Opposite words in English. Opposite words are words that have opposite meanings. They are often used in language to create contrast, emphasize differences or show degrees of comparison. Opposite words can be found in all languages and play an important role in communication.
Must Learn: Words of Encouragement
Opposite words in English
Best Opposite Word in English
Here are ten pairs of opposite words with example sentences:
Hot – Cold: She prefers her coffee hot, but he likes it cold.
Good – Bad: That was a good movie, but this one is bad.
Up – Down: He climbed up the ladder and then came back down.
Happy – Sad: She was happy to see her friends, but became sad when they had to leave.
Young – Old: The young girl played with her toys while the old man watched.
Big – Small: The elephant was big, but the mouse was small.
Light – Dark: She turned on the light to see in the dark room.
Rich – Poor: The rich businessman bought a new car, but the poor family struggled to pay their bills.
Strong – Weak: He lifted the heavy weights easily because he was strong, but she struggled because she was weak.
Fast – Slow: The car drove fast on the highway, but slowed down in the city traffic.
Important …….Unimportant | Admit …….Reject |
Firm …….Flabby | Stand …… Sit |
Most ……Least | Accept …….Refuse |
Agree …….Disagree | Tragic ……Comic |
Child …….Adult | Loyal …….Disloyal |
Nephew ……Niece | Compel…… …….Simple |
Full ……Empty | Forget …….Remember |
Lonely ……Crowded | Capable …….Incapable |
Negative …….Positive | Smooth …….Rough |
Behind …….In Front Of | Evil …….Good |
Free …….Restricted | Few …….Many |
Broad …… Narrow | Abundant …….Scarce |
Student ……Teacher | Tame ……Wild |
Throw …….Catch | Arrival ……Departure |
Complicated ……Simple | Lenient …….Strict |
Possible …….Impossible | Feeble …….Strong |
Poverty …….Wealth | Short ……Tall |
Cruel…… Kind | Likely ……Unlikely |
Superior…… Inferior | Always …….Never |
Timid ……Bold | Selfish ……Generous |
Moon ……Sun | Grief ……Joy |
Plural …….Singular | Doubt …….Trust |
Leave …….Stay | Thin ……Thick |
Sow …….Reap | Inside …….Outside |
Top ……Bottom | Sad ……Happy |
Discourage …….Encourage | Loose ……Tight |
Toward ……Away | Tall …….Short |
Predator …….Prey | Artificial ……Natural |
Rapid …….Slow | Accurate …….Inaccurate |
Victory ……Defeat | Giant ……Dwarf |
Hero …….Coward | Private …….Public |
Cold ……Hot | Lazy …….Diligent |
Correct …….Wrong | Single …….Married |
Strengthen …….Weaken | Smart …….Stupid |
Rare …….Common | Harmful …….Harmless |
Admire …….Detest | Liquid ……Solid |
Now …….Then | General…… Particular |
Before …….After | Polite …….Impolite |
Boring …….Interesting | Famous …….Unknown |
Confess …… Deny | Floor ……Ceiling |
Early ……Late | Light ……Heavy |
Low ……High | Remember…… Forget |
Rich …….Poor | Adjacent …….Distant |
Fi…… ……Break | Occupied ……Vacant |
Pessimistic ……Optimistic | Brief …….Long |
Mature ……Immature | Elementary ……Advanced |
Push …….Pull | Ignorant …….Educated |
Break …….Repair | Fat …….Thin |
Lock …….Unlock | Curly ……Straight |
Give …….Receive | Warm ……Cool |
There ……Here | Despair …….Hope |
Close …….Open | Delicious ……Awful |
Large …….Small | Little…… Much |
Debit…… Credit | Dim …….Bright |
Noisy …….Quiet | Together ……Apart |
Pure …….Impure | Sharp…… Dull |
Long ……Short | Conceal …….Reveal |
Night …….Day | Adore …….Hate |
