50+ Slang Words For Bathroom

Navigating the world of slang can be both exciting and challenging, especially for beginners learning English. One common area where slang is frequently used is in references to the bathroom. The variety of informal terms and phrases for this essential room reflects the diverse and often humorous ways people communicate in casual settings. Understanding these slang words can enhance your ability to engage in everyday conversations and help you feel more comfortable in informal contexts.

This exploration of slang words for the bathroom will equip you with a richer, more nuanced understanding of English, making your language learning journey both practical and enjoyable.

Slang Words For Bathroom


Meaning: British term for bathroom
Example: He went to the loo quickly.


Meaning: Common term for bathroom
Example: She found the John occupied again.


Meaning: Public bathroom
Example: The restroom is down the hall.


Meaning: Formal term for bathroom
Example: The lavatory is out of order.


Meaning: Canadian term for bathroom
Example: She went to the washroom frequently.

Powder Room

Meaning: Ladies’ bathroom
Example: She freshened up in the powder room.


Meaning: Abbreviation for water closet
Example: The WC is occupied right now.


Meaning: Nautical term for bathroom
Example: He cleaned the head on the ship.


Meaning: Old-fashioned term for bathroom
Example: They found the privy behind the house.


Meaning: Slang for bathroom
Example: He went to the can quickly.


Meaning: Military term for bathroom
Example: The latrine was inspected daily.


Meaning: Children’s term for bathroom
Example: The toddler used the potty alone.

Throne Room

Meaning: Humorous term for bathroom
Example: He’s in the throne room now.

Comfort Station

Meaning: Public restroom
Example: The park had a comfort station nearby.

Water Closet

Meaning: Term for bathroom
Example: She searched for the water closet.

Blue Room

Meaning: Euphemism for bathroom
Example: He headed to the blue room.

Necessary Room

Meaning: Old-fashioned term for bathroom
Example: She excused herself to the necessary room.


Meaning: Informal term for bathroom
Example: He went to the chamber quickly.


Meaning: Canadian slang for bathroom
Example: He found the biffy outside.

Little Boys’ Room

Meaning: Euphemism for men’s bathroom
Example: He’s in the little boys’ room.

Little Girls’ Room

Meaning: Euphemism for women’s bathroom
Example: She’s in the little girls’ room.

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Slang Words For Bathroom


Meaning: Informal term for bathroom
Example: He needs to find the pot.

Oval Office

Meaning: Humorous term for bathroom
Example: He’s in the oval office now.


Meaning: Outdoor bathroom
Example: The outhouse was behind the cabin.


Meaning: Slang for bathroom
Example: He went to the crapper quickly.


Meaning: Australian slang for bathroom
Example: The dunny is around the back.


Meaning: Slang for bathroom
Example: He’s in the bug now.


Meaning: Term for bathroom
Example: The facility is down the hall.


Meaning: Men’s bathroom
Example: He went to the gents quickly.


Meaning: Women’s bathroom
Example: She went to the ladies room.

House of Ease

Meaning: Old-fashioned term for bathroom
Example: They used the house of ease.


Meaning: Old term for bathroom
Example: He went to the jakes quickly.


Meaning: Archaic term for bathroom
Example: She found the necessary behind the house.

Privy House

Meaning: Another term for bathroom
Example: They built a privy house outside.

Public Convenience

Meaning: Public restroom
Example: The public convenience is over there.

Reading Room

Meaning: Humorous term for bathroom
Example: He’s in the reading room now.

Wash Closet

Meaning: Term for bathroom
Example: The wash closet is occupied.

Comfort Room

Meaning: Term for bathroom
Example: The comfort room is to the left.

Relief Station

Meaning: Term for bathroom
Example: They searched for a relief station.

Sanitary Facility

Meaning: Public bathroom
Example: The sanitary facility is over there.

The Hole

Meaning: Slang for bathroom
Example: He’s in the hole now.

Pit Stop

Meaning: Term for bathroom break
Example: They made a pit stop here.

Hygiene Room

Meaning: Term for bathroom
Example: The hygiene room is down the hall.

Tinkle Room

Meaning: Term for bathroom
Example: She’s in the tinkle room now.


Meaning: Common term for bathroom
Example: The toilet is out of order.

WC (Water Closet)

Meaning: Term for bathroom
Example: She searched for the WC.

The Oval

Meaning: Humorous term for bathroom
Example: He’s in the oval now.


Meaning: Informal term for bathroom
Example: He’s in the vault now.

The Box

Meaning: Slang for bathroom
Example: He’s in the box now.

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