100+ Spoken English Sentences Everyday

Spoken English plays a crucial role in everyday communication, serving as the bridge between individuals from diverse backgrounds. Mastering daily English sentences not only enhances one’s ability to express thoughts clearly but also boosts confidence in social and professional settings. Whether it’s engaging in small talk, asking for directions, or discussing work-related matters, having a repertoire of common spoken English sentences at your disposal is invaluable.

This collection aims to provide a variety of phrases and sentences that you can use in various everyday scenarios, helping you navigate through conversations with ease and fluency. From casual greetings to more complex expressions, these sentences are designed to equip you with the practical language skills necessary for effective communication.


Spoken English Sentences Everyday

  • Please call me later.
  • How are you feeling?
  • I need some help here.
  • Let’s grab lunch soon.
  • Where is the nearest store?
  • Can you hear me?
  • I’m running late.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Keep the change.
  • Mind your manners.
  • Hold the door, please.
  • I love this song.
  • How much does it cost?
  • Check the weather report.
  • What time is it?
  • Wake me up early.
  • Are we there yet?
  • Pass the salt, please.
  • This is her book.
  • Can I try this on?
  • Keep the receipt.
  • Drive safely.
  • Who called earlier?
  • Speak clearly, please.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • I forgot my password.
  • The meeting’s cancelled.
  • What’s the Wi-Fi password?
  • I need a vacation.
  • Watch your step.
  • Let’s celebrate tonight!
  • Could you repeat that?
  • My phone died.
  • I lost my keys.
  • Let’s split the bill.
  • I’m starving.
  • What’s your favorite movie?
  • I don’t understand.
  • Please write it down.
  • Send me the details.
  • I’m exhausted.
  • Turn up the heat.
  • That’s very kind of you.
  • I’m not sure.
  • Can we reschedule?
  • Keep me posted.
  • Take your time.
  • He missed his flight.
  • This is too spicy.
  • Can you fix this?
  • I’d like coffee.
  • Stop teasing her.
  • Lock the door.
  • I feel great.
  • Follow me.
  • Watch this show.
  • Start without me.
  • It’s freezing outside.
  • Enjoy your meal!
  • That sounds fun.
  • I’ll handle it.
  • This way, please.
  • I’m allergic to peanuts.
  • Please be quiet.
  • What a surprise!
  • I need advice.
  • Don’t forget your ID.
  • That’s exactly right.
  • I appreciate it.
  • It’s pretty cold today.
  • You look tired.
  • Let’s take a break.
  • How long will this take?
  • I don’t feel well.
  • Make a wish.
  • That’s too bad.
  • Have a safe trip!
  • Do you agree?
  • Let’s get started.
  • I’m not interested.
  • Help yourself.
  • That’s hilarious!
  • Stop shouting.
  • I’m overwhelmed.
  • This tastes amazing!
  • Do the dishes.
  • He’s always late.
  • What’s the plan?
  • Just relax.
  • Leave a message.
  • This is important.
  • Explain it to me.
  • Any updates?
  • That’s incorrect.
  • Save your work.
  • What’s happening?
  • Stay focused.
  • He declined the offer.
  • Adjust the volume.
  • Close the window.
  • Could you suggest a movie?
  • I’d like to see the dessert menu.
  • Mind your backpack.
  • The bookshelf is uneven.
  • Juice spilled everywhere.
  • Organize these files.
  • Type the document.
  • Share these photos.
  • Breeze through the magazine.
  • Ponder these ideas.
  • Avoid crowded places.
  • Invest wisely.
  • Explore new hobbies.
  • Announce the winner.
  • Celebrate achievements.
  • Present your findings.
  • Observe carefully.
  • Discuss the project.
  • Restore old furniture.
  • Fold the laundry.
  • Paint the walls.
  • Design a new logo.
  • Sing loudly.
  • Dance freely.
  • Jog in the park.
  • Sneeze quietly.
  • Cough into your elbow.
  • Pack lightly.
  • Depart at dawn.
  • Greet everyone warmly.
  • Cherish these moments.
  • Dream big.
  • Adapt quickly.
  • Budget your expenses.
  • Light the candles.
  • Serve the guests.
  • Play the piano.
  • Repair the leak.
  • Return promptly.
  • Brew some tea.
  • Boil water.
  • Measure ingredients.
  • Bake cookies.
  • Sew the button.
  • Knit a scarf.
  • Iron the shirts.
  • Scrub the floor.
  • Dust the furniture.
  • Vacuum the rug.
  • Clean the windows.