Brother …….Sister | Nasty …….Pleasant |
Happy…… Unhappy | War …….Peace |
Lazy ……Hardworking | Whole ……Part |
Shout …….Whisper | Float ……Sink |
Back …….Front | Near ……Distant |
Generous ……Stingy | Old …….Young |
Heaven ……Hell | Legal …….Illegal |
Ancient …….Modern | Give…… Take |
Hard ……Soft | Lose ……Win |
Regular …….Irregular | Weak…… Strong |
Tough …….Tender | Day ……Night |
Miss ……Catch/ Hit | Real …….Fake |
False ……True | Part …….Whole |
Tight…… Loose | Put On …….Take Off |
Secondhand …….New | Joy…… Sorrow |
Plentiful …….Scarce | Advance …….Retreat |
Work ……Rest | Healthy ……Sick |
Boy …….Girl | Vanish …….Appear |
Straight …….Crooked | Speed Up …….Slow Down |
Wide ……Narrow | Over …….Under |
He …….She | Poverty …….Riches |
Gloomy ……Cheerful | Make…… Mar/Break |
Doctor …….Patient | Humid ……Dry |
Lost ……Found | Combine …….Separate |
Fat ……Skinny | Success …….Failure |
Slave …….Master | Vertical …….Horizontal |
Seller …….Buyer | Risky …….Safe |
Safety ……Danger | Synonym …….Antonym |
Noon…….Midnight | Ability…… Inability |
Sit …….Stand | Bare …….Covered |
Evening …….Morning | Above …….Below |
Junior …….Senior | Cautious …….Careless |
None …….Some | High ……Low |
In …….Out | Joy …….Grief |
Lie ……Truth | Strong ……Weak |
Natural…… Artificial | Win …….Lose |
Landlord …….Tenant | Difficult …….Easy |
Busy …….Idle | Able …….Unable |
Careful ……Careless | Quick…… Slow |
Noise…… Silence | A Lot …….A Little |
Attack ……Defend | Relevant …….Irrelevant |
Moist ……Dry | Heavy ……Light |
Alone …….Together | Sleep …….Wake Up |
Hire ……Fire | Buy ……Sell |
Strict …….Lenient | Sturdy ……Weak |
Tragedy…… Comedy | Find …….Lose |
Birth …….Death | Neat …….Messy |
Bore ……Amuse | More ……Less |
Compliment ……Insult | Profit…… Loss |
Optimistic …….Pessimistic | Winter ……Summer |
Same ……Different | Honor…… Dishonor |
Defend ……Attack | Catch ……Miss |
Prose…… Poetry | Comedy ……Drama |
Vacant ……Occupied | Narrow …….Broad |
Old …….New | Ask ……Answer |
Vague …….Definite | Satisfied …….Dissatisfied |
Friend …….Enemy | Chilly …….Warm |
Oral…… Written | Clean …….Dirty |
Demand …….Supply | Pre …….Post |
Acquire…… Lose | Satisfaction ……Regret |
Funny …….Sad | Employer …….Employee |
Harsh …….Mild | Powerful …….Weak |
Immigration ……Emigration | Yes ……No |
Arrest ……Free | Effective …….Ineffective |
Up …….Down | Calm …….Windy |
Beautiful …….Ugly | Dark ……Light |
Continue …….Interrupt | Bottom …….Top |
Lazy …….Industrious | Accept …….Decline |
Praise …….Criticism | Freedom…… Slavery |
Cool …….Warm | Fortunate …….Unfortunate |
Temporary ……Permanent | Clever …….Foolish |
Care…… Neglect | Useful ……Useless |
Valley ……Mountain | Odd ……Even |
Spend ……Earn | Sunny ……Cloudy |
Bitter …….Sweet | Never ……Always |
Small ……Big | Blame …….Praise |
Dead ……Alive | All …….None |
Triumph ……Defeat | Follow ……Lead |
Frown …….Smile | True ……False |
Complete …….Incomplete | Tidy ……Messy |
Fall …….Rise | Damage …….Improve |
Presence…… Absence | Instructor …….Pupil |
Ill ……Healthy | Crazy …….Sane |
In Front Of ……Back | Loser ……Winner |
Busy ……Lazy | Clever …….Stupid |
Important …….Trivial | Virtue …….Vice |
Smile…… Frown | Lawful …….Unlawful |
Miser …….Spendthrift | Forbid ……Allow |
Asleep ……Awake | On …….Off |
New ……Ancient | Superb ……Inferior |
Domestic…… Wild | Transparent …….Opaque |
Bright …….Dull | Dawn …….Sunset |
