Adverbs That Start With S (List Of Adverbs)

From slyly to seamlessly, these S adverbs pack a punch that can elevate the tone and style of any piece of writing. By delving into this unique category of adverbs, you’ll uncover a treasure trove of expressive options that will add depth and color to your sentences. So, prepare to embark on an enchanting journey through the world of adverbs as we unravel the captivating allure and versatility of those starting with S.

Adverbs That Start With S

  1. Safely
    • Meaning: Securely
    • Sentence: Drove Home Safely After Work.
  2. Sadly
    • Meaning: Sorrowfully
    • Sentence: She Sadly Waved Goodbye.
  3. Secretly
    • Meaning: Covertly
    • Sentence: Secretly Admired Her From Afar.
  4. Seemingly
    • Meaning: Apparently
    • Sentence: Seemingly Effortless, He Solved It.
  5. Seldom
    • Meaning: Rarely
    • Sentence: Seldom Goes Out At Night.
  6. Selfishly
    • Meaning: Egocentrically
    • Sentence: Acted Selfishly During The Game.
  7. Separately
    • Meaning: Independently
    • Sentence: They Traveled Separately To Paris.
  8. Seriously
    • Meaning: Gravely
    • Sentence: Seriously Considered The Job Offer.
  9. Shakily
    • Meaning: Tremulously
    • Sentence: Signed The Document Shakily.
  10. Sharply
    • Meaning: Abruptly
    • Sentence: Turned Sharply At The Corner.
  11. Sheepishly
    • Meaning: Embarrassedly
    • Sentence: Smiled Sheepishly After Tripping.
  12. Shrewdly
    • Meaning: Astutely
    • Sentence: Negotiated Shrewdly For The Deal.
  13. Silently
    • Meaning: Quietly
    • Sentence: Silently Closed The Bedroom Door.
  14. Similarly
    • Meaning: Alike
    • Sentence: Acted Similarly To His Brother.
  15. Simply
    • Meaning: Merely
    • Sentence: Simply Put, It’s Complicated.
  16. Sincerely
    • Meaning: Genuinely
    • Sentence: Sincerely Apologized For The Mistake.
  17. Skeptically
    • Meaning: Doubtfully
    • Sentence: Listened Skeptically To The Story.
  18. Skillfully
    • Meaning: Expertly
    • Sentence: Skillfully Played The Violin Solo.
  19. Sleepily
    • Meaning: Drowsily
    • Sentence: Answered The Phone Sleepily.
  20. Slowly
    • Meaning: Gradually
    • Sentence: The Sun Set Slowly.
  21. Smoothly
    • Meaning: Effortlessly
    • Sentence: The Plan Went Smoothly.
  22. Softly
    • Meaning: Gently
    • Sentence: Spoke Softly To The Baby.
  23. Solemnly
    • Meaning: Seriously
    • Sentence: Solemnly Swore To Tell Truth.
  24. Solidly
    • Meaning: Firmly
    • Sentence: Built The House Solidly.
  25. Somehow
    • Meaning: Inexplicably
    • Sentence: Somehow Finished The Marathon.
  26. Sometimes
    • Meaning: Occasionally
    • Sentence: Sometimes Skips Breakfast.
  27. Somewhat
    • Meaning: Moderately
    • Sentence: Somewhat Annoyed By The Noise.
  28. Somewhere
    • Meaning: In An Undetermined Place
    • Sentence: Left My Keys Somewhere.
  29. Soon
    • Meaning: Shortly
    • Sentence: Will Start Dinner Soon.
  30. Specifically
    • Meaning: Particularly
    • Sentence: Asked Specifically For Vanilla Ice-Cream.
  31. Spectacularly
    • Meaning: Impressively
    • Sentence: The Event Ended Spectacularly.
  32. Speedily
    • Meaning: Quickly
    • Sentence: Finished The Task Speedily.
  33. Sporadically
    • Meaning: Infrequently
    • Sentence: Rain Falls Sporadically Here.
  34. Stealthily
    • Meaning: Secretively
    • Sentence: Moved Stealthily In The Dark.
  35. Sternly
    • Meaning: Strictly
    • Sentence: Spoke Sternly To The Child.
  36. Still
    • Meaning: Motionlessly
    • Sentence: Sat Still During The Movie.
  37. Stoically
    • Meaning: Unemotionally
    • Sentence: Endured The Pain Stoically.
  38. Straight
    • Meaning: Directly
    • Sentence: Walked Straight To The Office.
  39. Strangely
    • Meaning: Oddly
    • Sentence: Acted Strangely Yesterday.
  40. Strictly
    • Meaning: Rigorously
    • Sentence: Adheres Strictly To The Rules.
  41. Strongly
    • Meaning: Forcefully
    • Sentence: Strongly Opposed The Proposal.
  42. Stubbornly
    • Meaning: Obstinate
    • Sentence: Stubbornly Refused To Leave.
  43. Studiously
    • Meaning: Diligently
    • Sentence: Studiously Prepared For The Exam.
  44. Stunningly
    • Meaning: Impressively
    • Sentence: She Looked Stunningly Beautiful.
  45. Subsequently
    • Meaning: Afterwards
    • Sentence: Subsequently Changed His Opinion.
  46. Subtly
    • Meaning: Delicately
    • Sentence: Hinted Subtly At The Problem.
  47. Successfully
    • Meaning: Triumphantly
    • Sentence: Completed The Project Successfully.
  48. Suddenly
    • Meaning: Abruptly
    • Sentence: Stopped Speaking Suddenly.
  49. Sufficiently
    • Meaning: Adequately
    • Sentence: Prepared Sufficiently For The Test.
  50. Suitably
    • Meaning: Appropriately
    • Sentence: Dressed Suitably For The Weather.
  51. Superbly
    • Meaning: Excellently
    • Sentence: Performed Superbly At The Concert.
  52. Superficially
    • Meaning: Externally
    • Sentence: Wounded Only Superficially.
  53. Supremely
    • Meaning: Extremely
    • Sentence: Felt Supremely Confident.
  54. Surely
    • Meaning: Certainly
    • Sentence: Surely, You’re Joking.
  55. Surprisingly
    • Meaning: Unexpectedly
    • Sentence: The Outcome Was Surprisingly Good.
  56. Suspiciously
    • Meaning: Distrustfully
    • Sentence: Looked At Me Suspiciously.
  57. Sweetly
    • Meaning: Pleasantly
    • Sentence: Smiled Sweetly At Everyone.
  58. Swiftly
    • Meaning: Quickly
    • Sentence: The Bird Flew Swiftly.
  59. Sympathetically
    • Meaning: Compassionately
    • Sentence: Listened Sympathetically To Her Story.
  60. Systematically
    • Meaning: Methodically
    • Sentence: Solved The Problem Systematically.
  61. Sarcastically
    • Meaning: Ironical
    • Sentence: Commented Sarcastically On The Event.
  62. Scarcely
    • Meaning: Barely
    • Sentence: Scarcely Knew What To Say.
  63. Scornfully
    • Meaning: Disdainfully
    • Sentence: Laughed Scornfully At The Idea.
  64. Seamlessly
    • Meaning: Smoothly
    • Sentence: Integrated Seamlessly Into The Team.
  65. Secondarily
    • Meaning: Not Primarily
    • Sentence: Considered Health Secondarily To Wealth.
  66. Securely
    • Meaning: Firmly
    • Sentence: Locked The Door Securely.
  67. Seductively
    • Meaning: Temptingly
    • Sentence: Spoke Seductively During The Play.
  68. Selectively
    • Meaning: Discriminatingly
    • Sentence: Chose Friends Selectively.
  69. Sensationally
    • Meaning: Excitingly
    • Sentence: The Movie Ended Sensationally.
  70. Sensitively
    • Meaning: Perceptively
    • Sentence: Handled The Situation Sensitively.
  71. Sentimentally
    • Meaning: Emotionally
    • Sentence: Reminisced Sentimentally About Childhood.
  72. Severely
    • Meaning: Harshly
    • Sentence: Criticized The Plan Severely.
  73. Shamefully
    • Meaning: Disgracefully
    • Sentence: Acted Shamefully At The Party.
  74. Significantly
    • Meaning: Importantly
    • Sentence: Improved His Grades Significantly.
  75. Silhouetted
    • Meaning: Outlined
    • Sentence: Stood Silhouetted Against The Light.
  76. Simplistically
    • Meaning: Naively
    • Sentence: Explained The Theory Simplistically.
  77. Simultaneously
    • Meaning: Concurrently
    • Sentence: Laughed And Cried Simultaneously.
  78. Skeptically
    • Meaning: Doubtfully
    • Sentence: Regarded The Claim Skeptically.
  79. Slavishly
    • Meaning: Servilely
    • Sentence: Followed The Instructions Slavishly.
  80. Slightly
    • Meaning: Minimally
    • Sentence: Adjusted The Settings Slightly.
  81. Sluggishly
    • Meaning: Slowly
    • Sentence: Reacted Sluggishly In The Morning.
  82. Smilingly
    • Meaning: Cheerfully
    • Sentence: Greeted Everyone Smilingly.
  83. Smoothly
    • Meaning: Evenly
    • Sentence: The Conversation Went Smoothly.

