Adverbs That Start With M (List Of Adverbs)

Adverbs, the often overlooked heroes of language, wield the power to transform a simple sentence into a vivid tapestry of action and emotion. And among these linguistic chameleons, those that start with the letter M stand out as particularly enigmatic and versatile. From magnificently to mysteriously, these adverbs have the ability to infuse prose with an air of magic and intrigue, drawing readers into a world where actions unfold with mesmerizing clarity.

Adverbs That Start With M

  1. Magically
    • Meaning: In A Magical Manner.
    • Sentence: She Danced Magically Under Stars.
  2. Magnanimously
    • Meaning: In A Generous Or Forgiving Manner.
    • Sentence: He Forgave Her Magnanimously.
  3. Mainly
    • Meaning: For The Most Part.
    • Sentence: Mainly Sunny Skies Are Expected.
  4. Majorly
    • Meaning: Extremely; Very Much.
    • Sentence: She Was Majorly Disappointed Today.
  5. Maladroitly
    • Meaning: In A Clumsy, Inept Way.
    • Sentence: He Maladroitly Dropped The Vase.
  6. Malevolently
    • Meaning: With Ill Will Or Spite.
    • Sentence: She Glared Malevolently At Him.
  7. Maliciously
    • Meaning: Intending Or Intended To Harm.
    • Sentence: He Laughed Maliciously At Misfortune.
  8. Malignantly
    • Meaning: In A Destructive And Harmful Manner.
    • Sentence: The Disease Spread Malignantly Quickly.
  9. Mannerly
    • Meaning: Politely; With Good Manners.
    • Sentence: He Bowed Mannerly Before Leaving.
  10. Manually
    • Meaning: By Hand; Not Automatically.
    • Sentence: She Adjusted The Settings Manually.
  11. Markedly
    • Meaning: Noticeably; Significantly.
    • Sentence: Her Performance Improved Markedly.
  12. Marvelously
    • Meaning: In A Wonderful Or Extraordinary Manner.
    • Sentence: The Stars Shone Marvelously Bright.
  13. Masochistically
    • Meaning: In A Way That Enjoys Suffering.
    • Sentence: He Trained Masochistically For Success.
  14. Massively
    • Meaning: Extremely; On A Large Scale.
    • Sentence: The Building Was Massively Impressive.
  15. Masterfully
    • Meaning: In A Very Skillful Manner.
    • Sentence: She Played The Violin Masterfully.
  16. Maternally
    • Meaning: In A Motherly Way.
    • Sentence: She Smiled Maternally At Children.
  17. Maturely
    • Meaning: In A Mature, Fully Developed Manner.
    • Sentence: He Responded Maturely To Criticism.
  18. Mawkishly
    • Meaning: In An Overly Sentimental Way.
    • Sentence: The Movie Ended Mawkishly.
  19. Maximally
    • Meaning: To The Greatest Extent.
    • Sentence: They Utilized The Space Maximally.
  20. Meaningfully
    • Meaning: In A Significant, Purposeful Manner.
    • Sentence: He Nodded Meaningfully During Discussion.
  21. Meanly
    • Meaning: Poorly; Without Generosity.
    • Sentence: She Was Treated Meanly.
  22. Measurably
    • Meaning: In A Measurable Extent.
    • Sentence: His Skills Improved Measurably.
  23. Mechanically
    • Meaning: Like A Machine; Automatically.
    • Sentence: She Answered Mechanically, Unthinking.
  24. Medically
    • Meaning: In Terms Of Medicine.
    • Sentence: He Was Treated Medically.
  25. Mediocrely
    • Meaning: In A Mediocre Or Average Manner.
    • Sentence: The Play Was Mediocrely Performed.
  26. Meditatively
    • Meaning: In A Thoughtful, Reflective Manner.
    • Sentence: He Stared Meditatively Into Distance.
  27. Meekly
    • Meaning: In A Submissive Manner.
    • Sentence: She Agreed Meekly, Without Protest.
  28. Mellifluously
    • Meaning: In A Sweetly Flowing Manner.
    • Sentence: The Bird Sang Mellifluously.
  29. Melodically
    • Meaning: In A Musical, Tuneful Manner.
    • Sentence: The Melody Flowed Melodically.
  30. Melodramatically
    • Meaning: Overly Emotional Or Exaggerated.
    • Sentence: She Reacted Melodramatically To News.
  31. Memorably
    • Meaning: In A Notable, Remarkable Manner.
    • Sentence: The Day Ended Memorably.
  32. Menacingly
    • Meaning: In A Threatening Manner.
    • Sentence: He Looked Menacingly At Intruders.
  33. Mentally
    • Meaning: In The Mind; Intellectually.
    • Sentence: She Prepared Mentally For Exams.
  34. Mercifully
    • Meaning: Showing Mercy; Compassionately.
    • Sentence: The Decision Was Mercifully Quick.
  35. Mercurially
    • Meaning: In A Changeable, Unpredictable Manner.
    • Sentence: His Mood Changed Mercurially.
  36. Merrily
    • Meaning: In A Cheerful, Joyful Way.
    • Sentence: They Sang Merrily Together.
  37. Mesmerizingly
    • Meaning: In A Fascinating, Captivating Manner.
    • Sentence: The Magician Performed Mesmerizingly.
  38. Metaphorically
    • Meaning: Symbolically; Not Literally.
    • Sentence: He Spoke Metaphorically Of Love.
  39. Methodically
    • Meaning: In An Orderly, Systematic Manner.
    • Sentence: She Organized Files Methodically.
  40. Meticulously
    • Meaning: With Great Attention To Detail.
    • Sentence: He Painted Meticulously.
  41. Mightily
    • Meaning: With Great Strength Or Power.
    • Sentence: The Wind Blew Mightily.
  42. Mildly
    • Meaning: Gently; Not Harshly.
    • Sentence: He Disagreed Mildly During Debate.
  43. Mindfully
    • Meaning: In A Conscious, Aware Manner.
    • Sentence: She Ate Mindfully, Savoring Flavors.
  44. Minimally
    • Meaning: In The Smallest Degree.
    • Sentence: The Risk Was Minimized Minimally.
  45. Miraculously
    • Meaning: In A Way That Seems Miraculous.
    • Sentence: He Recovered Miraculously.
  46. Mischievously
    • Meaning: In A Naughty Or Playful Manner.
    • Sentence: She Grinned Mischievously At Him.
  47. Miserably
    • Meaning: Very Unhappily; Wretchedly.
    • Sentence: He Failed Miserably At Tasks.
  48. Misleadingly
    • Meaning: In A Way That Deceives.
    • Sentence: The Ad Was Misleadingly Worded.
  49. Modestly
    • Meaning: Without Arrogance; Humbly.
    • Sentence: She Dressed Modestly For Work.
  50. Modishly
    • Meaning: In A Fashionable Manner.
    • Sentence: She Decorated The Room Modishly.
  51. Moistly
    • Meaning: Slightly Wet Or Damp.
    • Sentence: The Morning Dew Settled Moistly.
  52. Molecularly
    • Meaning: At A Molecular Level.
    • Sentence: They Studied Changes Molecularly.
  53. Momentarily
    • Meaning: For A Very Short Time.
    • Sentence: She Paused Momentarily, Then Continued.
  54. Momentously
    • Meaning: In A Significant, Important Manner.
    • Sentence: The Decision Was Momentously Impactful.
  55. Monotonously
    • Meaning: In A Dull, Unvarying Way.
    • Sentence: The Clock Ticked Monotonously.
  56. Monstrously
    • Meaning: In A Huge Or Monstrous Manner.
    • Sentence: The Waves Rose Monstrously High.
  57. Moodily
    • Meaning: In A Sullen, Ill-Tempered Manner.
    • Sentence: He Walked Away Moodily.
  58. Morally
    • Meaning: In A Manner Concerning Principles Of Right And Wrong.
    • Sentence: She Acted Morally In Crisis.
  59. Mordantly
    • Meaning: In A Biting, Sarcastic Way.
    • Sentence: He Commented Mordantly On Politics.
  60. More
    • Meaning: In Greater Extent Or Quantity.
    • Sentence: She Practiced More For Perfection.
  61. Mournfully
    • Meaning: In A Sorrowful, Grieving Way.
    • Sentence: He Looked Mournfully At Graves.
  62. Movably
    • Meaning: In A Way That Can Be Moved.
    • Sentence: The Furniture Was Arranged Movably.
  63. Movingly
    • Meaning: In A Manner That Affects Emotions Deeply.
    • Sentence: She Spoke Movingly About Love.