Sadness ……Happiness | Save ……Spend |
Knowledge…… Ignorance | Easy …….Hard |
Best …….Worst | High…… Low |
Soft ……Hard | Ignore ……Notice |
Ally …….Enemy | Male …….Female |
Against …….For | Tie …….Untie |
Satisfy ……Annoy | Natural …….Artificial |
Comfort …….Discomfort | Permanent …….Temporary |
Slim ……Fat | Fact …….Fiction |
Beginning …….Conclusion | Near …….Distance |
Melt …….Freeze | Earth …….Sky |
Abate …….Increase | Patient ……Impatient |
Off ……On | Love ……Hate |
Spend …….Save | Simple …….Hard |
Marvelous ……Terrible | Flat ……Hilly |
Ugly ……Beautiful | Husband ……Wife |
Yesterday ……Tomorrow | Forward …….Backward |
Fine…… Coarse | Youth…… Aged |
Fast …….Slow | East …….West |
Advantage …….Disadvantage | Stay ……Leave |
Death ……Birth | Bold …….Timid |
Amuse …….Bore | Black …….White |
Permanent…… Temporary | Understand …….Misunderstand |
Rough…… Smooth | Distant ……Near |
Big ……Small | Defeat ……Victory |
Reject…… Accept | Harvest ……Plant |
Terrible …….Wonderful | Wild…… Domestic/Tame |
Slow ……Fast | Fake …….Real |
Right …….Left | Dangerous…… Safe |
Present ……Past | First …….Last |
Justice …….Injustice | Live …….Die |
Talkative ……Taciturn | Stop …….Go |
Deep ……Shallow | Tough …….Easy |
Bad …….Good | Amateur …….Professional |
Safe ……Dangerous | Bring …….Remove |
Big …….Little | Prudent …….Imprudent |
Nasty …….Nice | Capture …….Release |
Earn…… Spend | White ……Black |
This…… That | Increase …….Decrease |
Majority…… Minority | Dishonest ……Honest |
Countryman …….Foreigner | Easy ……Difficult |
Near …….Far | Laugh …….Cry |
Unsafe …….Safe | Change …….Remain |
Vast …….Tiny | Notice …….Ignore |
Captive …….Free | Freeze ……Boil |
Girl ……Boy | Presence ……Absence |
Add …….Subtract | Ma……Imam ……Minimum |
Man ……Woman | Correct …….Incorrect |
Give ……Receive/ Take | Like ……Dislike |
Giant …….Tiny | Body ……Soul |
Grow …….Shrink | Barren…… Fertile |
Start …….Finish | Emigrate ……Immigrate |
Ceiling ……Floor | North …….South |
Create …….Destroy | Achieve …….Fail |
Nadir …….Zenith | Noisy …….Silent |
Pass …….Fail | Ascent ……Descent |
Close ……Far | Private ……Public |
Negative ……Affirmative | Arrive ……Depart |
Already ……Not Yet | Fiction ……Fact |
Daytime …….Midnight | Brighten …….Fade |
Better …….Worse | Guilty ……Innocent |
Wisdom…… Folly | Bold…… Timid |
Rude …….Courteous | Go ……Come |
Huge ……Tiny | Start ……Stop |
Foreground ……Background | Lost…… Found |
Forgive ……Blame | Allow …….Forbid |
Dirty ……Clean | Copy …….Original |
Friendly ……Unfriendly | Begin …….End |
Mi…… ……Separate | Trap …….Release |
Right …….Wrong | Teach ……Learn |
Marry …….Divorce | Pretty …….Ugly |
Open …….Shut | Argue ……Agree |
Tolerant …….Intolerant | Gentle ……Rough |
Fail ……Pass | Stop…… Start |
Fresh …….Stale | Upstairs …….Downstairs |
Boundless …….Limited | Merry …….Sad |
Visible …….Invisible | Dark …….Bright |
Unqualified …….Qualified | Loud ……Quiet |
Polite …….Rude | Hungry ……Full |
Secure …….Insecure | Here …….There |
Servant …….Master | Started ……Finished |
Empty ……Full | Bless …….Curse |
Sour ……Sweet | Opposite …….Same |
Wrong…… Right | Brave …….Cowardly |
Receive…… Give | Kind…… Cruel |
Young ……Old | Courage …….Cowardice |
Ripe…… Raw | For ……Against |
Within …….Outside | Foolish ……Wise |
Alive …….Dead | Abortive …….Successful |
Good…… Bad | Major ……Minor |
Blunt …….Sharp | Cheerful …….Sad |