Adverbs That Start With U (List Of Adverbs)

Adverbs are the unsung heroes of the English language, quietly adding nuance and depth to our communication. But when it comes to adverbs that start with the letter U, they seem to be shrouded in mystery and overlooked by many. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of adverbs beginning with the elusive letter U, uncovering their unique meanings and usage that often go unnoticed.

Adverbs That Start With U

  1. Unabashedly
    • Meaning: Boldly
    • Sentence: He Spoke Unabashedly About Politics.
  2. Unaccountably
    • Meaning: Inexplicably
    • Sentence: She Unaccountably Missed The Meeting.
  3. Unanimously
    • Meaning: Collectively
    • Sentence: They Unanimously Agreed On Plans.
  4. Unassumingly
    • Meaning: Modestly
    • Sentence: He Unassumingly Accepted The Award.
  5. Unavoidably
    • Meaning: Inevitably
    • Sentence: It Was Unavoidably Going To Happen.
  6. Unbearably
    • Meaning: Intolerably
    • Sentence: The Heat Was Unbearably Intense.
  7. Unbelievably
    • Meaning: Incredibly
    • Sentence: She Sang Unbelievably Well Tonight.
  8. Uncannily
    • Meaning: Strangely
    • Sentence: His Prediction Was Uncannily Accurate.
  9. Unceasingly
    • Meaning: Continuously
    • Sentence: The Rain Fell Unceasingly All Day.
  10. Unceremoniously
    • Meaning: Rudely
    • Sentence: He Was Unceremoniously Dismissed From Work.
  11. Uncommonly
    • Meaning: Rarely
    • Sentence: She Was Uncommonly Good At Math.
  12. Unconditionally
    • Meaning: Absolutely
    • Sentence: He Loves Her Unconditionally Always.
  13. Unconsciously
    • Meaning: Inadvertently
    • Sentence: He Unconsciously Insulted His Friend.
  14. Uncontrollably
    • Meaning: Helplessly
    • Sentence: She Laughed Uncontrollably At Jokes.
  15. Undeniably
    • Meaning: Certainly
    • Sentence: He Is Undeniably A Genius.
  16. Understandably
    • Meaning: Justifiably
    • Sentence: She’s Understandably Upset About Losses.
  17. Undoubtedly
    • Meaning: Certainly
    • Sentence: He’s Undoubtedly The Best Candidate.
  18. Uneasily
    • Meaning: Anxiously
    • Sentence: She Shifted Uneasily In Her Seat.
  19. Unequally
    • Meaning: Disproportionately
    • Sentence: Resources Are Distributed Unequally Here.
  20. Unequivocally
    • Meaning: Clearly
    • Sentence: He Spoke Unequivocally About His Intentions.
  21. Unerringly
    • Meaning: Infallibly
    • Sentence: His Instincts Are Unerringly Accurate.
  22. Uneventfully
    • Meaning: Smoothly
    • Sentence: The Day Passed Uneventfully.
  23. Unexpectedly
    • Meaning: Surprisingly
    • Sentence: She Arrived Unexpectedly Early.
  24. Unfailingly
    • Meaning: Consistently
    • Sentence: He Is Unfailingly Kind To Everyone.
  25. Unfavorably
    • Meaning: Disadvantageously
    • Sentence: He Compared It Unfavorably To Others.
  26. Unflinchingly
    • Meaning: Steadfastly
    • Sentence: She Faced Challenges Unflinchingly.
  27. Unfrequently
    • Meaning: Rarely
    • Sentence: He Unfrequently Visits The City.
  28. Ungainly
    • Meaning: Awkwardly
    • Sentence: He Walked Ungainly Across The Room.
  29. Unhappily
    • Meaning: Sadly
    • Sentence: They Parted Unhappily After The Argument.
  30. Unhesitatingly
    • Meaning: Promptly
    • Sentence: She Unhesitatingly Accepted The Offer.
  31. Uniformly
    • Meaning: Consistently
    • Sentence: The Law Was Uniformly Applied.
  32. Unilaterally
    • Meaning: Independently
    • Sentence: He Acted Unilaterally In His Decision.
  33. Unimaginably
    • Meaning: Inconceivably
    • Sentence: The Pain Was Unimaginably Severe.
  34. Unintentionally
    • Meaning: Accidentally
    • Sentence: He Unintentionally Offended His Friend.
  35. Uninterruptedly
    • Meaning: Continuously
    • Sentence: She Worked Uninterruptedly For Hours.
  36. Uniquely
    • Meaning: Distinctively
