Opposite words in English

Opposite words in English. Opposite words are words that have opposite meanings. They are often used in language to create contrast, emphasize differences or show degrees of comparison. Opposite words can be found in all languages and play an important role in communication.

Must Learn: Words of Encouragement

Opposite words in English

Antonyms meaning

Opposite meaning

Best Opposite Word in English

Here are ten pairs of opposite words with example sentences:

Hot – Cold: She prefers her coffee hot, but he likes it cold.
Good – Bad: That was a good movie, but this one is bad.
Up – Down: He climbed up the ladder and then came back down.
Happy – Sad: She was happy to see her friends, but became sad when they had to leave.
Young – Old: The young girl played with her toys while the old man watched.
Big – Small: The elephant was big, but the mouse was small.
Light – Dark: She turned on the light to see in the dark room.
Rich – Poor: The rich businessman bought a new car, but the poor family struggled to pay their bills.
Strong – Weak: He lifted the heavy weights easily because he was strong, but she struggled because she was weak.
Fast – Slow: The car drove fast on the highway, but slowed down in the city traffic.

Important …….Unimportant Admit …….Reject
Firm …….Flabby Stand …… Sit
Most ……Least Accept …….Refuse
Agree …….Disagree Tragic ……Comic
Child …….Adult Loyal …….Disloyal
Nephew ……Niece Compel…… …….Simple
Full ……Empty Forget …….Remember
Lonely ……Crowded Capable …….Incapable
Negative …….Positive Smooth …….Rough
Behind …….In Front Of Evil …….Good
Free …….Restricted Few …….Many
Broad …… Narrow Abundant …….Scarce
Student ……Teacher Tame ……Wild
Throw …….Catch Arrival ……Departure
Complicated ……Simple Lenient …….Strict
Possible …….Impossible Feeble …….Strong
Poverty …….Wealth Short ……Tall
Cruel…… Kind Likely ……Unlikely
Superior…… Inferior Always …….Never
Timid ……Bold Selfish ……Generous
Moon ……Sun Grief ……Joy
Plural …….Singular Doubt …….Trust
Leave …….Stay Thin ……Thick
Sow …….Reap Inside …….Outside
Top ……Bottom Sad ……Happy
Discourage …….Encourage Loose ……Tight
Toward ……Away Tall …….Short
Predator …….Prey Artificial ……Natural
Rapid …….Slow Accurate …….Inaccurate
Victory ……Defeat Giant ……Dwarf
Hero …….Coward Private …….Public
Cold ……Hot Lazy …….Diligent
Correct …….Wrong Single …….Married
Strengthen …….Weaken Smart …….Stupid
Rare …….Common Harmful …….Harmless
Admire …….Detest Liquid ……Solid
Now …….Then General…… Particular
Before …….After Polite …….Impolite
Boring …….Interesting Famous …….Unknown
Confess …… Deny Floor ……Ceiling
Early ……Late Light ……Heavy
Low ……High Remember…… Forget
Rich …….Poor Adjacent …….Distant
Fi…… ……Break Occupied ……Vacant
Pessimistic ……Optimistic Brief …….Long
Mature ……Immature Elementary ……Advanced
Push …….Pull Ignorant …….Educated
Break …….Repair Fat …….Thin
Lock …….Unlock Curly ……Straight
Give …….Receive Warm ……Cool
There ……Here Despair …….Hope
Close …….Open Delicious ……Awful
Large …….Small Little…… Much
Debit…… Credit Dim …….Bright
