Adverbs That Start With T (List Of Adverbs)

Tucked away in the depths of the English language are a multitude of adverbs that start with the letter ‘T.’ Often overlooked and underappreciated, these adverbs hold a unique power to enhance our communication, adding depth and nuance to our expressions.

From tantalizingly to tactfully, each adverb carries its own distinct flavor, shaping the way we convey emotions, actions, and descriptions. In this article, we will embark on a linguistic journey through the fascinating world of adverbs that start with T, exploring their meanings, applications, and impact on our everyday language.

Adverbs That Start With T

  1. Tactfully
    • Meaning: Diplomatically
    • Sentence: She Tactfully Avoided The Question.
  2. Tantalizingly
    • Meaning: Enticingly
    • Sentence: The Dessert Looked Tantalizingly Delicious.
  3. Tardily
    • Meaning: Late
    • Sentence: He Arrived Tardily At School.
  4. Tastefully
    • Meaning: Stylishly
    • Sentence: The Room Was Tastefully Decorated.
  5. Teasingly
    • Meaning: Playfully
    • Sentence: He Teasingly Hid Her Phone.
  6. Technically
    • Meaning: Precisely
    • Sentence: Technically, He Was Still Right.
  7. Tediously
    • Meaning: Boringly
    • Sentence: She Tediously Completed Her Work.
  8. Telepathically
    • Meaning: Mind-To-Mind
    • Sentence: They Communicated Telepathically In Silence.
  9. Tellingly
    • Meaning: Revealingly
    • Sentence: His Smile Was Tellingly Nervous.
  10. Temporarily
    • Meaning: Briefly
    • Sentence: The Road Was Temporarily Closed.
  11. Tenaciously
    • Meaning: Persistently
    • Sentence: She Held On Tenaciously.
  12. Tenderly
    • Meaning: Gently
    • Sentence: He Tenderly Kissed Her Forehead.
  13. Tensely
    • Meaning: Anxiously
    • Sentence: She Waited Tensely For News.
  14. Tentatively
    • Meaning: Unsurely
    • Sentence: He Tentatively Asked A Question.
  15. Terribly
    • Meaning: Awfully
    • Sentence: The Film Was Terribly Boring.
  16. Terrifically
    • Meaning: Wonderfully
    • Sentence: She Played The Piano Terrifically.
  17. Terrifyingly
    • Meaning: Frighteningly
    • Sentence: The Storm Was Terrifyingly Loud.
  18. Thankfully
    • Meaning: Gratefully
    • Sentence: Thankfully, Everyone Was Safe.
  19. Theatrically
    • Meaning: Dramatically
    • Sentence: She Theatrically Exited The Room.
  20. Therapeutically
    • Meaning: Healingly
    • Sentence: Gardening Is Therapeutically Beneficial.
  21. Thickly
    • Meaning: Densely
    • Sentence: The Forest Was Thickly Wooded.
  22. Thinly
    • Meaning: Slimly
    • Sentence: The Ice Was Thinly Spread.
  23. Thoroughly
    • Meaning: Completely
    • Sentence: He Thoroughly Cleaned The House.
  24. Thoughtfully
    • Meaning: Considerately
    • Sentence: She Thoughtfully Brought Him Coffee.
  25. Thoughtlessly
    • Meaning: Carelessly
    • Sentence: He Thoughtlessly Forgot Her Birthday.
  26. Threateningly
    • Meaning: Menacingly
    • Sentence: He Looked At Me Threateningly.
  27. Thrillingly
    • Meaning: Excitingly
    • Sentence: The Game Ended Thrillingly.
  28. Throughly (An Archaic Form Of Thoroughly)
    • Meaning: Completely
    • Sentence: He Was Throughly Convinced.
  29. Tightly
    • Meaning: Firmly
    • Sentence: She Held My Hand Tightly.
  30. Timelessly
    • Meaning: Eternally
    • Sentence: The Song Is Timelessly Popular.
  31. Timidly
    • Meaning: Shyly
    • Sentence: He Spoke Up Timidly.
  32. Tiringly
    • Meaning: Exhaustingly
    • Sentence: They Worked Tiringly All Day.
  33. Tolerantly
    • Meaning: Open-Mindedly
    • Sentence: She Listened Tolerantly To Him.
  34. Topically
    • Meaning: Relevantly
    • Sentence: The Article Was Topically Focused.
  35. Tormentingly
    • Meaning: Painfully
    • Sentence: The Memories Were Tormentingly Vivid.
  36. Totally
    • Meaning: Completely
    • Sentence: I Totally Agree With You.
  37. Touchingly
    • Meaning: Movingly
