List of Spelling Words For 6th Graders

As 6th graders continue to expand their vocabulary and delve deeper into the complexities of the English language, mastering spelling becomes crucially important. This list of spelling words for 6th graders is designed to challenge their skills while reinforcing their understanding of phonetics, word structure, and vocabulary.

By engaging with this tailored selection, students will enhance their reading comprehension and writing capabilities, setting a solid foundation for future academic success. These words have been chosen not only for their relevance to the 6th-grade curriculum but also to help students develop a keen eye for language nuances that are essential at this stage of learning.

Spelling Words For 6th Graders

  • Effect – result, outcome
  • Efficient – high effectiveness
  • Elastic – stretchable material
  • Elegant – gracefully stylish
  • Element – basic component
  • Emerge – come out
  • Emotion – strong feeling
  • Emphasize – give stress
  • Employ – hire, use
  • Enable – make possible
  • Encounter – meet unexpectedly
  • Endure – withstand, last
  • Energy – power source
  • Engage – participate, commit
  • Enormous – very large
  • Ensure – make certain
  • Entire – whole, complete
  • Environment – surrounding area
  • Equate – consider equal
  • Equipment – necessary items
  • Erase – remove completely
  • Error – mistake, fault
  • Especially – particularly, notably
  • Essential – absolutely necessary
  • Establish – set up
  • Estimate – approximate calculation
  • Ethics – moral principles
  • Evaluate – assess, judge
  • Event – occurrence, happening
  • Evidence – proof, confirmation
  • Evolve – develop gradually
  • Exaggerate – overstate, embellish
  • Examine – inspect closely
  • Example – typical instance
  • Exceed – go beyond
  • Excellent – extremely good
  • Exchange – trade, swap
  • Excite – arouse enthusiasm
  • Exclude – leave out
  • Excuse – justify, pardon
  • Execute – perform, enact
  • Exercise – physical activity
  • Exhaust – use up
  • Exhibit – display, show
  • Exist – have being
  • Expand – increase in size
  • Expect – anticipate, foresee
  • Expense – cost, charge
  • Experience – encounter, undergo
  • Expert – highly skilled
  • Absence – not present
  • Achieve – gain success
  • Acquire – obtain something
  • Amateur – non-professional
  • Analysis – detailed examination
  • Ancient – very old
  • Apparent – clearly visible
  • Appreciate – value highly
  • Artificial – man-made
  • Atmosphere – surrounding air
  • Audience – viewers, listeners
  • Behavior – conduct, manners
  • Beneath – under something
  • Benefit – advantageous result
  • Boundary – dividing line
  • Brilliant – very bright
  • Calculate – determine mathematically
  • Capacity – ability, volume
  • Category – classification group
  • Character – personality traits
  • Circumstance – condition, factor
  • Commercial – business-related
  • Committee – group organized
  • Compare – examine differences
  • Complete – entirely finished
  • Complex – complicated, intricate
  • Conscious – aware, awake
  • Consequence – result, outcome
  • Consider – think about
  • Constant – unchanging factor
  • Continent – large landmass
  • Contribute – give support
  • Control – command, regulate
  • Convenient – easy, suitable
  • Conversation – informal talk
  • Copy – duplicate, reproduce
  • Corporate – company related
  • Correct – free from error
  • Creature – living being
  • Criteria – standards used
  • Culture – societal norms
  • Currency – money form
  • Cycle – series, loop
  • Data – factual information
  • Debate – discuss formally
  • Decade – ten years
  • Decline – refuse, decrease
  • Dedicate – devote wholly
  • Define – explain clearly
  • Delicate – easily broken
  • Democracy – people rule
  • Demonstrate – show clearly
  • Deny – reject, refuse
  • Depend – rely on
  • Describe – depict verbally
  • Desire – strong want
  • Destruction – severe damage
  • Detail – small part
  • Determine – decide, conclude
  • Develop – grow, evolve
  • Device – tool, gadget
  • Devote – dedicate exclusively
  • Diagram – visual plan
  • Dialect – language variety
  • Dialogue – conversation between
  • Differ – be unlike
  • Difficulty – something hard
  • Diligence – careful effort
  • Direct – straightforward path
  • Disadvantage – unfavorable condition
  • Discover – find out
  • Discuss – talk about
  • Disease – illness, sickness
  • Display – show, exhibit
  • Distance – space between
  • Distribute – spread widely
  • Diverse – varied, different
  • Divide – separate into
  • Document – written record
  • Domestic – home related
  • Dominant – most influential
  • Double – twice as
  • Doubt – uncertain belief
  • Draft – preliminary version
  • Drama – theatrical performance
  • Draw – produce picture
  • Dream – imagined events
  • Dress – put clothes
  • Drink – consume liquid
  • Drive – operate vehicle
  • Due – expected time
  • During – throughout period
  • Duty – responsibility, obligation
  • Dynamic – forceful, energetic
  • Eager – keenly interested
  • Earn – acquire money
  • Ease – make simpler
  • Economy – wealth management
  • Edit – make changes
  • Educate – provide knowledge