Noisy …….Quiet Together ……Apart
Pure …….Impure Sharp…… Dull
Long ……Short Conceal …….Reveal
Night …….Day Adore …….Hate
Brother …….Sister Nasty …….Pleasant
Happy…… Unhappy War …….Peace
Lazy ……Hardworking Whole ……Part
Shout …….Whisper Float ……Sink
Back …….Front Near ……Distant
Generous ……Stingy Old …….Young
Heaven ……Hell Legal …….Illegal
Ancient …….Modern Give…… Take
Hard ……Soft Lose ……Win
Regular …….Irregular Weak…… Strong
Tough …….Tender Day ……Night
Miss ……Catch/ Hit Real …….Fake
False ……True Part …….Whole
Tight…… Loose Put On …….Take Off
Secondhand …….New Joy…… Sorrow
Plentiful …….Scarce Advance …….Retreat
Work ……Rest Healthy ……Sick
Boy …….Girl Vanish …….Appear
Straight …….Crooked Speed Up …….Slow Down
Wide ……Narrow Over …….Under
He …….She Poverty …….Riches
Gloomy ……Cheerful Make…… Mar/Break
Doctor …….Patient Humid ……Dry
Lost ……Found Combine …….Separate
Fat ……Skinny Success …….Failure
Slave …….Master Vertical …….Horizontal
Seller …….Buyer Risky …….Safe
Safety ……Danger Synonym …….Antonym
Noon…….Midnight Ability…… Inability
Sit …….Stand Bare …….Covered
Evening …….Morning Above …….Below
Junior …….Senior Cautious …….Careless
None …….Some High ……Low
In …….Out Joy …….Grief
Lie ……Truth Strong ……Weak
Natural…… Artificial Win …….Lose
Landlord …….Tenant Difficult …….Easy
Busy …….Idle Able …….Unable
Careful ……Careless Quick…… Slow
Noise…… Silence A Lot …….A Little
Attack ……Defend Relevant …….Irrelevant
Moist ……Dry Heavy ……Light
Alone …….Together Sleep …….Wake Up
Hire ……Fire Buy ……Sell
Strict …….Lenient Sturdy ……Weak
Tragedy…… Comedy Find …….Lose
Birth …….Death Neat …….Messy
Bore ……Amuse More ……Less
Compliment ……Insult Profit…… Loss
Optimistic …….Pessimistic Winter ……Summer
Same ……Different Honor…… Dishonor
Defend ……Attack Catch ……Miss
Prose…… Poetry Comedy ……Drama
Vacant ……Occupied Narrow …….Broad
Old …….New Ask ……Answer
Vague …….Definite Satisfied …….Dissatisfied
Friend …….Enemy Chilly …….Warm
Oral…… Written Clean …….Dirty
Demand …….Supply Pre …….Post
Acquire…… Lose Satisfaction ……Regret
Funny …….Sad Employer …….Employee
Harsh …….Mild Powerful …….Weak
Immigration ……Emigration Yes  ……No
Arrest ……Free Effective …….Ineffective
Up …….Down Calm …….Windy
Beautiful …….Ugly Dark ……Light
Continue …….Interrupt Bottom …….Top
Lazy …….Industrious Accept …….Decline
Praise …….Criticism Freedom…… Slavery
Cool …….Warm Fortunate …….Unfortunate
Temporary ……Permanent Clever …….Foolish
Care…… Neglect Useful ……Useless
Valley ……Mountain Odd ……Even
Spend ……Earn Sunny ……Cloudy
Bitter …….Sweet Never ……Always
Small ……Big Blame …….Praise
Dead ……Alive All …….None
Triumph ……Defeat Follow ……Lead
Frown …….Smile True ……False
Complete …….Incomplete Tidy ……Messy
Fall …….Rise Damage …….Improve
Presence…… Absence Instructor …….Pupil
Ill ……Healthy Crazy …….Sane
In Front Of ……Back Loser ……Winner
Busy ……Lazy Clever …….Stupid
Important …….Trivial Virtue …….Vice
Smile…… Frown Lawful …….Unlawful
Miser …….Spendthrift Forbid ……Allow
Asleep ……Awake On …….Off
New ……Ancient Superb ……Inferior
Domestic…… Wild Transparent …….Opaque
Bright …….Dull Dawn …….Sunset