    • Sentence: His Words Were Touchingly Sincere.
  38. Toughly
    • Meaning: Strongly
    • Sentence: She Toughly Negotiated The Deal.
  39. Traditionally
    • Meaning: Customarily
    • Sentence: We Meet Traditionally On Christmas.
  40. Tragically
    • Meaning: Sadly
    • Sentence: The Event Ended Tragically.
  41. Tranquilly
    • Meaning: Peacefully
    • Sentence: The Lake Lay Tranquilly.
  42. Transcendentally
    • Meaning: Supernaturally
    • Sentence: She Spoke Transcendentally About Life.
  43. Transitionally
    • Meaning: Changeably
    • Sentence: He Is In A Transitionally Phase.
  44. Transversely
    • Meaning: Crosswise
    • Sentence: The Pattern Was Cut Transversely.
  45. Tremendously
    • Meaning: Immensely
    • Sentence: She Was Tremendously Excited.
  46. Tremulously
    • Meaning: Shakingly
    • Sentence: He Spoke Tremulously With Fear.
  47. Triumphantly
    • Meaning: Victoriously
    • Sentence: She Smiled Triumphantly At Him.
  48. Trivially
    • Meaning: Insignificantly
    • Sentence: It Mattered Trivially To Her.
  49. Troublingly
    • Meaning: Worrisomely
    • Sentence: The News Was Troublingly Unclear.
  50. Truly
    • Meaning: Honestly
    • Sentence: I Truly Appreciate Your Help.
  51. Trustfully
    • Meaning: Confidently
    • Sentence: She Looked At Him Trustfully.
  52. Trustingly
    • Meaning: Naively
    • Sentence: He Trustingly Gave Her The Keys.
  53. Truthfully
    • Meaning: Honestly
    • Sentence: She Answered The Question Truthfully.
  54. Tunefully
    • Meaning: Melodiously
    • Sentence: She Sang Tunefully In Choir.
  55. Turbulently
    • Meaning: Chaotically
    • Sentence: The Ocean Waves Crashed Turbulently.
  56. Twice
    • Meaning: Two Times
    • Sentence: I Called Her Twice Today.
  57. Typically
    • Meaning: Normally
    • Sentence: He’s Typically Late To Meetings.
  58. Tactlessly
    • Meaning: Insensitively
    • Sentence: He Tactlessly Interrupted The Conversation.
  59. Tangibly
    • Meaning: Palpably
    • Sentence: The Tension Was Tangibly Thick.
  60. Tartly
    • Meaning: Sharply
    • Sentence: She Replied Tartly To Criticism.
  61. Tastily
    • Meaning: Deliciously
    • Sentence: The Meal Was Prepared Tastily.
  62. Tauntingly
    • Meaning: Mockingly
    • Sentence: He Spoke Tauntingly To Them.
  63. Teachingly
    • Meaning: Instructively
    • Sentence: He Teachingly Explained The Concept.
  64. Tearfully
    • Meaning: Cryingly
    • Sentence: She Spoke Tearfully During Farewell.
  65. Teasingly
    • Meaning: Mockingly
    • Sentence: He Teasingly Stole Her Hat.
  66. Tech-Savvily
    • Meaning: Knowledgeably
    • Sentence: She Navigated The App Tech-Savvily.
  67. Teemingly
    • Meaning: Abundantly
    • Sentence: The Streets Were Teemingly Crowded.
  68. Temperamentally
    • Meaning: Moodily
    • Sentence: He Is Temperamentally Unpredictable.
  69. Temporally
    • Meaning: Temporarily
    • Sentence: The Decision Was Temporally Effective.
  70. Tenably
    • Meaning: Defensibly
    • Sentence: His Argument Was Tenably Strong.
  71. Tendentiously
    • Meaning: Biasedly
    • Sentence: He Spoke Tendentiously On Politics.
  72. Tender-Heartedly
    • Meaning: Compassionately
    • Sentence: She Acted Tender-Heartedly Towards Animals.
  73. Tensely
    • Meaning: Anxiously
    • Sentence: The Room Was Tensely Quiet.
  74. Tentatively
    • Meaning: Uncertainly
    • Sentence: She Tentatively Agreed To Go.
  75. Termly
    • Meaning: Periodically
    • Sentence: The Magazine Is Published Termly.
  76. Terrestrially
    • Meaning: Earthly
    • Sentence: The Creature Lived Terrestrially.
  77. Territorially
    • Meaning: Regionally
    • Sentence: Animals Marked Their Territory Territorially.
  78. Testily
    • Meaning: Irritably
    • Sentence: He Responded Testily To Questions.
  79. Textually
    • Meaning: Literally
    • Sentence: The Law Is Textually Clear.
  80. Thanklessly
    • Meaning: Ungratefully
    • Sentence: His Efforts Went Thanklessly Unnoticed.