Explore More Sentences:

Sentences for Students
Daily use of English Sentences

Daily Spoken English Sentences

  • Can you help me with this?
  • I can’t find my car keys.
  • Please turn down the music volume.
  • What would you like for lunch?
  • I need to charge my phone.
  • Could you please close the door?
  • I think we should leave now.
  • Where did you buy those shoes?
  • She has a very interesting job.
  • We need to clean the house.
  • I’ll meet you at the cafe.
  • How often do you exercise weekly?
  • Please pass the salt and pepper.
  • Could I have a glass of water?
  • I don’t like going out late.
  • We should catch up more often.
  • What time does the movie start?
  • Can you send me the report?
  • I’ve been thinking about your offer.
  • She can come with us tonight.
  • What are your plans for tomorrow?
  • I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.
  • You should wear your blue shirt.
  • He doesn’t understand the rules well.
  • Can we discuss this later today?
  • Why didn’t you call me back?
  • I didn’t expect you to come.
  • We need to submit it soon.
  • How long will you be staying?
  • I really appreciate your hard work.
  • Please don’t forget to lock the door.
  • I would like to order now.
  • What time will you be ready?
  • She likes to travel around Asia.
  • They are not coming to the party.
  • It was nice seeing you today.
  • Can you explain it to me again?
  • I should have done it yesterday.
  • There’s something wrong with this device.
  • How did you come up with that?
  • I need some advice on this matter.
  • Let’s take a different approach this time.
  • Can you pick up some groceries?
  • Why are you so late today?
  • I’ll call you when I arrive.
  • Can we take a short break?
  • You should check out this book.
  • I love spending time with family.
  • Please make sure to answer the emails.
  • What should I bring to the dinner?
  • He’s been working there for years.
  • Could we possibly start earlier tomorrow?
  • I think this color suits you.
  • Can you help me lift this?
  • She’s really good at playing piano.
  • They enjoyed their vacation in Italy.
  • I need to drop off the kids.
  • Please ensure all windows are shut.
  • What did you think of the film?
  • I can’t believe she said that.
  • Where will you be going after?
  • He forgot his wallet at home.
  • This book belongs to my brother.
  • We’ll need more time to decide.
  • Could you explain the directions again?
  • I wasn’t aware of the changes.
  • You should try this new restaurant.
  • Please keep an eye on the kids.
  • How long does the warranty last?
  • What ingredients do we need for the cake?
  • We should visit your parents soon.
  • Why is this taking so long?
  • I’ve never seen such a beautiful sunset.
  • You must see the new exhibit.
  • What do you think about this idea?
  • I haven’t seen him in a long time.
  • We could go hiking this weekend.
  • Can you check the oil in the car?
  • I wish I could stay longer.
  • What are you doing next weekend?
  • She always knows what to say.
  • Why did you choose this career?
  • This is my favorite song.
  • We should collaborate on this project.
  • Please remind me to call her.
  • How many people were at the meeting?
  • Don’t forget to water the plants.
  • What are your thoughts on this topic?
  • I’ve always wanted to visit New York.
  • Please turn off the lights before leaving.
  • You need to sign this document.
  • He always makes me laugh.
  • Can you see the difference?
  • She will join us for dinner.
  • How do you like your new apartment?
  • We can watch the game at my place.
  • Why don’t you take a day off?
  • Can you handle this task?
  • Please make sure everything is organized.
  • I didn’t expect to see you here.

spoken english sentences everyday

english speaking sentences in daily life pdf

spoken english sentences everyday

daily use 1000 english sentences

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