Adverbs That Start With L (List Of Adverbs)

Imagine the sensation of leaping into a linguistic playground where words like luxuriously and loyally frolic amidst the tapestry of language. These adverbs possess an enchanting quality that can transform ordinary sentences into captivating narratives or compelling arguments. Whether you’re a language enthusiast seeking to expand your lexicon or simply curious about the hidden beauty within our words, join us as we unravel the allure and significance of adverbs that start with L.

Adverbs That Start With L

  1. Largely
    • Meaning: To A Great Extent
    • Sentence: Largely Influenced Major Policy Decisions.
  2. Lovingly
    • Meaning: With Affection
    • Sentence: Lovingly Prepared The Family Dinner.
  3. Logically
    • Meaning: In A Logical Manner
    • Sentence: Logically Concluded The Argument.
  4. Lucidly
    • Meaning: In A Clear Manner
    • Sentence: Lucidly Explained Complex Theories.
  5. Laboriously
    • Meaning: With Great Effort
    • Sentence: Laboriously Completed The Task.
  6. Lightly
    • Meaning: With Little Weight Or Force
    • Sentence: Lightly Tapped On The Door.
  7. Luckily
    • Meaning: By Good Fortune
    • Sentence: Luckily Found The Lost Keys.
  8. Lively
    • Meaning: With Liveliness
    • Sentence: Lively Participated In Discussions.
  9. Lengthily
    • Meaning: For A Long Duration
    • Sentence: Lengthily Discussed The Topic.
  10. Legitimately
    • Meaning: In A Lawful Manner
    • Sentence: Legitimately Earned His Wealth.
  11. Loosely
    • Meaning: Not Tightly
    • Sentence: Loosely Held The Reins.
  12. Luxuriously
    • Meaning: In A Luxurious Manner
    • Sentence: Luxuriously Furnished The Apartment.
  13. Laudably
    • Meaning: In A Praiseworthy Manner
    • Sentence: Laudably Performed Her Duties.
  14. Lethargically
    • Meaning: Without Energy
    • Sentence: Lethargically Lay On Couch.
  15. Linearly
    • Meaning: In A Straight Line
    • Sentence: Linearly Arranged The Chairs.
  16. Literally
    • Meaning: In A Literal Manner
    • Sentence: Literally Took His Words.
  17. Limply
    • Meaning: Without Stiffness Or Rigidity
    • Sentence: Limply Held The Flowers.
  18. Loftily
    • Meaning: With A Sense Of Superiority
    • Sentence: Loftily Dismissed Her Critics.
  19. Lazily
    • Meaning: In A Lazy Manner
    • Sentence: Lazily Lounged All Afternoon.
  20. Loudly
    • Meaning: With A Lot Of Noise
    • Sentence: Loudly Cheered For The Team.
  21. Lastingly
    • Meaning: In An Enduring Way
    • Sentence: Lastingly Impacted His Community.
  22. Luminously
    • Meaning: Radiantly Or Brilliantly
    • Sentence: Luminously Shone The Bright Star.
  23. Lamentably
    • Meaning: Regrettably, In A Sad Way
    • Sentence: Lamentably, The Event Was Cancelled.
  24. Learnedly
    • Meaning: In A Knowledgeable Way
    • Sentence: Learnedly Spoke About History.
  25. Leisurely
    • Meaning: In An Unhurried Way
    • Sentence: Leisurely Strolled Through Park.
  26. Lopsidedly
    • Meaning: In An Uneven Manner
    • Sentence: Lopsidedly Hung The Picture.
  27. Longingly
    • Meaning: With Yearning Or Desire
    • Sentence: Longingly Gazed Into Distance.
  28. Loudly
    • Meaning: With High Volume
    • Sentence: Loudly Announced Her Arrival.
  29. Lawfully
    • Meaning: Legally, In A Lawful Manner
    • Sentence: Lawfully Conducted The Business.
  30. Likely
    • Meaning: Probably Or Presumably
    • Sentence: Likely To Rain Tomorrow.
  31. Lyrically
    • Meaning: In A Lyrical, Poetic Manner
    • Sentence: Lyrically Expressed His Emotions.
  32. Lasciviously
    • Meaning: In A Lewd Manner
    • Sentence: Lasciviously Eyed The Artwork.
  33. Listlessly
    • Meaning: Without Energy Or Enthusiasm
    • Sentence: Listlessly Watched The Show.
  34. Latterly
    • Meaning: Recently, In The Recent Period
    • Sentence: Latterly Changed His Attitude.
  35. Locally
    • Meaning: Within A Local Area
    • Sentence: Locally Sourced The Ingredients.
  36. Loudly
    • Meaning: In A Loud Manner
    • Sentence: Loudly Protested The Decision.
  37. Lustily
    • Meaning: Vigorously, Heartily
    • Sentence: Lustily Sang The Anthem.
  38. Luminously
    • Meaning: In A Glowing Manner
    • Sentence: Luminously Lit The Room.
  39. Laggardly
    • Meaning: Slowly, In A Lagging Manner
    • Sentence: Laggardly Completed The Race.
  40. Lustrously
    • Meaning: With Luster Or Shine
    • Sentence: Lustrously Polished The Surface.
  41. Lightheartedly
    • Meaning: In A Carefree Manner
    • Sentence: Lightheartedly Joked With Friends.
  42. Longitudinally
    • Meaning: Lengthwise, Along The Length
    • Sentence: Longitudinally Cut The Cloth.
  43. Lingeringly
    • Meaning: In A Prolonged Manner
    • Sentence: Lingeringly Savored The Moment.
  44. Loftily
    • Meaning: In A Proud Manner
    • Sentence: Loftily Walked Into Room.
  45. Laudatorily
    • Meaning: In A Praising Manner
    • Sentence: Laudatorily Spoke Of Achievements.
  46. Luridly
    • Meaning: In A Shocking Manner
    • Sentence: Luridly Described The Scene.
  47. Lambently
    • Meaning: Softly And Lightly
    • Sentence: Lambently Glowed The Candle.
  48. Libelously
    • Meaning: In A Defamatory Way
    • Sentence: Libelously Wrote About Him.
  49. Lethargically
    • Meaning: In A Sluggish Manner
    • Sentence: Lethargically Responded To Questions.
  50. Laudatorily
    • Meaning: In A Praising Manner
    • Sentence: Laudatorily Reviewed The Book.