    • Sentence: His Style Is Uniquely His Own.
  37. Unjustifiably
    • Meaning: Wrongly
    • Sentence: He Was Unjustifiably Punished.
  38. Unjustly
    • Meaning: Unfairly
    • Sentence: She Was Treated Unjustly At Work.
  39. Unknowingly
    • Meaning: Ignorantly
    • Sentence: He Unknowingly Broke The Rules.
  40. Unlawfully
    • Meaning: Illegally
    • Sentence: They Were Acting Unlawfully.
  41. Unlikely
    • Meaning: Improbably
    • Sentence: He’s Unlikely To Agree.
  42. Unmistakably
    • Meaning: Clearly
    • Sentence: It Was Unmistakably A Lie.
  43. Unnecessarily
    • Meaning: Needlessly
    • Sentence: He Worries Unnecessarily About Things.
  44. Unobtrusively
    • Meaning: Discreetly
    • Sentence: She Unobtrusively Left The Room.
  45. Unofficially
    • Meaning: Informally
    • Sentence: He Unofficially Advised The Team.
  46. Unpleasantly
    • Meaning: Disagreeably
    • Sentence: The News Was Unpleasantly Surprising.
  47. Unprecedentedly
    • Meaning: Extraordinarily
    • Sentence: The Event Was Unprecedentedly Successful.
  48. Unpredictably
    • Meaning: Erratically
    • Sentence: The Weather Is Unpredictably Changing.
  49. Unpretentiously
    • Meaning: Simply
    • Sentence: She Lives Unpretentiously And Happily.
  50. Unquestionably
    • Meaning: Indisputably
    • Sentence: He’s Unquestionably The Right Person.
  51. Unquestioningly
    • Meaning: Blindly
    • Sentence: She Followed Orders Unquestioningly.
  52. Unreadably
    • Meaning: Illegibly
    • Sentence: His Handwriting Is Unreadably Poor.
  53. Unreasonably
    • Meaning: Irrationally
    • Sentence: He Reacted Unreasonably To Criticism.
  54. Unrecognizably
    • Meaning: Drastically
    • Sentence: The Place Changed Unrecognizably.
  55. Unrelentingly
    • Meaning: Persistently
    • Sentence: She Pursued Her Goals Unrelentingly.
  56. Unremarkably
    • Meaning: Ordinarily
    • Sentence: The Day Passed Unremarkably.
  57. Unreservedly
    • Meaning: Wholly
    • Sentence: He Apologized Unreservedly For Mistakes.
  58. Unresponsively
    • Meaning: Indifferently
    • Sentence: He Stared Unresponsively At Her.
  59. Unrestrainedly
    • Meaning: Freely
    • Sentence: She Laughed Unrestrainedly.
  60. Unrevealingly
    • Meaning: Secretively
    • Sentence: He Spoke Unrevealingly About Plans.
  61. Unrulily
    • Meaning: Disorderly
    • Sentence: The Class Behaved Unrulily Today.
  62. Unsavory
    • Meaning: Displeasingly
    • Sentence: The News Was Unsavory.
  63. Unseeingly
    • Meaning: Blindly
    • Sentence: He Gazed Unseeingly Into Distance.
  64. Unselfishly
    • Meaning: Generously
    • Sentence: She Acted Unselfishly For Others.
  65. Unsettlingly
    • Meaning: Disturbingly
    • Sentence: The Story Ended Unsettlingly.
  66. Unshakably
    • Meaning: Firmly
    • Sentence: Her Belief Was Unshakably Strong.
  67. Unskillfully
    • Meaning: Ineptly
    • Sentence: He Painted Unskillfully But Happily.
  68. Unsparingly
    • Meaning: Mercilessly
    • Sentence: He Criticized Unsparingly.
  69. Unstintingly
    • Meaning: Generously
    • Sentence: She Offered Help Unstintingly.
  70. Unsuccessfully
    • Meaning: Ineffectively
    • Sentence: He Tried Unsuccessfully To Fix It.
  71. Unsuitably
    • Meaning: Inappropriately
    • Sentence: He Dressed Unsuitably For The Event.
  72. Unsurprisingly
    • Meaning: Expectedly
    • Sentence: Unsurprisingly, He Arrived Late.
  73. Unsuspectingly
    • Meaning: Naively
    • Sentence: She Walked In Unsuspectingly.
  74. Unswervingly
    • Meaning: Steadily
    • Sentence: He Remained Unswervingly Loyal.
  75. Untiringly
    • Meaning: Relentlessly
    • Sentence: She Worked Untiringly On The Project.
  76. Unusually
    • Meaning: Extraordinarily
    • Sentence: He’s Unusually Talented In Music.
  77. Unwaveringly
    • Meaning: Steadfastly
    • Sentence: She Supported Her Friends

