English Opposite Words A To Z

Learning English Opposite Words A To Z pdf, or antonyms, is a fun way to grow your English vocabulary. Opposites are pairs of words that mean completely different things, like “hot” and “cold” or “big” and “small.” Knowing these can help you describe things better and understand more when you read or listen.

In this blog post, we will explore a list of opposite words from A to Z. This will help you learn how to clearly explain what you see and feel by using words that are exact opposites!

English opposite Words A To Z

  • Above – BelowHigher vs. lower
  • Absent – PresentNot here vs. here
  • Accept – RejectAgree to vs. refuse
  • Accurate – InaccurateCorrect vs. wrong
  • Admit – DenyConfess vs. refute
  • Advance – RetreatMove forward vs. backward
  • Advantage – DisadvantageBenefit vs. drawback
  • Affirm – DenyConfirm vs. contradict
  • Alive – DeadLiving vs. deceased
  • All – NoneEverything vs. nothing
  • Ally – EnemyFriend vs. foe
  • Amateur – ProfessionalBeginner vs. expert
  • Ancient – ModernOld vs. current
  • Angel – DevilHeavenly vs. evil
  • Animate – InanimateLiving vs. lifeless
  • Answer – QuestionReply vs. inquiry
  • Arrival – DepartureCome vs. go
  • Ascend – DescendGo up vs. down
  • Attack – DefendOffense vs. defense
  • Awake – AsleepAlert vs. sleeping
  • Bad – GoodPoor quality vs. high quality
  • Beauty – UglinessAttractive vs. not attractive
  • Before – AfterPrior vs. following
  • Beginning – EndStart vs. finish
  • Behind – In frontRear vs. forward
  • Best – WorstOptimal vs. least
  • Big – SmallLarge vs. tiny
  • Bitter – SweetSharp vs. sugary
  • Black – WhiteDark vs. light
  • Blame – PraiseCriticize vs. commend
  • Bless – CurseConfer fortune vs. inflict harm
  • Bold – TimidDaring vs. shy
  • Borrow – LendReceive vs. give
  • Bottom – TopLowest vs. highest
  • Brave – CowardlyCourageous vs. fearful
  • Bright – DullShiny vs. lackluster
  • Broad – NarrowWide vs. limited
  • Build – DestroyConstruct vs. demolish
  • Busy – IdleOccupied vs. unoccupied
  • Buy – SellPurchase vs. vend
  • Calm – ExcitedPeaceful vs. agitated
  • Can – CannotAble vs. unable
  • Capture – ReleaseSeize vs. free
  • Careful – CarelessCautious vs. negligent
  • Cheap – ExpensiveLow cost vs. high cost
  • Clean – DirtyUnsoiled vs. soiled
  • Clear – CloudyTransparent vs. opaque
  • Clever – StupidIntelligent vs. unintelligent
  • Close – OpenShut vs. unshut
  • Cold – HotChilly vs. warm
  • Combine – SeparateUnite vs. divide
  • Comfort – DiscomfortEase vs. unease
  • Common – RareUsual vs. unusual
  • Compliment – InsultPraise vs. offend
  • Compulsory – OptionalMandatory vs. elective
  • Conceal – RevealHide vs. show
  • Connect – DisconnectJoin vs. detach
  • Conscious – UnconsciousAware vs. unaware
  • Constant – VariableUnchanging vs. changing
  • Construct – DestroyBuild vs. demolish
  • Continue – InterruptProceed vs. halt
  • Cool – WarmChilly vs. tepid
  • Correct – WrongRight vs. incorrect
  • Courage – FearBravery vs. fright
  • Create – DestroyMake vs. ruin
  • Cruel – KindHeartless vs. compassionate
  • Cry – LaughWeep vs. giggle
  • Dangerous – SafeHazardous vs. secure
  • Dark – LightShadowed vs. illuminated
  • Dawn – DuskDaybreak vs. evening
  • Day – NightSunlight vs. moonlight
  • Dead – AliveDeceased vs. living
  • Decrease – IncreaseReduce vs. augment
  • Defeat – VictoryLoss vs. win
  • Defend – AttackProtect vs. assault
  • Deliberate – AccidentalIntentional vs. unintentional
  • Dense – SparseThick vs. thin
  • Depart – ArriveLeave vs. come
  • Descend – AscendGo down vs. go up
  • Despair – HopeHopelessness vs. optimism
  • Destroy – BuildDemolish vs. construct
  • Different – SameUnlike vs. alike
  • Difficult – EasyHard vs. simple
  • Dirty – CleanSoiled vs. spotless
  • Disappear – AppearVanish vs. emerge
  • Dislike – LikeHate vs. enjoy
  • Distant – NearFar away vs. close
  • Divide – UniteSeparate vs. merge
  • Divorce – MarryEnd vs. start union
  • Down – UpLower vs. higher
  • Dry – WetDehydrated vs. moist
  • Dull – SharpBlunt vs. keen
  • Early – LatePremature vs. delayed
  • East – WestOrient vs. occident
  • Easy – HardSimple vs. difficult
  • Empty – FullVacant vs. filled
  • End – BeginStop vs. start
  • Enemy – FriendFoe vs. ally
  • Enjoy – HateLike vs. dislike
  • Enter – ExitCome in vs. go out

