List adverbs of manner | Examples of adverbs of manner Pdf

List adverbs of manner! Adverbs of manner are that in which how something is happen. For example it is possible how to run at speed in which speed may be low or high and the word that describes the different speed is called Adverbs of Manner

It has two types Positive adverb of manner and Negative.

What Are Adverbs Of Manner?

They are usually formed from an adjective by adding -ly.

We are categorizing them into two basic categories:

  1. Positive Manner
  2. Negative Manner

List adverbs of manner

Positive adverb of manner

  • Easily
  • Rapidly
  • Justly
  • Eagerly
  • Patiently
  • Politely
  • Gladly
  • Perfectly
  • Elegantly
  • Joyously
  • Equally
  • Powerfully
  • Obediently

list adverbs of manner

list of adverbs of manner in English

  • Quickly
  • Quietly
  • Openly
  • Cheerfully
  • Frankly
  • Honestly
  • Beautifully
  • Generously
  • Gently
  • Neatly
  • Bravely
  • Promptly
  • Calmly
  • Kindly
  • Faithfully
  • Carefully
  • Well
  • Cautiously
  • Boldly

Examples of adverbs of manner

Negative Manner

  • Inadequately
  • Poorly
  • Blindly
  • Sadly
  • Hungrily
  • Violently
  • Roughly
  • Stupidly
  • Angrily
  • Shyly
  • Painfully
  • Greedily
  • Cruelly
  • Anxiously
  • Frantically
  • Recklessly
  • Awkwardly
  • Tensely
  • Carelessly
  • Irritably
  • Nervously
  • Badly
  • Lazily
  • Rudely
  • Madly
  • Suspiciously
  • Loudly
  • Hastily
  • Noisily
  • Selfishly
  • Foolishly

list of adverbs of manner pdf

Positive and negative adverbs of manners

  • Badly
  • Selfishly
  • Anxiously
  • Rudely
  • Awkwardly
  • Foolishly
  • Shyly
  • Madly
  • Greedily
  • Frantically
  • Tensely
  • Carelessly
  • Noisily
  • Angrily
  • Poorly
  • Stupidly
  • Hungrily
  • Nervously
  • Lazily
  • Painfully
  • Violently
  • Blindly
  • Suspiciously
  • Hastily
  • Inadequately
  • Irritably
  • Recklessly
  • Roughly
  • Loudly
  • Sadly
  • Cruelly

Position of Adverb of manner

We can use the adverb of the manner in the following Positions in a sentence.

  1. It usually comes after the main verb.


  • She works faster.
  • He can cook nicely.
  • He ran fastly.
  • I will eat tomorrow.
  • He sings beautifully.
  • He played not well.
  • The dog ran fast (fast is an irregular verb so don’t say ‘fastly’)
  1. Sometimes adverbs of manner come after the direct object.


  • She can beat the drum Softly.
  • He can makeup Bridals  very Beautifully.
  • She types the message Quickly.
  1. We can also use the adverb of manner before a verb in some cases.


  • She can Beautifully Makeup Bridals.
  • She hurriedly types the message.
  1. In the case of a sentence with preposition always use the adverb of manner before preposition or after the main object.


  • Naira can play nicely in the game. (correct)
  • Naira can play in the game, nicely. (correct)
  1. When more than one verbs are in a sentence.

When there is more than one verb in a sentence, the position of the adverb is very important.

  1. Placed with verb (It will modify the meaning of verb)
  2. At the end of the sentence (it describes the manner of the whole action describe din the clause)


  • She slowly decided to leave the party. (slowly modifies decided.)
  • She decided to leave the party slowly. (slowly modifies leave the party.)
  1. Case of Intransitive verbs.(Verbs without object)

The adverb of manner should place immediately after the verb.


His enemies were killed badly.

what are the adverbs of manner

Also learn about List of strong adverbs

You can Download list of adverbs of manner in English


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