You’re crafting a vivid narrative or composing an engaging piece of persuasive writing. What better way to enhance your storytelling than by sprinkling in some beguiling adverbs that captivate your readers’ attention? The world of adverbs that begin with B is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered, offering a rich tapestry of words that can invigorate any sentence or paragraph.
Adverbs That Start With B
- Boldly
- Meaning: In A Confident And Courageous Way.
- Sentence: Spoke Boldly In Class.
- Briskly
- Meaning: In An Energetic Or Quick Manner.
- Sentence: Walked Briskly To School.
- Blindly
- Meaning: Without Seeing Or Understanding.
- Sentence: Followed Instructions Blindly.
- Briefly
- Meaning: For A Short Time; Concisely.
- Sentence: Explained The Concept Briefly.
- Barely
- Meaning: Only Just; Almost Not.
- Sentence: Barely Passed The Test.
- Bravely
- Meaning: In A Courageous Manner.
- Sentence: Faced Challenges Bravely.
- Begrudgingly
- Meaning: In A Reluctant Or Resentful Manner.
- Sentence: Accepted The Decision Begrudgingly.
- Blissfully
- Meaning: In An Extremely Happy Way.
- Sentence: Lived Blissfully Ever After.
- Bitterly
- Meaning: With A Lot Of Anger And Sadness.
- Sentence: Complained Bitterly About Fate.
- Balancedly
- Meaning: In A Well-Proportioned And Stable Way.
- Sentence: Argued Points Balancedly.
- Beautifully
- Meaning: In An Aesthetically Pleasing Manner.
- Sentence: Sang The Song Beautifully.
- Belatedly
- Meaning: Later Than Should Have Been The Case.
- Sentence: Apologized Belatedly For Delay.
- Beneficially
- Meaning: In A Beneficial Manner.
- Sentence: Changed Habits Beneficially.
- Biannually
- Meaning: Twice A Year.
- Sentence: Meets Biannually For Reviews.
- Biasedly
- Meaning: In A Prejudiced Manner.
- Sentence: Reported News Biasedly.
- Blatantly
- Meaning: In An Open And Unashamed Manner.
- Sentence: Ignored Rules Blatantly.
- Blithely
- Meaning: In A Carefree Manner.
- Sentence: Accepted Risks Blithely.
- Boastfully
- Meaning: In A Way That Shows Excessive Pride.
- Sentence: Talked Boastfully About Achievements.
- Boldly
- Meaning: In A Confident And Courageous Manner.
- Sentence: Stepped Forward Boldly.
- Briskly
- Meaning: In A Quick, Energetic Manner.
- Sentence: Answered Questions Briskly.
- Broadly
- Meaning: In A General And Comprehensive Way.
- Sentence: Discussed Topics Broadly.
- Bashfully
- Meaning: In A Shy Or Self-Conscious Way.
- Sentence: Smiled Bashfully At Praise.
- Bewilderedly
- Meaning: In A Confused Or Perplexed Manner.
- Sentence: Looked Around Bewilderedly.
- Bluntly
- Meaning: In A Straightforward And Direct Manner.
- Sentence: Spoke Bluntly About Issues.
- Bountifully
- Meaning: In A Generous Or Plentiful Manner.
- Sentence: Provided Assistance Bountifully.
- Brazenly
- Meaning: In A Bold And Shameless Way.
- Sentence: Acted Brazenly In Public.
- Breezily
- Meaning: In An Easy And Cheerful Way.
- Sentence: Greeted Everyone Breezily.
- Briskly
- Meaning: Quickly; Energetically.
- Sentence: Walked Briskly To Class.
- Broadmindedly
- Meaning: In A Tolerant Or Open-Minded Way.
- Sentence: Listened Broadmindedly To Opinions.
- Broodingly
- Meaning: In A Moody Or Sullen Manner.
- Sentence: Sat Broodingly In Corner.
- Buoyantly
- Meaning: In A Cheerful And Optimistic Way.