Explore More:

Synonyms A to Z

Opposite Words

list of opposite words for kids

list of opposite words for kids

All Opposite Words A To Z

  • Cruel– Human
  • Stop– Start
  • Clever – Stupid
  • Freeze– Melt
  • Ask– Answer
  • Success– Failure
  • Humble – Proud
  • Wealth– Poverty
  • Advanced– Elementary
  • Warm– Cool
  • BadLuck – Good Luck
  • Good– Bad
  • Flat– Hilly
  • Little– Big
  • Much– Little
  • Immigrate– Emigrate
  • Courage– Fear
  • Outskirts– Centre
  • True– False
  • Lead– Follow
  • Like– Hate
  • Cry– Laugh
  • Ancient– Modern
  • Occupied– Vacant
  • Unity– Division
  • Leave– Arrive
  • For– Against
  • Body– Soul
  • Soul– Body
  • Morning– Evening
  • Fortune– Bad Luck
  • Ill– Healthy
  • Horizontal– Vertical
  • Scatter – Collect
  • Grown-Up– Child
  • High– Deep
  • Correct – Incorrect
  • Master– Servant
  • Descendant– Ancestor
  • Finish– Begin
  • Hunger – Thirst
  • Silly– Intelligent
  • Land– Take Off
  • Include– Exclude
  • Difficult– Easy
  • Funny– Serious
  • Health– Disease
  • Brother– Sister
  • Right– Left
  • Lower– Raise
  • Modern– Ancient
  • Rear– Front
  • Well-Ill
  • Shelter– Exposure
  • Present– Past
  • Permit– Forbid
  • Connect– Separate
  • Ordinary– Special
  • Boring– Exciting
  • Minor– Major
  • Valley– Mountain
  • Alive – Dead
  • Prudent – Imprudent
  • Special– General
  • Dusk– Dawn
  • Active– Lazy

list of opposite words for kids in english list of opposite words for kids in english

