Hobbies Vocabulary (Best Words for Hobbies)

Hobbies are fun activities that we do in our free time. They make us happy and can be about anything from playing games to making art. Knowing different words for hobbies helps us share what we love with others and learn about new fun activities we might want to try.

This blog post will introduce you to many hobby-related words. Let’s discover these exciting words together and maybe find a new hobby along the way!

Hobbies Vocabulary

  • Painting – Creating art visually.
  • Reading – Enjoying books, magazines.
  • Gardening – Growing plants, flowers.
  • Photography – Taking pictures, capturing.
  • Knitting – Creating with yarn.
  • Cooking – Preparing food, meals.
  • Baking – Making baked goods.
  • Cycling – Riding a bicycle.
  • Hiking – Walking in nature.
  • Fishing – Catching fish recreationally.
  • Birdwatching – Observing birds outdoors.
  • Sewing – Joining fabric together.
  • Pottery – Molding clay objects.
  • Chess – Strategic board game.
  • Scrapbooking – Preserving personal memories.
  • Dancing – Moving rhythmically to music.
  • Blogging – Writing online journals.
  • Coding – Programming digital content.
  • Yoga – Practicing physical postures.
  • Meditation – Mindfulness, stress reduction.
  • Running – Jogging for fitness.
  • Swimming – Moving through water.
  • Surfing – Riding ocean waves.
  • Skating – Gliding on ice/skateboard.
  • Skiing – Sliding down snow.
  • Snowboarding – Snowsurfing on mountains.
  • Origami – Folding paper creatively.
  • Calligraphy – Artistic handwriting, lettering.
  • Stamp Collecting – Gathering postage stamps.
  • Coin Collecting – Accumulating currency coins.
  • Jigsaw Puzzles – Assembling picture pieces.
  • Video Gaming – Playing electronic games.
  • Board Games – Strategic tabletop games.
  • Magic Tricks – Performing illusions.
  • Karaoke – Singing along music.
  • Archery – Shooting arrows, bow.
  • Camping – Outdoor overnight stays.
  • Traveling – Exploring new places.
  • Astrophotography – Photographing the sky.
  • Beekeeping – Managing bee colonies.
  • Metal Detecting – Finding buried metal.
  • Rock Climbing – Ascending natural/artificial rock.
  • Geocaching – GPS treasure hunting.
  • Scuba Diving – Underwater exploration.
  • Kite Flying – Controlling kites aerially.
  • Model Building – Assembling scale models.
  • Quilting – Sewing layered textiles.
  • Book Collecting – Accumulating literary works.
  • Podcasting – Producing audio broadcasts.
  • Language Learning – Acquiring new languages.

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Words For Hobbies

  • Astronomy – Studying stars and planets.
  • Baking – Making cakes, bread, pastries.
  • Ballet – Performing classical dance.
  • Blogging – Writing online articles.
  • Board Games – Playing tabletop games.
  • Calligraphy – Art of beautiful handwriting.
  • Camping – Sleeping outdoors.
  • Chess – Strategic board game.
  • Cooking – Preparing meals.
  • Crocheting – Crafting with yarn and hook.
  • Cycling – Riding bicycles.
  • Dancing – Moving rhythmically to music.
  • Drawing – Creating art with pencils.
  • Embroidery – Decorating fabric with needle and thread.
  • Fishing – Catching fish.
  • Gardening – Cultivating plants.
  • Genealogy – Researching family history.
  • Hiking – Walking in nature.
  • Journaling – Writing personal reflections.
  • Kayaking – Paddling in a kayak.
  • Knitting – Making textiles with knitting needles.
  • Magic – Performing illusion tricks.
  • Martial Arts – Practicing combat techniques.
  • Model Building – Creating scale models.
  • Origami – Folding paper art.
  • Painting – Applying pigment to a surface.
  • Photography – Taking and processing photographs.
  • Playing Instruments – Making music with instruments.
  • Pottery – Shaping clay into vessels.
  • Quilting – Sewing layers of fabric together.
  • Reading – Consuming written content.
  • Rock Climbing – Ascending rock formations.
  • Scrapbooking – Preserving memories in a book.
  • Sculpting – Carving or molding materials.
  • Sewing – Joining fabric with stitches.
  • Singing – Vocal music performance.
  • Skateboarding – Riding on a skateboard.
  • Skiing – Gliding over snow.
  • Snorkeling – Swimming with a snorkel.
  • Soap Making – Creating soap.
  • Stargazing – Observing celestial bodies.
  • Surfing – Riding ocean waves.
  • Tea Tasting – Sampling different teas.
  • Traveling – Exploring new locations.
  • Video Gaming – Playing electronic games.
  • Woodworking – Crafting with wood.
  • Writing – Composing text.
  • Yoga – Practicing physical postures.
  • Zumba – Doing fitness dancing.

English Vocabulary Words For Hobbies

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