- Sentence: Entered Room Buoyantly.
- Bustlingly
- Meaning: In An Active And Lively Manner.
- Sentence: Moved Bustlingly Around Office.
- Butterly
- Meaning: In A Smooth And Flattering Manner.
- Sentence: Complimented Butterly.
- Byzantinely
- Meaning: In A Complex Or Intricate Manner.
- Sentence: Planned Event Byzantinely.
- Backhandedly
- Meaning: In An Indirect Or Insincere Way.
- Sentence: Complimented Backhandedly.
- Badly
- Meaning: In A Poor Or Unsatisfactory Way.
- Sentence: Performed Badly In Test.
- Bashfully
- Meaning: In A Shy Manner.
- Sentence: Introduced Himself Bashfully.
- Bawdily
- Meaning: In An Indecent Or Lewd Manner.
- Sentence: Joked Bawdily At Party.
- Begrudgingly
- Meaning: Reluctantly; Resentfully.
- Sentence: Agreed Begrudgingly To Terms.
- Bellicosely
- Meaning: In A Warlike Or Aggressive Manner.
- Sentence: Argued Bellicosely Over Issue.
- Benignly
- Meaning: In A Kind And Gentle Manner.
- Sentence: Smiled Benignly At Children.
- Beseechingly
- Meaning: In A Begging Or Pleading Manner.
- Sentence: Looked Beseechingly For Help.
- Bestially
- Meaning: In A Brutal, Inhuman Way.
- Sentence: Acted Bestially In Anger.
- Betwixt
- Meaning: Between; In The Middle.
- Sentence: Sat Betwixt Two Friends.
- Biliously
- Meaning: In An Ill-Natured Or Bitter Way.
- Sentence: Spoke Biliously Of Colleague.
- Bitingly
- Meaning: In A Sharply Critical Manner.
- Sentence: Critiqued Bitingly In Review.
- Bizarrely
- Meaning: In A Strange Or Unusual Manner.
- Sentence: Dressed Bizarrely For Event.
- Blamelessly
- Meaning: In A Manner Without Fault.
- Sentence: Acted Blamelessly In Situation.
- Blazingly
- Meaning: Extremely Or Intensely.
- Sentence: Sun Shone Blazingly Bright.
- Blindly
- Meaning: Without Understanding Or Questioning.
- Sentence: Followed Orders Blindly.
Explore More:
(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z)
Adverbs Starting With B
- Blithely
- Battily
- Botanically
- Beauteously
- Bravely
- Bestially
- Betwixt
- Bustlingly
- Burgeoningly
- Breezily
- Bodily
- Barely
- Bearably
- Burdenedly
- Bypassingly
- Banteringly
- Basically
- Blissfully
- Buttingly
- Beamingly
- Banally
- Breachingly
- Beseechingly
- Brazenly
- Bloodily
- Bewilderedly
- Bountifully
- Blatantly
- Benignly
- Briefly
- Belatedly
- Brashly
- Beastly
- Bumptiously
- Backwards
- Blamelessly
- Banefully
- Badly
- Bracingly
- Biannually
- Bellicosely
- Briskly
- Blushingly
- Boringly
- Blazingly
- Blindly
- Balefully
- Bafflingly
- Businesslike
- Balancedly
- Bitterly
- Bawdily
- Broadly
- Buoyantly
- Butterly
- Biliously
- Bucolically
- Brotherly
- Brokenly
- Bombastically
- Brightly
- Buxomly
- Baroquely
- Broodingly
- Bashfully
- Busily
- Boldly
- Bouncingly
- Broadmindedly
- Backhandedly
- Beneficially
- Bounteously
- Burstingly
- Beautifully
- Bonnily
- Boorishly
- Bitingly
- Byzantinely
- Brilliantly
- Babblingly
- Bluntly
- Bizarrely
- Boundlessly
- Breathlessly
- Boastfully
- Begrudgingly
- Biasedly