  • Courage – Cowardice
  • Poor– Rich
  • Catch– Miss
  • Hilly– Flat
  • North– South
  • Attic– Cellar
  • Lend– Borrow
  • Cloudy– Clear
  • Private– Public
  • Simple– Complicated
  • Past– Future
  • Abundance– Lack
  • Particular– General
  • Light– Heavy
  • Handsome– Ugly
  • Intelligent– Silly
  • Strict– Gentle
  • Sorrow – Joy
  • Marry– Divorce
  • Forget– Remember
  • Junior– Senior
  • Amateur– Professional
  • Pretty– Ugly
  • Possible – Impossible
  • Question– Answer
  • Noisy– Quiet
  • Melt– Freeze
  • Protection– Attack
  • Opponent– Supporter
  • Angel– Devil
  • Admit – Deny
  • Alike– Different
  • Exclude– Include
  • Behind– In Front Of
  • Wealthy– Poor
  • Servant– Master
  • Out– In
  • Deny– Admit
  • Nobody– Everybody
  • Lofty – Lowly
  • Calm– Excited
  • Construction– Destruction
  • Vacant– Occupied
  • Live– Die
  • Night– Day
  • Lazy– Active
  • Let– Forbid
  • Compliment– Insult
  • Lie– Stand
  • Careful– Careless
  • Accidental– Intentional
  • Hasten – Dawdle
  • Complicated– Simple
  • Ascend – Descend
  • Outside– Inside
  • Generous – Mean
  • Attack– Defense
  • Answer– Ask
  • Married– Divorced
  • Vowel– Consonant
  • Attack – Defense
  • Moderate– Extreme
  • Bore– Amuse
  • Guest– Host

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  • Late– Early
  • Add– Subtract
  • Interrupt– Continue
  • Continue– Interrupt
  • Comedy– Drama
  • Whisper– Scream
  • Regret– Satisfaction
  • Presence– Absence
  • Import– Export
  • Pupil– Teacher
  • Early– Late
  • Hit– Miss

Opposite Words for Kids

  • Sunny– Cloudy
  • Borrow – Lend
  • Export– Import
  • Drama– Comedy
  • Useless– Useful
  • Cheap– Expensive
  • Defend– Attack
  • Sharp– Blunt
  • Useful– Useless
  • Advance – Retreat
  • Healthy– Ill
  • Affirmative– Negative
  • Stand– Lie
  • Die– Live
  • General– Particular
  • Animal– Human
  • Sink– Rise
  • Careless– Careful
  • Huge– Tiny
  • Emigration– Immigration
  • Boy– Girl
  • Certainly– Probably
  • Light– Dark
  • Now– Then
  • Large– Small


all opposite words a to z

all opposite words a to z all opposite words a to z

  • Rigid – Pliable
  • Dirty– Clean
  • Death– Birth
  • Succeed– Fail
  • Blunt – Sharp
  • Cunning – Simple
  • Already– Not Yet
  • Insult– Compliment
  • Immigration– Emigration
  • End– Beginning
  • Reduce– Increase
  • Never– Always
  • Follow– Lead
  • Giant– Tiny
  • Voluntary– Compulsory
  • Destroy– Build
  • Day– Night
  • Lovely– Terrible
  • Afraid– Brave
  • Laugh– Cry
  • Final– First
  • Centre– Outskirts
  • Pleasant– Awful
  • Children– Parents
  • Nephew– Niece
  • Poverty– Wealth
  • Accurate – Inaccurate
  • Arrive– Depart
  • Argue– Agree
  • Hate– Enjoy
  • Peace– War
  • Parents– Children
  • Quick– Slow
  • Protect– Attack
  • Less– More
  • Extreme– Moderate
  • Lose– Win
  • Frequently– Occasionally
  • Devil– Angel
  • Summer– Winter
  • Future– Past
  • Mean– Generous
  • Nasty– Nice
  • Pass– Fail
  • Brave– Cowardly
  • Divorce– Marry
  • After– Before
  • Hate – Love
  • Asleep– Awake
  • Compulsory– Voluntary
  • Serious – Trivial
  • Professional– Amateur
  • Small– Big
  • Little – Large
  • Push– Pull
  • Arrival– Departure
  • Consonant– Vowel
  • Courteous – Discourteous
  • Last– First
  • Quiet– Loud
  • Give– Take
  • Left– Right
  • Divorce– Marriage
  • Order– Mess
  • Stand– Sit
  • Domestic– Foreign
  • Create– Destroy
  • Happy– Sad
  • Minimum– Maximum
  • Spring– Autumn
  • Dangerous– Safe
  • Allow– Forbid
  • Beautiful – Ugly
  • Girl– Boy
  • Short– Long
  • Suburb– Centre

