Adverbs That Start With O (List Of Adverbs)

In this article, we will journey through an array of adverbs starting with O, uncovering their origins, meanings, and usage in contemporary language. Whether you’re a language enthusiast or simply curious about how words can shape our communication, join us as we unravel the intriguing world of adverbs beginning with O. Get ready to be captivated by these often underappreciated linguistic treasures!

Adverbs That Start With O

  1. Obediently
    • Meaning: Compliantly
    • Sentence: Dog Waited Obediently For Dinner.
  2. Objectively
    • Meaning: Impartially
    • Sentence: Reviewed The Case Objectively.
  3. Obligingly
    • Meaning: Helpfully
    • Sentence: He Obligingly Opened The Door.
  4. Obscurely
    • Meaning: Unclearly
    • Sentence: Explained The Concept Obscurely.
  5. Obviously
    • Meaning: Clearly
    • Sentence: She Was Obviously Disappointed.
  6. Occasionally
    • Meaning: Sometimes
    • Sentence: Eats Out Occasionally On Weekends.
  7. Ominously
    • Meaning: Threateningly
    • Sentence: Clouds Loomed Ominously Overhead.
  8. Opportunely
    • Meaning: Timely
    • Sentence: Arrived Opportunely For Dinner.
  9. Outrageously
    • Meaning: Shockingly
    • Sentence: He Acted Outrageously At Parties.
  10. Outwardly
    • Meaning: Externally
    • Sentence: Outwardly Calm, Internally Nervous.
  11. Overconfidently
    • Meaning: Arrogantly
    • Sentence: He Spoke Overconfidently To Reporters.
  12. Overly
    • Meaning: Excessively
    • Sentence: She Was Overly Cautious Driving.
  13. Overtly
    • Meaning: Openly
    • Sentence: Overtly Criticized The Policy.
  14. Owlishly
    • Meaning: Wisely
    • Sentence: Looked Owlishly At The Puzzle.
  15. Oddly
    • Meaning: Strangely
    • Sentence: He Smiled Oddly During Talks.
  16. Offensively
    • Meaning: Insultingly
    • Sentence: Spoke Offensively At The Meeting.
  17. Offhandedly
    • Meaning: Casually
    • Sentence: Commented Offhandedly On The Topic.
  18. Officially
    • Meaning: Formally
    • Sentence: Announced Officially At The Conference.
  19. Oily
    • Meaning: Unctuously
    • Sentence: He Spoke Oily To Guests.
  20. Ominously
    • Meaning: Forebodingly
    • Sentence: Sky Darkened Ominously At Noon.
  21. Once
    • Meaning: Previously
    • Sentence: Once Worked As A Chef.
  22. Only
    • Meaning: Solely
    • Sentence: She Only Eats Vegetarian Food.
  23. Openly
    • Meaning: Publicly
    • Sentence: Openly Discussed Her Opinions.
  24. Opportunely
    • Meaning: Conveniently
    • Sentence: Arrived Opportunely For The Show.
  25. Oppressively
    • Meaning: Burdensomely
    • Sentence: Heat Felt Oppressively Overwhelming.
  26. Optimally
    • Meaning: Ideally
    • Sentence: Engine Tuned Optimally For Performance.
  27. Optimistically
    • Meaning: Hopefully
    • Sentence: Looked Optimistically Toward The Future.
  28. Orally
    • Meaning: Verbally
    • Sentence: Presented The Report Orally.
  29. Orderly
    • Meaning: Systematically
    • Sentence: Arranged Books Orderly On Shelves.
  30. Organically
    • Meaning: Naturally
    • Sentence: Farm Grows Vegetables Organically.
  31. Ostensibly
    • Meaning: Seemingly
    • Sentence: Ostensibly Happy, Secretly Sad.
  32. Outlandishly
    • Meaning: Bizarrely
    • Sentence: Dressed Outlandishly For The Party.
  33. Outrightly
    • Meaning: Completely
    • Sentence: Rejected The Offer Outrightly.
  34. Overbearingly
    • Meaning: Domineeringly
    • Sentence: Acted Overbearingly At Work.
  35. Overboard
    • Meaning: Excessively
    • Sentence: Went Overboard With Decorations.
  36. Overly
    • Meaning: Too
    • Sentence: He Was Overly Confident.
  37. Oversimplifying
    • Meaning: Trivializing
    • Sentence: Oversimplifying The Complex Issue.
  38. Overtly
    • Meaning: Blatantly
    • Sentence: Overtly Expressed His Dissatisfaction.
  39. Overwhelmingly
    • Meaning: Predominantly
    • Sentence: Won The Vote Overwhelmingly.
  40. Owlishly
    • Meaning: Intelligently
    • Sentence: Listened Owlishly To The Lecture.
  41. Own
    • Meaning: Personally
    • Sentence: Own Designed Her Website.
  42. Oxymoronically
    • Meaning: Contradictorily
    • Sentence: Spoke Oxymoronically About Policy.
  43. Oafishly
    • Meaning: Clumsily
    • Sentence: Walked Oafishly Down The Stairs.
  44. Obdurately
    • Meaning: Stubbornly
    • Sentence: Refused Obdurately To Compromise.
  45. Obliviously
    • Meaning: Unawarely
    • Sentence: Wandered Obliviously Into Danger.
  46. Obsessively
    • Meaning: Compulsively
    • Sentence: Cleaned Obsessively Every Day.
  47. Obstructively
    • Meaning: Hinderingly
    • Sentence: Acted Obstructively During Negotiations.
  48. Occultly
    • Meaning: Mysteriously
    • Sentence: Spoke Occultly Of Traditions.
  49. Occupationally
    • Meaning: Professionally
    • Sentence: Engaged Occupationally As A Writer.
  50. Oceanically
    • Meaning: Vastly
    • Sentence: Explored Oceanically Diverse Topics.
  51. Ochlocratically
    • Meaning: Mob-Ruled
    • Sentence: Governed Ochlocratically By Public Opinion.
  52. Octagonally
    • Meaning: Eight-Sided
    • Sentence: Designed Garden Octagonally.
  53. Ocularly
    • Meaning: Visually
    • Sentence: Examined Ocularly By The Doctor.
  54. Odoriferously
    • Meaning: Smellily
    • Sentence: Room Smelled Odoriferously Of Garlic.
  55. Odorously
    • Meaning: Fragrantly
    • Sentence: Garden Bloomed Odorously In Spring.
  56. Officiously
    • Meaning: Intrusively
    • Sentence: Offered Advice Officiously To Everyone.
  57. Oglingly
    • Meaning: Leeringly
    • Sentence: Looked Oglingly At The Painting.
  58. Oily
    • Meaning: Greasily
    • Sentence: Spoke Oily To The Audience.
  59. Oleaginously
    • Meaning: Unctuously
    • Sentence: Complimented Oleaginously To Impress.
  60. Olympically
    • Meaning: Heroically
    • Sentence: Competed Olympically In Sports.
  61. Omnipotently
    • Meaning: Almighty
    • Sentence: Ruled Omnipotently Over The Land.
  62. Omnisciently
    • Meaning: All-Knowingly
    • Sentence: Spoke Omnisciently About History.
  63. Omnivorously
    • Meaning: Undiscriminatingly
    • Sentence: Ate Omnivorously At The Buffet.
  64. Oncoming
    • Meaning: Approaching
    • Sentence: Watched The Oncoming Storm.
  65. One-Sidedly
    • Meaning: Partially
    • Sentence: Argued One-Sidedly In The Debate.
  66. Onerously
    • Meaning: Burdensomely
    • Sentence: Task Felt Onerously Difficult.
  67. Onomatopoeically
    • Meaning: Sound-Imitating
    • Sentence: Spoke Onomatopoeically To Entertain.
  68. Onwardly
    • Meaning: Forwardly
    • Sentence: Marched Onwardly Towards Success.
  69. Oozingly
    • Meaning: Seepingly
    • Sentence: Syrup Flowed Oozingly From Bottle.
  70. Open-Endedly
    • Meaning: Inconclusively
    • Sentence: Discussion Concluded Open-Endedly.
  71. Openheartedly
    • Meaning: Sincerely
    • Sentence: Spoke Openheartedly About Feelings.
  72. Operatively
    • Meaning: Functionally
    • Sentence: Worked Operatively In The Field.
  73. Opinionatedly
    • Meaning: Biasedly
    • Sentence: Expressed Views Opinionatedly.
  74. Opposingly
    • Meaning: Contrarily
    • Sentence: Voted Opposingly In The Meeting.
  75. Oppressively
    • Meaning: Tyrannically
    • Sentence: Ruled Oppressively Over Citizens.
  76. Optatively
    • Meaning: Wishfully
    • Sentence: Spoke Optatively About Dreams.
  77. Optically
    • Meaning: Visually
    • Sentence: Examined Optically With Precision.
  78. Orally
    • Meaning: Verbally
    • Sentence: Presented Findings Orally.

