Do you ever find yourself struggling to find just the right word to express a particular action or emotion? Well, fear not! The world of adverbs beginning with the letter N is here to rescue you from linguistic monotony. Whether you’re aiming for precision in your writing or simply seeking to add flair and elegance, these often overlooked adverbs offer a treasure trove of possibilities waiting to be unearthed.
Adverbs That Start With N
- Naturally
- Meaning: In A Normal Or Expected Manner.
- Sentence: She Smiled Naturally At Him.
- Nervously
- Meaning: In An Anxious Or Apprehensive Manner.
- Sentence: He Tapped His Foot Nervously.
- Notably
- Meaning: Particularly; Especially.
- Sentence: She Performed Notably Well Today.
- Naturally
- Meaning: As Is Usual Or Expected.
- Sentence: Birds Fly Naturally In Sky.
- Narrowly
- Meaning: By A Small Margin; Barely.
- Sentence: Narrowly Missed The Deadline.
- Negatively
- Meaning: In A Pessimistic Or Disapproving Manner.
- Sentence: He Reacted Negatively To Criticism.
- Nobly
- Meaning: With Dignity Or Moral Integrity.
- Sentence: He Acted Nobly In Crisis.
- Noiselessly
- Meaning: Without Making Noise.
- Sentence: Cat Walked Noiselessly Across Room.
- Nonchalantly
- Meaning: In A Casually Calm Manner.
- Sentence: He Shrugged Nonchalantly And Smiled.
- Noticeably
- Meaning: In A Way That Is Easily Seen.
- Sentence: Sun Noticeably Brighter At Noon.
- Nasally
- Meaning: Through Or With The Nose.
- Sentence: He Spoke Nasally Due Cold.
- Nastily
- Meaning: In A Mean Or Spiteful Manner.
- Sentence: Responded Nastily To The Comment.
- Nationally
- Meaning: Throughout The Whole Country.
- Sentence: Celebrated Nationally As A Hero.
- Natively
- Meaning: As A Native; By Birth.
- Sentence: Speaks Spanish Natively And Fluently.
- Navigably
- Meaning: In A Manner Suitable For Sailing.
- Sentence: River Is Navigably During Summer.
- Nearby
- Meaning: At A Short Distance.
- Sentence: Lives Nearby The Grocery Store.
- Necessarily
- Meaning: As A Necessary Result.
- Sentence: Changes Necessarily Require Time.
- Needily
- Meaning: In A Needy Or Poor Manner.
- Sentence: Looked At Him Needily.
- Needlessly
- Meaning: Without Necessity; Unnecessarily.
- Sentence: Worried Needlessly About The Test.
- Neglectfully
- Meaning: In A Neglectful Or Careless Manner.
- Sentence: Garden Was Left Neglectfully Unattended.
- Negligently
- Meaning: In A Careless Or Neglectful Way.
- Sentence: Negligently Forgot The Appointment.
- Nervily
- Meaning: In A Nervous Or Agitated Manner.
- Sentence: Waited Nervily For Interview.
- Newly
- Meaning: Recently; Freshly.
- Sentence: They Moved Into Newly Bought House.
- Nicely
- Meaning: In A Pleasant Or Agreeable Manner.
- Sentence: Dinner Was Cooked Nicely.
- Nightly
- Meaning: Every Night; In The Night.
- Sentence: Moon Shines Brightly Nightly.
- Nimbly
- Meaning: With Agility; Quickly.
- Sentence: Cat Moved Nimbly Across Roof.
- Nobly
- Meaning: With Nobility And Dignity.
- Sentence: She Behaved Nobly During Crisis.
- Nocturnally
- Meaning: During The Night.
- Sentence: Owls Hunt Nocturnally.
- Noisily
- Meaning: With A Lot Of Noise.
- Sentence: Children Played Noisily Outside.
- Noncommittally
- Meaning: In A Way That Shows Reluctance To Commit.
- Sentence: He Answered Questions Noncommittally.
- Noncompetitively
- Meaning: Without Competition.
- Sentence: Participated Noncompetitively In The Event.
- Nonconformingly
- Meaning: Not In Accordance With Norms.
- Sentence: Dressed Nonconformingly At The Party.
- Nondestructively
- Meaning: In A Way That Does Not Cause Destruction.
- Sentence: Tested Materials Nondestructively.
- Nondiscriminatorily
- Meaning: In A Non-Discriminatory Manner.
- Sentence: Company Hires Nondiscriminatorily.
- Nonetheless
- Meaning: Despite What Has Just Been Said.
- Sentence: It Was Difficult; Nonetheless, Achieved.
- Nonjudgmentally
- Meaning: Without Making Judgments.
- Sentence: Listened To His Story Nonjudgmentally.
- Nonlinearly
- Meaning: Not In A Linear Manner.
- Sentence: The Plot Develops Nonlinearly.
- Nonprofitably
- Meaning: Without Profit.
- Sentence: Organization Operates Nonprofitably.
- Nonsensically
- Meaning: In A Nonsensical Manner.
- Sentence: Talked Nonsensically After Anesthesia.
- Nonstop
- Meaning: Without Stopping; Continuously.
- Sentence: Drove Nonstop To The Coast.
- Normally
- Meaning: Usually; Under Normal Conditions.
- Sentence: Shops Normally Close At Eight.
- Northwardly
- Meaning: In A Northward Direction.
- Sentence: Ship Sailed Northwardly.
