Accessories Vocabulary in English

Accessories Vocabulary in English. In English, accessories can mean anything from a simple necklace to a whole outfit. Here are some key words you may want to know if you’re shopping for accessories: anklet, belt, bracelet, earrings, ring.
Accessories can include anything from hats to purses. In order to communicate with others, you’ll need to be familiar with some common accessory terms in English. Here are five essential accessories vocabulary words to know:
Belt: a thin piece of material, typically leather, that is used to hold up clothing and keep them in place.
Bracelet: a thin band of metal, plastic, or other material that is often worn around the wrist.

Accessories Vocabulary

Clothes And Accessories Vocabulary

Ring Hair Band
Boots Winter Mittens
Stockings Garment
Bobby Pin Safety Pin
Earmuffs Beret
Belt Watch
High Heels Scarf
Hairpin Mainstream
Hat Sunglasses
Purse Ribbons
Fabric Straw Hat
Cap Hanger
Sport Shoes Apron
Mortar Board Top Hat
Umbrella Socks
Zipper Derby Hat
Necklace Bracelet
Tie Gloves
Beanie Helmet
Bow Tie Hair Clip
Handbag Pocket Watch
Lace Jacket
Pastel Youthful

Clothes Accessories Vocabulary

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