl….mule
- Hansom….handsome
- Sac….sack
- Slough….slew….slue
- Axel….axle
- Picot….pekoe
- Nose….knows
- Sold….soled
- Pale….pail
- Wail….whale….wale
- Valance….valence
- Parish….perish
- Cedar….seeder
- Amend….emend
- Peek….pique….peak
- Baa….bah
- Who’s….whose
- Sided….sighted….cited
- Bee….be
- Brayed….braid
- Bight….bite….byte
- Heart….hart
- Foul….fowl
- Eyed….i’d
- Flu….flue….flew
- Rack….wrack
- Council….counsel
- Real….reel
- Style….stile
- Vain….vane….vein
- Pane….pain
- Hymn….him
- Dam….damn
- Dyeing….dying
- Graft….graphed
- Phrase….frays
- Guessed….guest
- Clack….claque
- Shear….sheer
- Slow….sloe
- Taught….taut
- Kernel….colonel
- Grade….grayed
- Sell….cell
- Fairy….ferry
- Better….bettor
- Carat….carrot….caret….karat
- Ruff….rough
- Wader….waiter
- Wee….we
- Grisly….grizzly
- Sloe….slow
- Core….corps
- Rapped….rapt….wrapped
- Rapt….wrapped….rapped
- Cord….cored….chord
- Born….borne
- Choose….chews
- Raise….rays….raze
- Throes….throws
- Lochs….locks….lox
- Tool….tulle
- Tux….tucks
- Inn….in
- Mane….maine….main
- Meet….mete….meat
- Balm….bomb….bombe
- Read….red
- Effect….affect
- Male….mail
- Mousse….moose
- Tracked….tract
- Hay….hey
- Team….teem
- Passed….past
- Wok….walk
- Horde….hoard
- Read….reed
- Base….bass
- Maul….mall
- Might….mite
- Clamber….clammer….clamor
- Waste….waist
- Seeder….cedar
- Shone….shown
- Lee….lea
- Brows….browse
- Plum….plumb
- Jim….gym
- Forth….fourth
- Conceded….conceited
- Vane….vein….vain
- Clew….clue
- Moan….mown
- Dun….done
- Gaff….gaffe
- Brut….brute
- Build….billed
- Dye….die
- Hoes….hose
- Wrapper….rapper
- We’ll….wheel
- Pigeon….pidgin
- Frees….freeze….frieze
- Mat….matte
- Steak….stake
- Phil….fill
- Reign….rein….rain
- Loch….lock
- Quire….choir
- Mite….might
- Ewes….yews….use
- Wear….where….ware
- Sum….some
- Allude….elude
- Penance….pennants
- Purr….per
- Grate….great
- Halve….have
- Dane….deign
- Toe….tow
- Peal….peel
- Ho….hoe
- Paced….paste
- Blew….blue
- Retch….wretch
- Coolie….coulee
- Bullion….bouillon
- Mind….mined
- Chute….shoot
- Ads….adds….adz
- Faun….fawn
- Hose….hoes
- Their….there….they’re
- See….sea
- Turban….turbine
- Gale….gail
- Oral….aural
- Brewed….brood
- Saver….savor
- Series….ceres
- Rap….wrap
- New….gnu….knew
- Peas….pees
- Bases….basis
- Foaled….fold
- Friar….fryer
- Lean….lien
- Berry….bury
- Sore….soar
- Close….clothes….cloze
- Broach….brooch
- Ladder….latter
- Frieze….frees….freeze
- Cote….coat
- Bored….board
- Tooter….tudor….tutor
- Paul….pall
- Sense….cents….scents
- Isle….i’ll….aisle
- Nome….gnome
- Board….bored
- Wrote….rote
- Knit….nit
- Tigress….tigris
- Tortuous….torturous
- Lax….lacks
- Choral….coral
- Except….accept
- Wring….ring
- Prey….pray
- Rays….raze….raise
- Bard….barred
- Already….all ready
- Tends….tens
- Nay….neigh
- Miner….minor
- Dual….duel
- Clue….clew
- Vise….vice
- Yore….your….you’re
- Yule….you’ll
- Cent….scent….sent
- Rose….rows
- Pees….peas
- Bussed….bust
- Sight….site….cite
- Overseas….oversees
- Ode….owed
- Bait….bate
- Jam….jamb
- Mall….maul
- Few….phew
- Lea….lee
- Prays….preys….praise
- Rote….wrote
- Rapper….wrapper
- Route….root
- Floe….flow
- Ceiling….sealing
- Heard….herd
- Babble….babel
- Peel….peal
- Seize….seas….sees
- Soar….sore
- Thrown….throne
- Fisher….fissure
- Warn….worn
- Foreword….forward
- Suit….soot
- Grayed….grade
- Effects….affects
- Mary….marry….merry
- Heroin….heroine
- Bird….burred
- Chile….chilly….chili
- Cygnet….signet
- Ore….oar….or
