50 Slang Words For Diarrhea

Slang words for Diarrhea is an unpleasant but common ailment that everyone experiences at some point. While the medical term is well-known, there are numerous slang expressions people use to describe this uncomfortable situation. These colorful and often humorous terms can vary widely based on region, culture, and context.

In this blog, we will explore a variety of slang words for diarrhea, providing definitions and examples to help you understand and maybe even laugh a little. Whether you’re an English learner looking to expand your vocabulary or simply curious about the creative ways people talk about digestive distress, this list will give you an interesting insight into how language can turn even the most unpleasant experiences into something a bit more bearable.

Slang Words For Diarrhea

Meaning: Loose, frequent bowel movements
Example: I had the runs all night.


Meaning: Urgent need to defecate frequently
Example: The bad food gave me trots.


Meaning: Forceful, liquid bowel movements
Example: He got the squirts after bad seafood.


Meaning: Informal term for bowel movements
Example: Too much spice gave him dookies.


Meaning: Sudden, liquid bowel movements
Example: That greasy burger caused a mudslide.

Liquid Lava

Meaning: Extremely liquid bowel movements
Example: He described his experience as liquid lava.

Hershey Squirts

Meaning: Chocolate-colored liquid stools
Example: He got the Hershey squirts from dinner.

Belly Blast

Meaning: Explosive, urgent diarrhea
Example: The stomach bug caused a belly blast.

Toilet Sprint

Meaning: Urgent rush to the bathroom
Example: He had to do a toilet sprint quickly.


Meaning: Severe and uncontrollable diarrhea
Example: The food poisoning caused a poopocalypse.


Meaning: Forceful, liquid bowel movements
Example: The bad water gave him a gush.

Loosey Goosey

Meaning: Very loose bowel movements
Example: He ate something bad and got loosey goosey.

Bum Pee

Meaning: Very watery bowel movements
Example: The illness gave him bum pee.

Crap Attack

Meaning: Sudden, intense need to defecate
Example: The bad taco caused a crap attack.

Butt Soup

Meaning: Extremely liquid bowel movements
Example: He joked about making butt soup.


Meaning: Combination of liquid stool and gas
Example: He laughed about accidentally sharting.

Booty Blowout

Meaning: Explosive, uncontrollable diarrhea
Example: The chili caused a booty blowout.

Rear River

Meaning: Constant, flowing bowel movements
Example: The stomach flu created a rear river.

Brown Water

Meaning: Watery, brown bowel movements
Example: He suffered from brown water for days.

Flush Fest

Meaning: Frequent and forceful diarrhea
Example: The bad seafood caused a flush fest.

Bowels on Fire

Meaning: Painful, burning diarrhea
Example: Spicy food set his bowels on fire.

Montezuma’s Revenge

Meaning: Traveler’s diarrhea, often in Mexico
Example: He got Montezuma’s revenge on vacation.

Diarrhea Blast

Meaning: Sudden, powerful diarrhea
Example: That undercooked meat caused a diarrhea blast.

Intestinal Tsunami

Meaning: Overwhelming, massive diarrhea
Example: The virus led to an intestinal tsunami.

Gut Gremlins

Meaning: Causes of sudden, explosive diarrhea
Example: The street food unleashed gut gremlins.

Poop Storm

Meaning: Intense, uncontrollable diarrhea
Example: The spoiled milk caused a poop storm.

Bum Bombs

Meaning: Explosive and sudden diarrhea
Example: Those burritos set off bum bombs.

Dump Dive

Meaning: Urgent and frequent diarrhea
Example: He took a dump dive all night.

Splatter Matter

Meaning: Messy and uncontrollable bowel movements
Example: The dodgy takeaway resulted in splatter matter.

Fecal Fury

Meaning: Intense, uncontrollable diarrhea
Example: The virus triggered a fecal fury.

Bottom Blast

Meaning: Powerful and sudden diarrhea
Example: He experienced a bottom blast after dinner.

Plop Plague

Meaning: Widespread, uncontrollable diarrhea
Example: The contaminated water caused plop plague.

Rhea Rampage

Meaning: Intense, forceful diarrhea
Example: The bad shellfish caused a rhea rampage.

Bum Blitz

Meaning: Rapid, uncontrollable bowel movements
Example: The virus led to a bum blitz.

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Slang Words For Diarrhea

Colon Chaos

Meaning: Severe and unpredictable diarrhea
Example: He experienced colon chaos after eating out.

Stool Surge

Meaning: Sudden and forceful bowel movements
Example: The undercooked chicken caused a stool surge.

Gut Gush

Meaning: Intense, liquid bowel movements
Example: The flu virus led to gut gush.

Tummy Torrent

Meaning: Powerful, rapid diarrhea
Example: The bad salad caused a tummy torrent.

Poo Flood

Meaning: Excessive, uncontrollable diarrhea
Example: He endured a poo flood last night.


Meaning: Sudden, forceful bowel movements
Example: The dodgy seafood led to splashdown.

Booty Blowout

Meaning: Severe, explosive diarrhea
Example: The street food caused a booty blowout.

Stomach Storm

Meaning: Severe and intense diarrhea
Example: He faced a stomach storm after dinner.

Poop Surge

Meaning: Rapid, uncontrollable diarrhea
Example: The expired milk caused a poop surge.


Meaning: Explosive and uncontrollable diarrhea
Example: He joked about experiencing a bowelsplosion.

Loose Cannon

Meaning: Unpredictable, explosive diarrhea
Example: The food poisoning made him a loose cannon.


Meaning: Disastrous and severe diarrhea
Example: The bad sushi caused a craptastrophe.

Soft Serve

Meaning: Very soft, liquid stool
Example: The dodgy meat led to soft serve.

Digestive Deluge

Meaning: Massive, overwhelming diarrhea
Example: He faced a digestive deluge after dinner.

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