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(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z)

Adverbs Starting With O

Adverbs Starting With O

  • Outdoors
  • Oppositely
  • Ostentatiously
  • Owlishly
  • Outwardly
  • Optionally
  • Orderly
  • Occupationally
  • Obnoxiously
  • Obviously
  • Offensively
  • Overtly
  • Ostensibly
  • Outright
  • Optimally
  • Optimistically
  • Once
  • Overnight
  • Otherwise
  • Obsessively
  • Oily
  • Objectively
  • Organizationally
  • Outrageously
  • Outstandingly
  • Opportunely
  • One-Sidedly
  • Obscurely
  • Overbearingly
  • Obstructively
  • Obstinately
  • Obliviously
  • Offhand
  • Overly
  • Opulently
  • Obscenely
  • Oddly
  • Originally
  • Obligingly
  • Orthogonally
  • Outspokenly
  • Observantly
  • Officially
  • Obtrusively
  • Only
  • Openly
  • Oft
  • Orientally
  • Orally
  • Organically
  • Obediently
  • Oftentimes
  • Oppressively
  • Ominously
  • Ornamentally
  • Oxymoronically
  • Oversimplistically
  • Oh
  • Overwhelmingly
  • Operatively
  • Overconfidently
  • Outlandishly
  • Own
  • Occasionally

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