- Notoriously
- Meaning: Well Known For Some Bad Quality.
- Sentence: He’s Notoriously Difficult To Please.
- Nourishingly
- Meaning: In A Way That Promotes Health.
- Sentence: Meals Cooked Nourishingly For Kids.
- Novelistically
- Meaning: In The Manner Of A Novelist.
- Sentence: Described Scene Novelistically.
- Now
- Meaning: At The Present Time.
- Sentence: Now Is The Time To Act.
- Nowadays
- Meaning: At The Present Time; Currently.
- Sentence: People Shop Online Nowadays.
- Nowhere
- Meaning: Not In Or To Any Place.
- Sentence: Couldn’t Find Keys Nowhere.
- Numbly
- Meaning: Without Feeling; Insensibly.
- Sentence: Stood There Numbly In Shock.
- Numerically
- Meaning: In Terms Of Numbers.
- Sentence: Team Is Numerically Superior.
- Nutritionally
- Meaning: In Terms Of Nutritional Content.
- Sentence: Food Is Nutritionally Balanced.
- Natively
- Meaning: In A Manner Of One’s Native Place.
- Sentence: Spoke English Natively.
- Nastily
- Meaning: In A Nasty Manner.
- Sentence: He Commented Nastily On Post.
- Nattily
- Meaning: In A Neat, Trim Fashion.
- Sentence: Dressed Nattily For Interview.
- Neatly
- Meaning: In An Orderly, Tidy Way.
- Sentence: Arranged Books Neatly On Shelf.
- Necessarily
- Meaning: As A Necessary Result.
- Sentence: Must Necessarily Follow The Rules.
- Needlessly
- Meaning: Without Need Or Cause.
- Sentence: Worried Needlessly About Details.
- Negligibly
- Meaning: To A Negligible Degree.
- Sentence: Difference Was Negligibly Small.
- Neighborly
- Meaning: In A Friendly, Neighborly Way.
- Sentence: Greeted Everyone Neighborly.
- Nervously
- Meaning: In A Nervous Manner.
- Sentence: Waited Nervously For Results.
- Newly
- Meaning: Recently.
- Sentence: Moved Into Newly Renovated Home.
- Nicely
- Meaning: In A Nice Manner.
- Sentence: Conversation Flowed Nicely.
- Nimbly
- Meaning: Quickly And Lightly.
- Sentence: Climbed Nimbly Up Tree.
- Nobly
- Meaning: In A Noble Manner.
- Sentence: Acted Nobly In Adversity.
- Noisily
- Meaning: With A Lot Of Noise.
- Sentence: Kids Played Noisily In Park.
- Noncommittally
- Meaning: In A Noncommitting Manner.
- Sentence: Replied Noncommittally To Questions.
- Noncompetitively
- Meaning: Without Competing.
- Sentence: Participated Noncompetitively In Marathon.
- Nonchalantly
- Meaning: In A Casually Calm Manner.
- Sentence: Shrugged Nonchalantly At Question.
- Nondescriptly
- Meaning: In An Undistinguished Or Uninteresting Manner.
- Sentence: Dressed Nondescriptly For Event.
- Nonethically
- Meaning: In A Non-Ethical Manner.
- Sentence: Acted Nonethically In Business.
- Nonverbally
- Meaning: Without Using Words.
- Sentence: Communicated Feelings Nonverbally.
- Normally
- Meaning: In A Normal Manner.
- Sentence: Life Proceeded Normally After Event.
- Northwardly
- Meaning: Towards The North.
- Sentence: Traveled Northwardly Last Summer.
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(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z)
Adverbs Starting With N
- Natively
- Nonsurgically
- Novelettishly
- Nonlinearly
- Nuttily
- Nucleary
- Noteworthily
- Noxiously
- Nontechnically
- Nonpractically
- Noticeably
- Nervously
- Noneducationally
- Naively
- Noncompetitively
- Neatly
- Numerically
- Neglectfully
- Narrowly
- Nubbly
- Normally
- Nonthreateningly
- Nauseatingly
- Nonresponsively
- Nonviolently
- Nonsensically
- Neglectingly
- Noodly
- Nowise
- Nonassertively
- Nonsocially
- Normatively
- Nattily
- Nightly
- Nonsubjectively
- Nobly
- Nudgingly
- Needlessly
- Noiselessly
- Nonmusically
- Nonethically
- Neurotically
- Nookedly
- Noncommittally
- Notionally
- Nonphilosophically
- Nonvulnerably
- Noonishly
- Nonideologically
- Numbly
- Namelessly
- Nourishingly
- Nonspiritually
- Nonvocally
- Nutritiously
- Northwardly
- Nonreactively
- Nonjudgmentally
- Naturally
- Newly
- Nonpolitically
- Numerably
- Nonvoluntarily
- Nondestructively
- Negatively
- Nondescriptly
- Noncooperatively
- Nonpoetically
- Nonsportingly
- Nationally
- Nonemotionally
- Nimbly
- Nonchalantly
- Nakedly
- Notoriously
- Nonphysically
- Nonscientifically
- Nonintellectually
- Nonstrategically
- Nonreligiously
- Niftily
- Nosewardly
- Nonmedically
- Notably
- Nonproductively
- Nowhere
- Nonvisually
- Necessarily
- Nostalgically
- Numbingly
- Nonstop
- Novelly
- Nonverbally
- Nervily
- Noway
- Nudely