English Vocabulary For Ielts

ENGLISH VOCABULARY FOR IELTS. Whether you are taking the IELTS Academic or General Training test, developing a strong vocabulary is essential for success. Here are some tips to help you build your English vocabulary for the IELTS test.

One way to improve your vocabulary is to read as much as possible. Reading helps you encounter new words and learn how to use them correctly. A variety of reading materials can also help increase your understanding of different word meanings.

Another way to build your vocabulary is to keep a journal or notebook of new words you encounter. Make sure to write down the word, its definition, and how it was used in a sentence. Review these words regularly so that you can commit them to memory.

Finally, don’t be afraid to practice using new words in conversation. The more you use a word, the more likely you are to remember it.

  • Impeccable
  • Morose
  • Salient
  • Predilection
  • Technology
  • Complacency
  • Repudiate
  • Aberration
  • Elated

Read more: English Vocabulary For Kids

Literature Quaint Intriguing Exquisite
Avarice Furtive Incisive Sports
Kick Back Umbrage Callous Innovation
Amiable Impudent Inept Measure Against
Empathy Tee Off Zenith Oblivious
Plethora Nuance Taciturn Intrepid
Superior Haughty Superfluous Impertinent
Droll Insatiable Extraordinary Abominable
Coherent Extol Dazzling Panacea
Penchant Novice Arcane Abhor
Staid Ravishing Appease Serendipity
Inveterate Procure Coerce Vex
Clandestine Enmity Demure Myriad
Humorous Embezzle Forsake Circumspect
Cumulative Heritage Respond Fashion
Chide Insular Indolent Acquiesce
Imperfect Debase Fabricate Knell
Flabbergasted Gluttony Display, Exhibit Maverick
Frosty Obsequious Venture Forth Salt Away
Innate Alacrity Stick With Astonishing
Creativity Vociferous Romp In Go By
Superb Sycophant Candor Obtuse
Nadir Inaugurate Inhibit Quarrel With
Enormous Nominal Cajole Refurbish
Brazen Modicum Deferential Pass Over
Decry Limber Up For Peel Away Entrepreneurship
Incredible Gratuitous Diligent Fractious
Wanton Feral Lurid Truculent
Eloquent Shopping Festivals Lithe
Perusal Meticulous Jubilant Confidant
Infamy Connive Despot Venerable
Parody Vehicles Knowledge Savoury
Deride Brusque Music Implacable
Places Hypocrisy Rife Erudite
Rash Amusing    

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