100 opposite words in english pdf

  • Empty– Full
  • Polite– Rude
  • Part– Whole
  • Exposure– Shelter
  • Awful– Nice
  • Departure– Arrival
  • Send– Receive
  • East– West
  • End– Begin
  • Love– Hate
  • Cool– Warm
  • Honest – Dishonest
  • Interesting – Uninteresting
  • Failure– Success
  • Cold– Hot
  • Constant– Changeable
  • Sun– Moon
  • Imprison – Free
  • Build– Destroy
  • Advantage – Disadvantage
  • Far– Near
  • Come– Go
  • Misunderstand – Understand
  • Healthy – Unhealthy
  • Courageous– Cowardly
  • Back– In Front Of
  • Asleep – Awake
  • Elementary– Advanced
  • Deep– Shallow
  • Upstairs– Downstairs
  • Exciting– Boring
  • Intentional – Accidental
  • Miss– Catch
  • Same– Different
  • Gloomy – Cheerful
  • Nothing– Everything
  • Village– Town
  • Capable – Incapable
  • Ascent– Descent
  • Delicious– Awful
  • Salt– Sugar
  • Artificial– Natural
  • Raise– Lower
  • Near– Distant
  • Inferior – Superior
  • Long– Short
  • Powerful– Weak
  • Heat– Cold
  • Inside– Outside
  • Cellar– Attic
  • Rich– Poor
  • Harvest– Plant
  • False– True
  • Female– Male
  • Satisfaction– Regret
  • Low– High
  • Happiness– Sadness
  • Emigrate– Immigrate
  • Start– Stop
  • Sit– Stand
  • Loud– Quiet
  • Life– Death
  • Urban– Rural
  • Accept– Refuse
  • Ancestor– Descendant
  • Answer– Question
  • Dead– Alive
  • Major– Minor
  • Notice– Ignore
  • Annoy– Satisfy
  • Descent– Ascent
  • Destruction– Construction
  • Lack– Abundance
  • Over– Under
  • Distant– Near
  • Odd– Even
  • Disease– Health
  • Changeable– Constant
  • Calm – Troubled
  • Clean– Dirty
  • Abundant – Scarce
  • Cry– Whisper
  • Wide– Narrow
  • Water– Land
  • NotYet – Already
  • Ancestor– Descendant
  • Child– Adult
  • Absence – Presence
  • Fresh– Old/Stale
  • Borrow– Lend
  • Hinder – Aid
  • Victory– Defeat
  • Fix– Break
  • Fail– Succeed
  • Reply– Question
  • Narrow– Broad
  • Blame – Praise
  • Bravery – Cowardice
  • Solid– Liquid
  • Attack– Defend
  • Fat– Slim
  • Even– Odd
  • Equal– Different
  • Broad– Narrow
  • Free– Arrest
  • Evening– Morning
  • Little– Much
  • Dry– Humid
  • Monarchy– Republic
  • Break– Fix
  • Rise– Sink
  • Separate– Connect
  • Beautiful– Ugly
  • Answer – Question
  • Desperate– Hopeful
  • Knowledge – Ignorance
  • Dark– Light
  • Bitter – Sweet
  • Human– Animal
  • Backward– Forward
  • Ugliness– Beauty
  • Justice – Injustice
  • Violent– Gentle
  • Bad– Good
  • Scream– Whisper