Explore More Words for Grade: 

( 2nd Grade| 4th Grade|)

Spelling Test For Class 6

  • Frequent – often occurring; very regular
  • Gesture – motion to convey a message
  • Harmony – agreement in feelings or ideas
  • Ideal – perfect example; optimal model
  • Illuminate – light up; make clear
  • Journey – travel from one place
  • Keen – sharp; highly developed
  • Legend – traditional story; famous person
  • Major – greater; very important
  • Narrate – tell a story orally
  • Oasis – fertile spot in desert
  • Passive – accepting without resistance
  • Quest – search for something
  • Rapid – very quick; fast
  • Scarce – in short supply; rare
  • Talent – natural skill or ability
  • Unique – one of a kind
  • Vision – ability to see; dream
  • Wealth – large amount of money/assets
  • Yield – produce or provide (agriculturally)
  • Zone – area or stretch
  • Accurate – correct in all details
  • Bargain – agreement between two parties
  • Capture – seize by force, skill
  • Donate – give to those needy
  • Echo – sound heard again
  • Flame – fire’s visible, hot part
  • Glide – move smoothly, effortlessly
  • Humble – not proud or arrogant
  • Ink – coloring material for writing

List Of Spelling Words For 6th Graders

  • Journal – daily record of experiences
  • Kneel – go down on knees
  • Lunar – relating to the moon
  • Migrate – move from one area
  • Noble – high moral quality
  • Orbit – path of celestial body
  • Pioneer – person who begins something
  • Quaint – attractively unusual or old-fashioned
  • Rescue – save from dangerous situation
  • Silent – making no sound
  • Theory – system of ideas
  • Urgent – requiring immediate action
  • Vivid – producing powerful feelings
  • Witty – showing quick humor
  • Xenon – colorless, odorless noble gas
  • Youth – time of being young
  • Zeal – great energy for something
  • Ambition – strong desire to achieve
  • Brisk – quick and energetic
  • Civil – relating to citizens
  • Dense – closely compacted together
  • Eerie – strange and frightening
  • Fracture – break or crack
  • Gorge – eat greedily
  • Hoist – raise or lift
  • Infinite – without end, eternal
  • Jolt – sudden sharp movement
  • Kernel – softer, edible part
  • Linger – stay in place
  • Moist – slightly wet; damp

Hard Spelling Words For 6th Graders Sixth Grade Spelling Words

Hard Spelling Words For 6th Graders

  • Accommodate
  • Acquaintance
  • Broccoli
  • Cappuccino
  • Desperate
  • Exaggerate
  • Frustration
  • Glorious
  • Hemorrhage
  • Inconvenience
  • Juxtapose
  • Knapsack
  • Labyrinth
  • Meticulous
  • Necessity
  • Occasion
  • Peculiar
  • Quotient
  • Resilient
  • Serendipity
  • Tranquility
  • Unanimous
  • Vengeance
  • Wisecrack
  • Xenophobia
  • Yacht
  • Zealous
  • Abundance
  • Beguile
  • Censorship
  • Deliberate
  • Eccentric
  • Fiasco
  • Guacamole
  • Hierarchy

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