Sadness ……Happiness Save ……Spend
Knowledge…… Ignorance Easy …….Hard
Best …….Worst High…… Low
Soft ……Hard Ignore ……Notice
Ally …….Enemy Male …….Female
Against …….For Tie …….Untie
Satisfy ……Annoy Natural …….Artificial
Comfort …….Discomfort Permanent …….Temporary
Slim ……Fat Fact …….Fiction
Beginning …….Conclusion Near …….Distance
Melt …….Freeze Earth …….Sky
Abate …….Increase Patient ……Impatient
Off ……On Love ……Hate
Spend …….Save Simple …….Hard
Marvelous ……Terrible Flat ……Hilly
Ugly ……Beautiful Husband ……Wife
Yesterday ……Tomorrow Forward …….Backward
Fine…… Coarse Youth…… Aged
Fast …….Slow East …….West
Advantage …….Disadvantage Stay ……Leave
Death ……Birth Bold …….Timid
Amuse …….Bore Black …….White
Permanent…… Temporary Understand …….Misunderstand
Rough…… Smooth Distant ……Near
Big ……Small Defeat ……Victory
Reject…… Accept Harvest ……Plant
Terrible …….Wonderful Wild…… Domestic/Tame
Slow ……Fast Fake …….Real
Right …….Left Dangerous…… Safe
Present ……Past First …….Last
Justice …….Injustice Live …….Die
Talkative ……Taciturn Stop …….Go
Deep ……Shallow Tough …….Easy
Bad …….Good Amateur …….Professional
Safe ……Dangerous Bring …….Remove
Big …….Little Prudent …….Imprudent
Nasty …….Nice Capture …….Release
Earn…… Spend White ……Black
This…… That Increase …….Decrease
Majority…… Minority Dishonest ……Honest
Countryman …….Foreigner Easy ……Difficult
Near …….Far Laugh …….Cry
Unsafe …….Safe Change …….Remain
Vast …….Tiny Notice …….Ignore
Captive …….Free Freeze ……Boil
Girl ……Boy Presence ……Absence
Add …….Subtract Ma……Imam ……Minimum
Man ……Woman Correct …….Incorrect
Give ……Receive/ Take Like ……Dislike
Giant …….Tiny Body ……Soul
Grow …….Shrink Barren…… Fertile
Start …….Finish Emigrate ……Immigrate
Ceiling ……Floor North …….South
Create …….Destroy Achieve …….Fail
Nadir …….Zenith Noisy …….Silent
Pass …….Fail Ascent ……Descent
Close ……Far Private ……Public
Negative ……Affirmative Arrive ……Depart
Already ……Not Yet Fiction ……Fact
Daytime …….Midnight Brighten …….Fade
Better …….Worse Guilty ……Innocent
Wisdom…… Folly Bold…… Timid
Rude …….Courteous Go ……Come
Huge ……Tiny Start ……Stop
Foreground ……Background Lost…… Found
Forgive ……Blame Allow …….Forbid
Dirty ……Clean Copy …….Original
Friendly ……Unfriendly Begin …….End
Mi…… ……Separate Trap …….Release
Right …….Wrong Teach ……Learn
Marry …….Divorce Pretty …….Ugly
Open …….Shut Argue ……Agree
Tolerant …….Intolerant Gentle ……Rough
Fail ……Pass Stop…… Start
Fresh …….Stale Upstairs …….Downstairs
Boundless …….Limited Merry …….Sad
Visible …….Invisible Dark …….Bright
Unqualified …….Qualified Loud ……Quiet
Polite …….Rude Hungry ……Full
Secure …….Insecure Here …….There
Servant …….Master Started ……Finished
Empty ……Full Bless …….Curse
Sour ……Sweet Opposite …….Same
Wrong…… Right Brave …….Cowardly
Receive…… Give Kind…… Cruel
Young ……Old Courage …….Cowardice
Ripe…… Raw For ……Against
Within …….Outside Foolish ……Wise
Alive …….Dead Abortive …….Successful
Good…… Bad Major ……Minor
Blunt …….Sharp Cheerful …….Sad

Antonyms meaning

Opposite synonym

Opposite words in English

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