list of opposite words for kids

  • Rainy– Sunny
  • Against– For
  • Form– Destroy
  • Republic– Dictatorship
  • Strong – Weak
  • Sell– Buy
  • Under– Over
  • Rough– Smooth
  • About– Exactly
  • Rural– Urban
  • Off– On
  • Land– Water
  • Sugar– Salt
  • Rough– Gentle
  • Approval – Disapproval
  • Plenty– Lack
  • Ugly– Beautiful
  • War– Peace
  • Big– Small
  • Gentle – Rough
  • Cowardly– Brave
  • Niece– Nephew
  • Giant – Dwarf
  • Humid– Dry
  • Rest– Work
  • Single– Married
  • GoodLuck – Bad Luck
  • Open– Closed
  • Some– Many
  • Security– Danger
  • Negative– Affirmative
  • Mess– Order
  • Find– Lose
  • Expensive– Cheap
  • Here– There
  • Satisfactory – Unsatisfactory
  • Male– Female
  • Midnight– Noon
  • Receive– Send
  • Attention – Inattention
  • Excited– Calm
  • Artificial – Natural
  • Mend– Break
  • Best– Worst
  • Foreign– Domestic
  • Public– Private
  • Son– Daughter
  • Maximum– Minimum
  • Defence– Attack
  • Admit– Deny
  • Normal– Strange
  • Student– Teacher
  • Occasionally– Frequently
  • Horizontal – Vertical
  • Entrance– Exit
  • Beginning – Ending
  • Absence– Presence
  • Host– Guest
  • Rapid – Slow
  • Below– Above
  • Division– Unity
  • Before– After
  • Reply– Ask
  • Save– Spend
  • Often– Seldom
  • Approximately– Exactly
  • Fast– Slow
  • Down– Up
  • Agree – Disagree

opposite words a to z

Must Learn prepositional Phrases

  • Silent– Noisy
  • Begin– End
  • Hungry– Thirsty
  • Native– Foreigner
  • No– Yes
  • Shallow– Deep
  • South– North
  • Loser– Winner
  • Sometimes– Often
  • Go– Come
  • Man– Woman
  • Rude– Polite
  • Danger– Security
  • Up– Down
  • Adult– Child
  • Weak– Powerful
  • Men– Women
  • Sadness– Happiness
  • Always– Never
  • Partial– Total
  • Learn– Teach
  • Defeat– Victory
  • Divorced– Married
  • Enter– Leave
  • Gentleman– Lady
  • Repair– Damage
  • Husband– Wife
  • Accept – Refuse
  • Clear– Cloudy
  • Pull– Push
  • Sick– Healthy
  • Slow– Fast
  • Immense – Tiny
  • Lazy – Industrious
  • Smooth– Rough
  • Beauty– Ugliness
  • More– Less
  • Downstairs– Upstairs
  • Happy – Sad
  • Dictatorship– Republic
  • On– Offopposite words a to z
  • Easy– Difficult
  • West– East
  • Vertical– Horizontal
  • Unite– Divide
  • Broad – Narrow
  • Comfort – Discomfort
  • Soft– Hard
  • Autumn– Spring
  • Interesting– Boring
  • Hot– Cold
  • Foreground– Background
  • Sad– Happy
  • Exit– Entrance
  • Heavy– Light
  • Ceiling– Floor
  • Natural– Artificial
  • Careful – Rush
  • Visitor– Host
  • Cruel – Kind
  • Serious– Funny
  • Daughter– Son
  • Alive– Dead
  • Many– Few
  • Seldom– Often
  • Sour– Sweet
  • Liquid– Solid
  • Ignore– Notice
  • Innocent– Guilty
  • Full– Empty
  • Old– Modern
  • Plant– Harvest
  • Interior – Exterior
  • Correct– Wrong
  • Kind– Cruel
  • Forward– Backward
  • Strong– Weak
  • Increase– Reduce
  • Foreigner– Native
  • Closed– Open
  • Buy– Sell
  • Harmful – Harmless
  • Sister– Brother
  • In Front Of – Back
  • Birth– Death
  • Nice– Awful
  • Open– Closed
  • Forbid– Allow
  • Hopeful– Desperate
  • Safe– Dangerous
  • Divide– Unite
  • Antonym– Synonym
  • Slim– Fat
  • Agree– Refuse
  • Right– Wrong
  • Conceal – Reveal
  • Noon– Midnight

list of opposite words for kids


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