List of Homophones in English

Welcome to the “List of Homophones,” where we delve into the fascinating realm of words that sound alike but are spelled differently and carry distinct meanings. Homophones are a common source of confusion in English, often leading to amusing misunderstandings and errors in writing. In this section, we aim to equip you with the knowledge to distinguish these tricky pairs, providing clear examples and explanations to enhance your understanding. Perfect for students, teachers, and anyone keen on mastering English, this guide will help you navigate the tricky waters of homophones with ease and confidence. Join us as we explore these sound-alikes in detail!

List of Homophones

  • Guest – Guessed
  • Links – Lynx
  • Board – Bored
  • Dam – Damn
  • Phase – Faze
  • Throne – Thrown
  • Sole – Soul
  • Waist – Waste
  • Berry – Bury
  • Hole – Whole
  • Tale – Tail
  • Brake – Break
  • Feet – Feat
  • Knot – Not
  • Pair – Pear
  • Flour – Flower
  • Sail – Sale
  • Sweet – Suite
  • Cite – Sight
  • Bored – Board
  • Son – Sun
  • Pail – Pale
  • Male – Mail
  • Profit – Prophet
  • Sight – Site
  • Foul – Fowl
  • Stake – Steak
  • Bee – Be
  • Reed – Read
  • Leak – Leek
  • Lessen – Lesson
  • Idle – Idol
  • Die – Dye
  • Crews – Cruise
  • Flower – Flour
  • Hart – Heart
  • Vane – Vain
  • Heal – Heel
  • Hear – Here
  • Knows – Nose
  • Made – Maid
  • Need – Knead
  • One – Won
  • Paws – Pause
  • Roe – Row
  • Scene – Seen
  • Sew – So
  • Too – Two
  • Vice – Vise
  • Week – Weak
  • Won – One
  • Wright – Right
  • Yoke – Yolk
  • Your – You’re
  • Aisle – Isle
  • Base – Bass
  • Byte – Bite
  • Chord – Cord
  • Dear – Deer
  • Doe – Dough
  • Fir – Fur
  • Gait – Gate
  • Herd – Heard
  • Hue – Hew
  • Inn – In
  • Jewel – Joule
  • Laps – Lapse
  • Meat – Meet
  • Mints – Mince
  • Moose – Mousse
  • Muse – Mews
  • Oar – Or
  • Pain – Pane
  • Peal – Peel
  • Plane – Plain
  • Principal – Principle
  • Rain – Rein
  • Real – Reel
  • Role – Roll
  • Sea – See
  • Steal – Steel
  • Tail – Tale
  • Tea – Tee
  • Threw – Through
  • Toad – Towed
  • Vial – Vile
  • Wail – Whale
  • We’ll – Wheel
  • Wear – Where
  • Which – Witch
  • Aloud – Allowed
  • Billed – Build
  • Byte – Byte
  • Cents – Scents
  • Chili – Chilly
  • Chute – Shoot
  • Creak – Creek
  • Currant – Current
  • Dual – Duel
  • Ewe – You
  • Forth – Fourth
  • Gild – Guild
  • Hail – Hale
  • Heard – Herd
  • Heir – Air
  • Hi – High
  • Humerus – Humorous
  • I – Eye
  • Kernel – Colonel
  • Lea – Lee
  • Loan – Lone
  • Maiden – Midden
  • Manner – Manor
  • Martial – Marshal
  • Might – Mite
  • Morning – Mourning
  • Muscle – Mussel
  • Naval – Navel
  • Ode – Owed
  • Peek – Peak
  • Peer – Pier
  • Plane – Plain
  • Pray – Prey
  • Rapped – Wrapped
  • Read – Red
  • Right – Rite
  • Road – Rode
  • Roe – Row
  • Sail – Sale
  • Seam – Seem
  • Serial – Cereal
  • Sole – Soul
  • Stair – Stare
  • Stationary – Stationery
  • Steel – Steal
  • Sue – Suede
  • Tacks – Tax
  • Their – There
  • Thyme – Time
  • To – Too
  • Toe – Tow
  • Vice – Vise
  • Wade – Weighed
  • Wares – Wears
  • Weather – Whether
  • Weigh – Way
  • Whine – Wine
  • Wood – Would
  • Wrapped – Rapped
  • Yore – Your

Must Learn: Confusing words | Similar Words

Homophones List of Words | Images

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