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(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z)

List Of Adverbs Starting With U

Adverbs Starting With U

  • Unconditionally
  • Unstintingly
  • Unreservedly
  • Unsuspectingly
  • Unpreparedly
  • Unbelievably
  • Unlawfully
  • Unintelligibly
  • Unmanageably
  • Unilaterally
  • Unresponsively
  • Ungrudgingly
  • Uncommonly
  • Unvaryingly
  • Understatedly
  • Unceasingly
  • Untidily
  • Unrevealedly
  • Unprofitably
  • Unforgivingly
  • Understandingly
  • Unthreateningly
  • Unlovingly
  • Unconventionally
  • Unjustifiably
  • Uncontrollably
  • Unpleasantly
  • Unofficially
  • Unanimously
  • Unrecognizably
  • Unbiasedly
  • Unravelingly
  • Unorthodoxly
  • Unhappily
  • Unreasonably
  • Unluckily
  • Ungracefully
  • Unquestioningly
  • Unknowingly
  • Unostentatiously
  • Uprightly
  • Unduly
  • Unnecessarily
  • Unclearly
  • Unthinkably
  • Uncomplainingly
  • Unexpectedly
  • Unrelentingly
  • Unseemly
  • Understandably
  • Uniquely
  • Unfailingly
  • Uncharacteristically
  • Unscientifically
  • Unfeignedly
  • Unchallengingly
  • Unfazedly
  • Unstably
  • Unsuitably
  • Unironically
  • Upbraidingly
  • Unperturbedly
  • Unyieldingly
  • Unceremoniously
  • Unassumingly
  • Unsparingly
  • Uninterestedly
  • Unjustly
  • Unflinchingly
  • Unfairly
  • Unequivocally
  • Unkindly
  • Untraditionally
  • Ungratefully
  • Unintentionally
  • Unsatisfactorily
  • Unreadably
  • Uncritically
  • Unquestionably
  • Unfaithfully
  • Unskillfully
  • Unevenly
  • Unwieldily
  • Uncomfortably
  • Uncertainly
  • Unconsciously
  • Unmistakably
  • Unprofessionally
  • Unscathedly
  • Undeservedly
  • Uneasily
  • Untruthfully
  • Unblinkingly
  • Underhandedly
  • Unweariedly
  • Uncompromisingly
  • Unhurriedly
  • Unabashedly
  • Unshakably
  • Uninterruptedly
  • Unimpeachably
  • Unpatriotically
  • Unerringly
  • Unselfishly
  • Unusually
  • Untimely
  • Unwittingly
  • Unsuspectedly
  • Unconcernedly
  • Unhesitatingly
  • Unbearably
  • Unwisely
  • Unobtrusively
  • Undeniably
  • Unsuccessfully
  • Unlikely
  • Undoubtedly
  • Unnaturally
  • Undauntedly
  • Unpredictably
  • Unaccountably
  • Unprecedentedly
  • Unreliably
  • Unrestrainedly
  • Unsmilingly
  • Uniformly
  • Unfavorably
  • Unwillingly
  • Upwardly
  • Untamedly
  • Unfashionably
  • Unparalleledly
  • Unscrupulously
  • Unflappably
  • Unavoidably
  • Unfamiliarly
  • Unwaveringly
  • Unsettlingly
  • Unpretentiously
  • Unforgettably
  • Unsavoryly
  • Untiringly
  • Unimaginatively
  • Unruffledly
  • Upbeatly
  • Unfalteringly
  • Untactfully
  • Unprincipledly
  • Unsafely
  • Unseasonably

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