- Allowed….aloud
- Where’s….wears….wares
- Bawled….bald….balled
- Steal….steel
- Incite….insight
- Cell….sell
- Altogether….all together
- Baste….based
- Pore….pour
- Bruise….brews
- Analyst….annalist
- Adam….atom
- Lode….lowed….load
- Frays….phrase
- Wrest….rest
- Elicit….illicit
- Very….vary
- Metal….mettle….meddle –
- Wry….rye
- Kraft….craft
- Heed….he’d
- Lumbar….lumber
- Guild….gild
- Peace….piece
- Descent….dissent
- Hue….hugh….hew
- Too….two….to
- Soared….sword
- Altar….alter
- Jell….gel
- Tic….tick
- Taut….taught
- Sue….sioux
- Boulder….bolder
- Lien….lean
- Padded….patted
- Spade….spayed
- Bell….belle
- Petal….pedal….peddle
- Claque….clack
- Slight….sleight
- Intense….intents
- Lie….lye
- Morn….mourn
- Complimentary
- Locks….lox….lochs
- Acts….ax
- In….inn
- Him….hymn
- Soul….sole
- Whether….wether….weather
- Beet….beat
- Ant….aunt
- Discreet….discrete
- Burro….burrow….borough
- Oar….or….ore
- Awl….all
- Meteor….meatier
- Baron….barren
- Arrant….errant
- Aunt….ant
- Disperse….disburse
- Lama….llama
- Mustard….mustered
- He’ll….heal….heel
- Serf….surf
- Hays….haze
- Cannon….canon
- Crews….cruise
- Mews….muse
- Brake….break
- Pole….poll
- Hole….whole
- Coarse….course
- Coal….cole
- Lichen….liken
- Word….whirred
- Tense….tents
- Weave….we’ve
- None….nun
- Eave….eve
- Pidgin….pigeon
- Pee….pea
- Scent….sent….cent
- Chic….sheik
- Some….sum
- Loan….lone
- Basis….bases
- Cane….cain
- Crape….crepe
- Alluded….eluded
- Here….hear
- Diffused….defused
- Dear….deer
- Weed….we’d
- Cue….queue
- Guerilla….gorilla
- Weigh….whey….way
- Mints….mince
- Forward….foreword
- Err….air….heir
- Sighted….cited….sided
- Breach….breech
- Vale….veil
- Profit….prophet
- Outcast….outcaste
- Our….hour
- Mourning….morning
- Knock….nock
- Away….aweigh
- Slue….slough….slew
- Tucks….tux
- Tact….tacked
- Hertz….hurts
- Bow….bough
- Tees….teas….tease
- Accept….except
- Eke….eek
- Bury….berry
- Sack….sac
- Lou….lieu
- Wore….war
- Seen….scene
- Flea….flee
- Innocence….innocents
- Brood….brewed
- We’d….weed
- Lapps….laps….lapse
- Due….dew….do
- Correspondence….correspondents
- Sashay….sachet
- Mien….mean
- Massed….mast
- Shoot….chute
- Beat….beet
- Scene….seen
- Acclamation….acclimation
- Write….right….rite
- Lets….let’s
- Buy….by….bye
- Hoard….horde
- Beach….beech
- Wares….where’s….wears
- Eek….eke
- Moat….mote
- Root….route
- Sink….sync
- Sear….seer….sere
- Cede….seed
- Or….ore….oar
- Bough….bow
- Whet….wet
- Fare….fair
- Wine….whine
- Holed….hold
- Haul….hall
- Whorled….world….whirled
- Maize….maze
- Hurts….hertz
- Coy….koi
- Adieu….ado
- Ware….wear….where
- Wave….waive
- Blue….blew
- Been….bin
- Barren….baron
- Plate….plait
- Marshal….martial
- Packed….pact
- Border….boarder
- Karat….carat….carrot….caret
- Side….sighed
- Veil….vale
- Cops….copse
- Peat….pete
- Pearl….purl
- Atom….adam
- Gourd….gored
- Muscle….mussel
- Seem….seam
- Exceed….accede
- Ax….acts
- Mince….mints
- Wet….whet
- Adherence….adherents
- Fort….forte
- Be….bee
- Buoy….boy
- Collard….collared
- Capital….capitol
- Tail….tale
- Time….thyme
- Vial….vile
- Sic….sick
- Coward….cowered
- Affects….effects
- Shoe….shoo
- Effected….affected
- Berth….birth
- Coax….cokes
- Nice….gneiss
- Kraal….crawl
- Surge….serge
- Wade….weighed
- Wain….wane….wayne
- Feint….faint
- Coat….cote
- Jinks….jinx
- Sees….seize….seas
- Weighs….ways
- Bate….bait
- Rouse….rows
- Chauffeur….shofar
- World….whirled….whorled
- Palate….palette….pallet
- Leased….least