List of Antonyms | Antonyms words A to Z

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings, like “hot” and “cold” or “up” and “down.” In this post, we will explore a list of antonyms that will help you express yourself more clearly by showing contrasts. Learning these words is not only fun but also improves your understanding of how English works.

By using antonyms, you can make your stories and explanations more interesting and detailed. Let’s dive into the world of antonyms and find out how they can enhance your vocabulary!

List of Antonyms

  • Active – Inactive
  • Add – Subtract
  • Admit – Deny
  • Advance – Retreat
  • Affirmative – Negative
  • Alive – Dead
  • All – None
  • Allow – Forbid
  • Ancient – Modern
  • Angel – Devil
  • Answer – Question
  • Antique – New
  • Apart – Together
  • Appear – Disappear
  • Approval – Disapproval
  • Arrival – Departure
  • Artificial – Natural
  • Ascent – Descent
  • Ask – Answer
  • Asleep – Awake
  • Attack – Defend
  • Attention – Neglect
  • Attract – Repel
  • Awake – Asleep
  • Back – Front
  • Bad – Good
  • Beautiful – Ugly
  • Beginning – End
  • Bend – Straighten
  • Best – Worst
  • Better – Worse
  • Big – Small
  • Birth – Death
  • Bitter – Sweet
  • Black – White
  • Blame – Praise
  • Bless – Curse
  • Blind – Sight
  • Bold – Timid
  • Borrow – Lend
  • Bottom – Top
  • Bought – Sold
  • Brave – Cowardly
  • Break – Fix
  • Broad – Narrow
  • Brother – Sister
  • Build – Destroy
  • Busy – Idle
  • Buy – Sell
  • Calm – Excited
  • Can – Cannot
  • Capture – Release
  • Careful – Careless
  • Catch – Miss
  • Ceiling – Floor
  • Center – Outskirts
  • Certain – Doubtful
  • Cheap – Expensive
  • Child – Adult
  • Clean – Dirty
  • Clear – Cloudy
  • Clever – Stupid
  • Close – Open
  • Cold – Hot
  • Combine – Separate
  • Come – Go
  • Comedy – Tragedy
  • Common – Rare
  • Compliment – Insult
  • Complete – Incomplete
  • Complex – Simple
  • Compulsory – Optional
  • Conceal – Reveal
  • Connect – Disconnect
  • Conscious – Unconscious
  • Consistent – Inconsistent
  • Construct – Destroy
  • Continue – Cease
  • Cool – Warm
  • Correct – Wrong
  • Courage – Fear
  • Create – Destroy
  • Cruel – Kind
  • Cry – Laugh
  • Dangerous – Safe
  • Dark – Light
  • Daughter – Son
  • Dawn – Dusk
  • Day – Night
  • Dead – Alive
  • Decrease – Increase
  • Deep – Shallow
  • Defeat – Victory
  • Defend – Attack
  • Deliberate – Accidental
  • Delicate – Coarse
  • Deny – Admit
  • Depart – Arrive
  • Descent – Ascent
  • Desperate – Hopeful
  • Destroy – Build
  • Different – Same
  • Difficult – Easy
  • Dirty – Clean
  • Disappear – Appear
  • Disapprove – Approve
  • Discourage – Encourage
  • Disease – Health
  • Distant – Near
  • Divide – Unite
  • Divorce – Marry
  • Doubt – Trust
  • Down – Up
  • Dry – Wet
  • Dull – Interesting
  • Early – Late
  • East – West
  • Easy – Hard
  • Empty – Full
  • End – Begin
  • Enemy – Friend
  • Enjoy – Hate
  • Enter – Exit
  • Equal – Unequal
  • Even – Odd
  • Evening – Morning
  • Evil – Good
  • Exaggerate – Understate
  • Exclude – Include
  • Expand – Contract
  • Expensive – Cheap
  • Fail – Succeed
  • False – True
  • Famous – Unknown
  • Fast – Slow
  • Fat – Thin
  • Fear – Courage
  • Female – Male
  • Few – Many
  • Find – Lose
  • Finish – Start
  • First – Last
  • Fixed – Movable
  • Flat – Hilly
  • Float – Sink
  • Foolish – Wise
  • Foreign – Domestic
  • Forget – Remember
  • Forgive – Blame
  • Free – Captive