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Adverbs Starting With S

Adverbs Starting With S

  • Surely
  • Scrupulously
  • Secretly
  • Supposedly
  • Sensationally
  • Sadly
  • Spectacularly
  • Sweetly
  • Sympathetically
  • Spatially
  • Scornfully
  • Steadily
  • Suspiciously
  • Slickly
  • Singularly
  • Strenuously
  • Seldom
  • Shrewdly
  • Somberly
  • Shyly
  • Sizzlingly
  • Staunchly
  • Seamlessly
  • Sprightly
  • Sincerely
  • Slowly
  • Smirkily
  • Severely
  • Strikingly
  • Snugly
  • Speculatively
  • Smoothly
  • Suspensefully
  • Shamelessly
  • Soundly
  • Sonorously
  • Supremely
  • Seductively
  • Solidly
  • Sublimely
  • Subsequently
  • Solemnly
  • Sarcastically
  • Sanely
  • Smugly
  • Snidely
  • Sensitively
  • Spiritually
  • Snappily
  • Strategically
  • Seriously
  • Smarmily
  • Superficially
  • Synergistically
  • Sardonically
  • Sophisticatedly
  • Suitably
  • Steadfastly
  • Spontaneously
  • Systematically
  • Simultaneously
  • Sorrowfully
  • Swiftly
  • Silently
  • Suddenly
  • Safely
  • Strongly
  • Sparingly
  • Scarily
  • Slyly
  • Superbly
  • Sufficiently
  • Significantly
  • Soberly
  • Sleekly
  • Supportively
  • Specially
  • Subversively
  • Solely
  • Smilingly
  • Subtly
  • Skillfully
  • Skeptically
  • Statistically
  • Spitefully
  • Sensibly
  • Serenely
  • Superlatively
  • Scorchingly
  • Successfully
  • Stably
  • Snazzily
  • Surprisingly
  • Sharply
  • Stunningly
  • Socially
  • Sociably

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