Adverbs That Start With C (List Of Adverbs)

Adverbs are the unsung heroes of language, quietly adding depth and nuance to our everyday communication. And when it comes to adverbs that start with the letter C, they bring a whole new level of color and complexity to our sentences. From casually to cautiously, cunningly to creatively, these words have the power to transform a simple statement into an evocative expression.

Adverbs That Start With C

  1. Calmly
    • Meaning: In A Relaxed And Quiet Manner.
    • Sentence: Spoke Calmly Under Pressure.
  2. Carefully
    • Meaning: With Attention To Detail.
    • Sentence: Handled Glassware Carefully.
  3. Casually
    • Meaning: In An Informal Or Relaxed Manner.
    • Sentence: Dressed Casually For Event.
  4. Cautiously
    • Meaning: In A Manner That Avoids Risks.
    • Sentence: Walked Cautiously On Ice.
  5. Ceaselessly
    • Meaning: Without Stopping Or Pausing.
    • Sentence: Worked Ceaselessly All Night.
  6. Certainly
    • Meaning: Without Any Doubt.
    • Sentence: Agreed Certainly To Terms.
  7. Cheerfully
    • Meaning: In A Happy And Positive Manner.
    • Sentence: Greeted Everyone Cheerfully.
  8. Clearly
    • Meaning: In A Clear And Understandable Manner.
    • Sentence: Explained The Process Clearly.
  9. Cleverly
    • Meaning: In A Smart And Original Way.
    • Sentence: Solved The Puzzle Cleverly.
  10. Clumsily
    • Meaning: In A Lacking Skill Or Grace Manner.
    • Sentence: Tripped Clumsily Over Steps.
  11. Coherently
    • Meaning: In A Logical And Consistent Way.
    • Sentence: Argued Coherently For Change.
  12. Collectively
    • Meaning: Together As A Group.
    • Sentence: Decided Collectively On Action.
  13. Comfortably
    • Meaning: In A State Of Physical Or Mental Comfort.
    • Sentence: Sat Comfortably In Chair.
  14. Commendably
    • Meaning: In A Manner Deserving Praise.
    • Sentence: Acted Commendably In Crisis.
  15. Completely
    • Meaning: Totally; Utterly.
    • Sentence: Finished Work Completely.
  16. Concernedly
    • Meaning: In A Worried Manner.
    • Sentence: Looked Concernedly At Results.
  17. Confidently
    • Meaning: With Self-Assurance.
    • Sentence: Spoke Confidently About Plans.
  18. Conscientiously
    • Meaning: In A Thorough And Responsible Way.
    • Sentence: Worked Conscientiously On Project.
  19. Constantly
    • Meaning: Continuously Over A Period Of Time.
    • Sentence: Checked Phone Constantly.
  20. Continually
    • Meaning: Repeated Frequently In The Same Way.
    • Sentence: Rained Continually All Day.
  21. Correctly
    • Meaning: In An Accurate Or True Way.
    • Sentence: Answered Question Correctly.
  22. Courageously
    • Meaning: In A Brave Manner.
    • Sentence: Acted Courageously In Danger.
  23. Curiously
    • Meaning: In A Manner Eager To Know Or Learn.
    • Sentence: Looked Curiously At Object.
  24. Cynically
    • Meaning: In A Distrustful Way That Expresses Disbelief.
    • Sentence: Responded Cynically To Promises.
  25. Calmly
    • Meaning: In A Peaceful And Quiet Manner.
    • Sentence: Reacted Calmly To News.
  26. Capably
    • Meaning: In A Capable And Competent Manner.
    • Sentence: Managed Team Capably.
  27. Captivatingly
    • Meaning: In A Manner That Captures Attention.
    • Sentence: Spoke Captivatingly To Audience.
  28. Carelessly
    • Meaning: Without Care Or Attention.
    • Sentence: Handled Valuable Items Carelessly.
  29. Cautiously
    • Meaning: With Care To Avoid Danger Or Mistakes.
    • Sentence: Proceeded Cautiously In Dark.
  30. Ceaselessly
    • Meaning: Without Stopping Or Ending.
    • Sentence: River Flows Ceaselessly.
  31. Charmingly
    • Meaning: In A Pleasing Or Delightful Manner.
    • Sentence: Smiled Charmingly At Guests.
  32. Cheekily
    • Meaning: In A Brash Or Audacious Manner.
    • Sentence: Responded Cheekily To Question.
  33. Cheerily
    • Meaning: In A Cheerful And Happy Manner.
    • Sentence: Sang Cheerily While Working.
  34. Chillingly
    • Meaning: In A Manner That Horrifies Or Frightens.
    • Sentence: Told A Chillingly Scary Story.
  35. Chronically
    • Meaning: In A Persistent And Recurring Way.
    • Sentence: Chronically Late To Meetings.
  36. Circuitously
    • Meaning: In An Indirect And Lengthy Manner.
    • Sentence: Explained Plan Circuitously.
  37. Circumspectly
    • Meaning: In A Wary And Cautious Manner.
    • Sentence: Behaved Circumspectly In Negotiations.
  38. Cleverly
    • Meaning: In An Intelligent And Imaginative Way.
    • Sentence: Devised A Cleverly Crafted Plan.
  39. Clumsily
    • Meaning: In An Awkward And Uncoordinated Manner.
    • Sentence: Walked Clumsily In Heels.
  40. Coarsely
    • Meaning: In A Rough Or Harsh Manner.
    • Sentence: Spoke Coarsely During Argument.
  41. Cognizantly
    • Meaning: With Knowledge Or Awareness.
    • Sentence: Acted Cognizantly Of Risks.
  42. Coherently
    • Meaning: In A Logical And Consistent Manner.
    • Sentence: Explained Thoughts Coherently.
  43. Coldly
    • Meaning: In An Unfriendly Or Unemotional Way.
    • Sentence: Greeted Others Coldly.
  44. Collaboratively
    • Meaning: In A Cooperative Manner.
    • Sentence: Worked Collaboratively On Project.
  45. Colloquially
    • Meaning: In A Conversational And Informal Manner.
    • Sentence: Spoke Colloquially Among Friends.
  46. Colorfully
    • Meaning: In A Vivid And Varied Manner.
    • Sentence: Decorated Room Colorfully.
  47. Combatively
    • Meaning: In An Aggressive Or Fighting Manner.
    • Sentence: Argued Combatively Over Issues.
  48. Comfortingly
    • Meaning: In A Way That Alleviates Distress.
    • Sentence: Spoke Comfortingly To Friend.
  49. Comically
    • Meaning: In A Humorous Or Amusing Manner.
    • Sentence: Acted Comically In Play.
  50. Commandingly
    • Meaning: With Authority And Confidence.
    • Sentence: Led Team Commandingly.

