Common English Words Used In Daily Life

Every day, we use certain Common English Words Used In Daily Life a lot when we talk, write, or listen to others. These words are simple but very important because they help us communicate our ideas and feelings clearly. In this blog post, we will look at some common English words that you might hear or use every day. Knowing these words well can make speaking and understanding English much easier. Let’s learn about these words together and see how they fit into our daily conversations!

Common English Words Used In Daily Life

  • Eat: Consume food
  • Run: Move quickly
  • Book: Reading material
  • Write: Record in words
  • Play: Engage in activity
  • Look: Direct gaze
  • Walk: Move on foot
  • See: Perceive visually
  • Drink: Consume liquids
  • Talk: Communicate verbally
  • Sleep: Rest, recharge
  • Sit: Be seated
  • Stand: Be upright
  • Laugh: Express amusement
  • Cook: Prepare food
  • Watch: Observe attentively
  • Work: Perform tasks
  • Drive: Operate vehicle
  • Wear: Have on
  • Read: Interpret written text
  • Begin: Start something
  • Think: Contemplate mentally
  • Buy: Purchase items
  • Sell: Trade for money
  • Wait: Stay until
  • Know: Be aware
  • Understand: Comprehend meaning
  • Learn: Gain knowledge
  • Teach: Impart knowledge
  • Help: Assist someone
  • Play: Engage in recreation
  • Visit: Go see
  • Ask: Inquire, question
  • Answer: Respond to query
  • Live: Exist, be alive
  • Die: Cease living
  • Cry: Shed tears
  • Smile: Express happiness
  • Type: Write digitally
  • Click: Press button
  • Turn: Change direction
  • Start: Begin something
  • Stop: Cease movement
  • Hear: Perceive sound
  • Listen: Pay attention audibly
  • Smell: Detect odor
  • Taste: Sense flavor
  • Touch: Make contact
  • Feel: Experience sensation
  • Move: Change position
  • Keep: Retain possession
  • Leave: Go away
  • Call: Phone or shout
  • Find: Discover something
  • Lose: Misplace, not win
  • Bring: Carry along
  • Take: Grasp, transport
  • Give: Hand over
  • Send: Dispatch somewhere
  • Change: Make different
  • Use: Employ for purpose
  • Throw: Propel through air
  • Catch: Grab thrown object
  • Cut: Sever with tool
  • Wash: Clean with water
  • Clean: Make neat
  • Make: Construct, create
  • Do: Perform an action
  • Go: Move or travel
  • Come: Move toward
  • Get: Acquire
  • Put: Place somewhere
  • Want: Desire something
  • Need: Require something
  • Show: Display, demonstrate
  • Let: Allow to
  • Hope: Wish for something
  • Dream: See while sleeping
  • Wish: Desire, hope
  • Plan: Design, scheme
  • Think: Consider, ponder
  • Guess: Estimate, suppose
  • Believe: Accept as true
  • Wonder: Question, ponder
  • Worry: Feel anxious
  • Fear: Be scared of
  • Love: Deep affection
  • Hate: Strong dislike
  • Like: Find pleasant
  • Prefer: Favor over another
  • Enjoy: Take pleasure in
  • Succeed: Achieve desired result
  • Fail: Not succeed
  • Try: Make an attempt
  • Travel: Go on journey
  • Return: Come or go back
  • Leave: Depart from
  • Remain: Stay in place
  • Appear: Come into view
  • Disappear: Cease to be visible

Must Learn:

Random Words
Opposite words

Vocabulary in Daily Used

  • Court
  • To Draw The Curtains
  • Many
  • Such
  • To Water The Plants
  • Opportunity
  • Chaos
  • Service
  • May
  • Apart From
  • Gesture
  • Kitchen
  • So
  • Own
  • To Lock The Door
  • Take
  • Really
  • I Wake Up
  • To Do Homework
  • Incorporate
  • Too
  • Outfit
  • Probably
  • To Have A Wash
  • Childhood
  • Source
  • To Have A Lie-In
  • But
  • Better
  • Force
  • I Brush My Teeth
  • To Meet Friends
  • After
  • Ability
  • Naughty
  • To Open The Curtains
  • I Have Dinner
  • Balance
  • Shrink
  • Pay
  • Attract
  • Human
  • Allow
  • To Put On Make Up
  • To Discuss
  • Awful
  • Abuse
  • To Go To The Gym
  • Price
  • I Read A Book
  • To Have A Rest
  • To Hurry
  • Rapid
  • Cut
  • I Have Coffee
  • To Brush One’s Teeth
  • Calculate
  • Foriegn
  • To Go To The Toilet
  • Humility
  • To Get Up
  • Develop
  • To Go To The Disco/Nightclub
  • To Make The Bed
  • To Feed The Cat/Dog
  • Nervous
  • To Groom Oneself
  • Particularly
  • Change
  • Knowledge
  • Absent
  • Might
  • To Come Back From School/Work
  • Talkative
  • Able
  • Champion
  • All
  • And
  • Or
  • Against
  • To Walk/Stretch One’s Legs (Taking A Walk)
  • Behind
  • Cold
  • Contract
  • To Have A Coffee/Soda
  • Diplomatic
  • Never
  • Process
  • Attendance
  • For
  • Justify
  • At Least
  • Love
  • Paint
  • As Soon As
  • Leader
  • To Go To School
  • Game
  • To Switch The Light On/Off
  • Itself
  • Let
  • Obligation
  • To Sleep
  • Until
  • Although
  • Across
  • Definitely
  • Borrow
  • Early
  • Application
  • Happy
  • Scream
  • Know
  • Deny
  • Light
  • In Spite Of
  • Neighbourhood
  • To Have Fun
  • Qualify
  • Operate
  • To Eat Lunch
  • Condition
  • Attractive
  • Bedroom
  • To Dance
  • Build
  • To Open The Blinds
  • Event
  • To Yawn
  • To Dress
  • Quite
  • Boundary
  • Reach
  • Campaign
  • Reject
  • Branch
  • Floor
  • Every Morning
  • Damage
  • I Wash My Face
  • Attempt
  • To Have A Nap
  • To Have Insomnia
  • To Take A Shower
  • Read
  • To Stretch
  • Funny
  • Attend
  • Specific
  • To Wake Up
  • System
  • Old
  • I Go To Work
  • To Eat Breakfast
  • I Go Home
  • Rarely
  • Goal
  • To Have A Snack
  • Clothes
  • Immediately
  • Decide
  • Consider
  • Make
  • Easy
  • To Go To Work
  • To Go To Bed
  • Fail
  • To Read The Paper
  • To Wash
  • To Rest
  • Within
  • Close
  • Break
  • During
  • Confident
  • Well
  • Calender
  • A
  • Literate
  • Jealous
  • Character
  • Eventually
  • I Take My Shower
  • In The Evening
  • To Dry Oneself
  • Accept
  • Remain
  • Project
  • Decent
  • Grow
  • Piece
  • Suggest
  • Disease
  • I Go To The Gym
  • To Dream
  • Violatio
  • Anxious
  • Confuse
  • Dialogue
  • Hotel
  • Undergo
  • Between
  • Beginning
  • Due To
  • When
  • Similar
  • Teach
  • Village
  • I Have Lunch
  • Medical
  • To Walk (Going On Foot)
  • Hilarious
  • I Wait For The Bus
  • Buy
  • Month
  • Hold
  • An
  • Academic
  • In The Morning
  • Capacity
  • Dress
  • Actually
  • To Make Phone Calls
  • To Watch TV
  • To Walk The Dog
  • To Chat
  • Over
  • Here
  • Thus
  • Behavior
  • To Shave
  • Lead
  • Generate
  • Child
  • Ago
  • To Change
  • Control
  • To Undress
  • To Be Half-Asleep
  • To Have A Sleepless Night
  • To Study
  • Yeah
  • Bond
  • Palace
  • Fight
  • In The End
  • Language
  • Same

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