Opposite Words in English PDF

  • Accept – Reject, Decline, Refuse
  • Advance – Retreat, Withdraw, Recede
  • Artificial – Natural, Real, Genuine
  • Brave – Cowardly, Fearful, Timid
  • Calm – Agitated, Turbulent, Restless
  • Clear – Obscure, Cloudy, Murky
  • Complex – Simple, Straightforward, Uncomplicated
  • Compress – Expand, Enlarge, Extend
  • Conscious – Unconscious, Unaware, Ignorant
  • Decrease – Increase, Grow, Rise
  • Defend – Attack, Assault, Accuse
  • Deliberate – Hasty, Rash, Impulsive
  • Dense – Sparse, Thin, Scattered
  • Difficult – Easy, Effortless, Simple
  • Dry – Wet, Moist, Damp
  • Dull – Sharp, Bright, Exciting
  • Eager – Reluctant, Apathetic, Unwilling
  • Early – Late, Delayed, Tardy
  • Encourage – Discourage, Deter, Dissuade
  • Expand – Contract, Reduce, Compress
  • Exposed – Covered, Protected, Concealed
  • Famous – Obscure, Unknown, Unrecognized
  • Fast – Slow, Sluggish, Leisurely
  • Fat – Skinny, Slim, Thin
  • Flexible – Rigid, Stiff, Inflexible
  • Focus – Distract, Disperse, Scatter
  • Frequent – Rare, Occasional, Infrequent
  • Friendly – Hostile, Unfriendly, Cold
  • Generous – Stingy, Miserly, Selfish
  • Gentle – Harsh, Rough, Abrasive
  • Genuine – Fake, Counterfeit, Phony
  • Hard – Soft, Easy, Pliable
  • Harmony – Discord, Conflict, Dissonance
  • Healthy – Unhealthy, Sick, Ill
  • Heavy – Light, Weightless, Airy
  • Helpful – Unhelpful, Useless, Obstructive
  • Honest – Dishonest, Deceptive, Untrustworthy
  • Humid – Dry, Arid, Dehydrated
  • Increase – Decrease, Diminish, Reduce
  • Innocent – Guilty, Blameworthy, Culpable
  • Intense – Mild, Moderate, Lax
  • Joyful – Sad, Mournful, Melancholy
  • Just – Unjust, Biased, Unfair
  • Keen – Indifferent, Uninterested, Apathetic
  • Known – Unknown, Obscure, Mysterious
  • Loud – Quiet, Soft, Hushed
  • Mature – Immature, Juvenile, Childish
  • Modern – Ancient, Old-fashioned, Archaic
  • Narrow – Wide, Broad, Expansive
  • Near – Far, Distant, Remote

Antonyms A to Z

  • Able – Unable
  • Brave – Cowardly
  • Calm – Agitated
  • Dense – Sparse
  • Eager – Reluctant
  • Full – Empty
  • Generous – Stingy
  • Happy – Sad
  • Intelligent – Foolish
  • Joyful – Mournful
  • Knowledgeable – Ignorant
  • Loud – Quiet
  • Modern – Ancient
  • New – Old
  • Open – Closed
  • Pleasant – Unpleasant
  • Quiet – Noisy
  • Rich – Poor
  • Strong – Weak
  • Tall – Short
  • Useful – Useless
  • Visible – Invisible
  • Wide – Narrow
  • Xenophobic – Xenophilic
  • Young – Old
  • Zealous – Apathetic

List of Antonyms Words | Images

A List of Antonyms Words

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