Explore More:

(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z)

Adverbs Starting With C

Adverbs Starting With C

  • Carelessly
  • Complacently
  • Crassly
  • Comically
  • Considerably
  • Cheekily
  • Cordially
  • Conscientiously
  • Carefully
  • Commendably
  • Concernedly
  • Compellingly
  • Colloquially
  • Contagiously
  • Covetously
  • Colorfully
  • Cynically
  • Casually
  • Chronically
  • Compactly
  • Comfortably
  • Counterintuitively
  • Consistently
  • Certainly
  • Credibly
  • Correctively
  • Ceaselessly
  • Constructively
  • Connivingly
  • Creditably
  • Coarsely
  • Collectively
  • Correspondingly
  • Conventionally
  • Cosily
  • Critically
  • Cost-Effectively
  • Consciously
  • Conspicuously
  • Correctly
  • Curiously
  • Condescendingly
  • Cheerfully
  • Conclusively
  • Consecutively
  • Coolly
  • Courteously
  • Circumspectly
  • Conservatively
  • Conjointly
  • Commandingly
  • Circuitously
  • Cautiously
  • Continuously
  • Controversially
  • Contemptuously
  • Competently
  • Calmly
  • Clumsily
  • Cleverly
  • Crestfallenly
  • Conveniently
  • Comprehensively
  • Contributively
  • Combatively
  • Considerately
  • Counteractively
  • Contrarily
  • Coldly
  • Constantly
  • Courageously
  • Collaboratively
  • Creatively
  • Conjecturally
  • Clearly
  • Confusedly
  • Conditionally
  • Capably
  • Continually
  • Charming
  • Compassionately
  • Captivatingly
  • Comfortingly
  • Concordantly
  • Comparatively
  • Correlatively
  • Confidently
  • Cheerily
  • Convincingly
  • Coquettishly
  • Cozily
  • Contentedly
  • Congenially
  • Cowardly
  • Completely
  • Chillingly
  • Cognizantly
  • Coherently

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