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(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z)

Adverbs Starting With L

Adverbs Starting With L

  • Lawlessly
  • Leewardly
  • Legibly
  • Livably
  • Levelheadedly
  • Lumberly
  • Lengthily
  • Latest
  • Laterally
  • Lethally
  • Linguistically
  • Liberatingly
  • Lesser
  • Late
  • Lineally
  • Lyingly
  • Leatherly
  • Lethargically
  • Little
  • Lengthways
  • Limbically
  • Lithographically
  • Liege
  • Leniently
  • Longitudinally
  • Lickety-Split
  • Lastingly
  • Listlessly
  • Loquaciously
  • Lustrously
  • Leadenly
  • Leapingly
  • Legitimately
  • Limply
  • Leisurely
  • Lightfootedly
  • Lightly
  • Linty
  • Limitedly
  • Longly
  • Laughingly
  • Lenticularly
  • Lavishly
  • Lingually
  • Limitlessly
  • Logarithmically
  • Lentissimo
  • Larkingly
  • Levelly
  • Loftyly
  • Loathly
  • Lithely
  • Luminously
  • Legislatively
  • Lousily
  • Lipogrammatically
  • Lately
  • Literally
  • Lilliputianly
  • Linearly
  • Lief
  • Liquidly
  • Leptodactylously
  • Laymanly
  • Ligniformly
  • Lankily
  • Leftward
  • Licentiously
  • Latterly
  • Leafily
  • Laboriously
  • Limberly
  • Longterm
  • Learnedly
  • Laboredly
  • Lionly
  • Lapidarly
  • Lento
  • Lawfully
  • Laughably
  • Languorously
  • Lachrymosely
  • Likably
  • Less
  • Litigiously
  • Lesbianly
  • Lively
  • Luxuriously
  • Luxuriantly
  • Lyrically
  • Leaningly
  • Lazily
  • Ludicrously
  • Lustily
  • Lividly
  • Leftwardly
  • Lambently
  • Lushly
  • Legendarily
  • Latently
  • Lesseningly
  • Logistically
  • Lexically
  • Laxly
  • Literary
  • Lowly
  • Lengthwise
  • Literately
  • Lovingly
  • Lectorially
  • Lookingly
  • Lightward
  • Languidly
  • Littlest
  • Laggardly
  • Lecherously
  • Lawward
  • Lichenously
  • Lordly
  • Lucratively
  • Legalistically
  • Larcenously
  • Leanly
  • Least
  • Literarily
  • Lurkingly
  • Lifelessly
  • Legally
  • Lickerishly
  • Limitingly
  • Liveably
  • Liberally
  • Laconically
  • Literatim
  • Later
  • Localy
  • Loyalistically
  • Larghetto
  • Lingeringly
  • Leastways

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