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List Of Adverbs Starting With T

Adverbs Starting With T

  • Tolerantly
  • Typically
  • Trepidly
  • Tyrannically
  • Thrillingly
  • Toothily
  • Trespassingly
  • Terrifically
  • Tepidly
  • Tactically
  • Tyrannously
  • Thinkingly
  • Troublingly
  • Tonally
  • Touchingly
  • Tropically
  • Transcendentally
  • Thriftily
  • Telling
  • Thematically
  • Thinly
  • Throbbingly
  • Tunefully
  • Taxonomically
  • Tetchily
  • Thoroughly
  • Theologically
  • Timelessly
  • Tactlessly
  • Thankfully
  • Truthfully
  • Tenderly
  • Tenurially
  • Threateningly
  • Tastlessly
  • Tensely
  • Tremendously
  • Toastily
  • Turpidly
  • Trendily
  • Tastily
  • Trustingly
  • Tolerably
  • Tremulously
  • Tangibly
  • Transiently
  • Tastefully
  • Trapdoors
  • Treacherously
  • Tellingly
  • Theistically
  • Temporally
  • Trickily
  • Technically
  • Throughly
  • Temporarily
  • Touchily
  • Tartly
  • Tediously
  • Thirstily
  • Tardily
  • Theoretically
  • Tally
  • Traumatically
  • Trippingly
  • Technologically
  • Tightly
  • Temperamentally
  • Thuddingly
  • Taxingly
  • Troopingly
  • Toughly
  • Teasingly
  • Trustfully
  • Tiredly
  • Totally
  • Tonelessly
  • Timidly
  • Thanklessly
  • Tortuously
  • Tardively
  • Thursdays
  • Theatrically
  • Tautly
  • Thunderously
  • Tragically
  • Triangularly
  • Tawdrily
  • Tactfully
  • Tantalisingly
  • Tongue-In-Cheek
  • Trumpetingly
  • Terminally
  • Toutedly
  • Tiringly
  • Trivially
  • Tricklingly
  • Thermally
  • Tangentially
  • Transitively
  • Telegraphically
  • Tumultuously
  • Tactilely
  • Toxicologically
  • Terribly
  • Turbidly
  • Tranquilly
  • Tidily
  • Traceably
  • Tacitly
  • Tidally
  • Turbulently
  • Thoughtlessly
  • Tornly
  • Transversely
  • Tearfully
  • Tentatively
  • Tendentiously
  • Tantalizingly
  • Trigonometrically
  • Transparently
  • Ticklishly
  • Terrifyingly
  • Therapeutically
  • Thievishly
  • Thirdly
  • Telepathically
  • Tactually
  • Tenaciously
  • Timely
  • Truculently
  • Temptingly
  • Topically
  • Territorially
  • Topographically
  • Toweringly
  • Turgidly
  • Touristically
  • Teetotally
  • Troublesomely
  • Truly
  • Throatily
  • Thoughtfully
  • Traitorously
  • Teaspoonful
  • Testily
  • Transitionally
  • Tovarishly

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