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Adverbs Starting With M

Adverbs Starting With M

  • Militantly
  • Mockingly
  • Mirthfully
  • Meaningfully
  • Melodically
  • Microscopically
  • Melancholically
  • Mildly
  • Majestically
  • Modernly
  • Mathematically
  • Meritoriously
  • Movingly
  • Muddily
  • Mutely
  • Maliciously
  • Marvelously
  • Monolithically
  • Mechanically
  • Morbidly
  • Mechanistically
  • Merrily
  • Mannerly
  • Masculinely
  • Manifestly
  • Modestly
  • Monumentally
  • Metrically
  • Mordantly
  • Morally
  • Miserly
  • Marginally
  • Melodiously
  • Mistrustfully
  • Markedly
  • Mercurially
  • Meekly
  • Medievally
  • Minimally
  • Misguidedly
  • Motionlessly
  • Motivatedly
  • Magnificently
  • Moistly
  • Menacingly
  • Momentarily
  • Mesmerizingly
  • Morosely
  • Mostly
  • Mercifully
  • Mellowly
  • Minorly
  • Meticulously
  • Maternally
  • Moderately
  • Momentously
  • Miserably
  • Methodically
  • Mischievously
  • Mortally
  • Meditatively
  • Misty
  • Medically
  • Masterfully
  • Mistakenly
  • Magically
  • Manageably
  • Manually
  • Mentally
  • Musically
  • Memorably
  • Miraculously
  • Mysteriously
  • Mainly
  • Measurably
  • Much
  • Mindfully
  • Magnanimously
  • More
  • Meaninglessly
  • Metaphorically
  • Monotonously
  • Mirthlessly
  • Motherly
  • Maturely
  • Majorly
  • Melancholily
  • Mulishly
  • Mythically
  • Mystically
  • Mournfully
  • Massively
  • Multiply
  • Modishly
  • Mundanely
  • Muscularly

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