Collective Nouns For Insects (With Meaning and Examples)

Insects are a fascinating and diverse group of creatures that play crucial roles in our ecosystems. From the tiny ants scurrying along our kitchen counters to the majestic butterflies fluttering through fields, insects come in all shapes, sizes, and species. What makes these remarkable beings even more intriguing is the unique way we collectively refer to them. In this article, we explore collective nouns for insects – those delightful terms that capture the essence of insect groups and their behaviors.

What is the Collective Noun For Insects?.

The collective noun for insects is a “swarm.” It is used to describe a large group of insects flying or moving together. Examples of insects that may form swarms include bees, locusts, butterflies, and mosquitoes, among others. Swarming behavior in insects can serve various purposes, such as finding food, migrating, or reproducing.

Here are the 10 Collective Nouns For Insects:

  1. Swarm
  2. Colony
  3. Plague
  4. Horde
  5. Congregation
  6. Cloud
  7. Cluster
  8. Gathering
  9. Army
  10. Flight

Collective Nouns For Insect

  1. Coalition
  2. Party
  3. Cast
  4. Host
  5. Wing
  6. Broodling
  7. Caste
  8. Clowder
  9. Galley
  10. Buzz
  11. Crèche
  12. Swarmlet
  13. Company
  14. Flightling
  15. Cloudlet
  16. Troopling
  17. Scurry
  18. Incursion
  19. Tribelet
  20. Formation
  21. Drift
  22. Legion
  23. Convoy
  24. Clutchling
  25. Hive
  26. Nest
  27. Generation
  28. Colony
  29. Coterie
  30. Congression
  31. Gang
  32. Plaguelet
  33. Troop
  34. Leash
  35. Congregation
  36. Bevy
  37. Horde
  38. Cloud
  39. Skein
  40. Constellation
  41. Army
  42. Bedazzlement
  43. Tribe
  44. Pile
  45. Convocation
  46. Cluster
  47. Assembly
  48. Wisp
  49. Team
  50. Den
  51. Knot
  52. Brood
  53. Leggion
  54. Flight
  55. Cadre
  56. Bivouac
  57. Squadron
  58. Gathering
  59. Congress
  60. Band
  61. Outbreak
  62. Family
  63. Scurryling
  64. Creep
  65. Glitter
  66. Plague
  67. Crew
  68. Flock
  69. Litter
  70. Flotilla
  71. Platoon
  72. Suite
  73. Group
  74. Bunch
  75. Mob
  76. Clutch
  77. Crawl
  78. Spin
  79. Herd
  80. Murmuration
  81. Swarm
  82. Pack
  83. Creche
  84. Kin
  85. Throng
  86. Gaggle
  87. Flurry
  88. Hordelet
  89. String

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What is the Collective Noun For Insects

Collective Nouns For Insects With Meaning and Examples

  1. Swarm

Meaning: A dense gathering of insects.


  • A swarm of bees descended upon the flowerbed.
  • We saw a swarm of locusts devastating the crops.
  • The picnic was interrupted by a swarm of mosquitoes.
  1. Colony

Meaning: A community of insects with a structured social system.


  • The ant colony constructed an intricate network of tunnels.
  • We observed a colony of termites infesting the wooden structure.
  • The garden was home to a colony of butterflies.
  1. Hive

Meaning: A shelter for bees and other social insects.


  • The beekeeper carefully inspected the hive for honey production.
  • We found a wild hive of wasps hidden in the tree branches.
  • The garden was alive with the buzz of a hive of bumblebees.
  1. Cloud

Meaning: A mass of flying insects moving together.


  • A cloud of gnats swarmed around the streetlamp at night.
  • The beach was engulfed by a cloud of sandflies.
  • As we entered the forest, we encountered a cloud of butterflies.
  1. Gang

Meaning: A collection of insects, often used informally.


  • The children squealed when they saw a gang of grasshoppers hopping around.
  • We had to shoo away a gang of flies from our picnic lunch.
  • A gang of dragonflies hovered above the pond.
  1. Cluster

Meaning: Insects gathered closely together.


  • We discovered a cluster of ladybugs on the leaf.
  • A cluster of fireflies illuminated the night sky.
  • The roses attracted a cluster of bees.
  1. Flight

Meaning: A collection of insects in flight.


  • A flight of butterflies passed by the garden.
  • The birdwatchers spotted a flight of dragonflies near the lake.
  • As dusk fell, we observed a flight of moths around the porch light.
  1. Litter

Meaning: A brood of insect offspring.


  • The park was filled with a litter of caterpillars after the rainfall.
  • The garden had a litter of praying mantis eggs carefully hidden in the bushes.
  • We came across a litter of grasshopper nymphs in the grass.
  1. Bevy

Meaning: A gathering of insects, usually used in a positive context.


  • A bevy of butterflies fluttered gracefully around the wildflowers.
  • We enjoyed watching a bevy of fireflies illuminating the night sky.
  • The garden was a sight with a bevy of colorful beetles.

10. Horde

Meaning: Horde indicates a disorderly or chaotic assembly of insects.


    • Our peaceful camping trip turned into a nightmare when a horde of aggressive horseflies attacked us.
    • Locals warned us about the horde of biting midges that frequented the area during the summer months.
    • The garden was overrun by a horde of destructive grasshoppers, threatening the crops.

11. Gathering

Meaning: A general term for a group of insects coming together.


    • As we approached the pond, we noticed a gathering of dragonflies skimming the water’s surface.
    • The park was filled with a diverse gathering of insects, from butterflies to beetles.
    • The warm summer evening brought a lively gathering of crickets, filling the air with their chirping sounds.

12. Plague

Meaning: An overwhelming number of insects causing widespread harm.


    • The cornfields were devastated by a plague of locusts, leaving behind barren land.
    • Farmers struggled to control the plague of grasshoppers that were destroying their crops.
    • The city faced a serious problem with a plague of mosquitoes, leading to increased cases of diseases.

13. Cast

Meaning: A group of insects that emerge together, particularly in reference to termites or winged ants.


    • The termite cast emerged from the ground and took flight, starting new colonies in the surrounding area.
    • We witnessed the majestic sight of a cast of flying ants soaring through the air on a warm summer day.
    • After the rain, a cast of winged termites gathered near a tree trunk, ready to find a new place to establish a colony.

14. Cloud

Meaning: A large group of flying insects creating a dense, cloud-like appearance.


    • The hikers were enveloped by a cloud of mosquitoes as they ventured into the marshy area.
    • Near the lake, we observed a massive cloud of gnats hovering over the water’s surface.
    • The headlights of the car revealed a swirling cloud of fireflies, creating a magical scene in the forest.

15. Conclave

Meaning: A secretive or secluded gathering of insects, often related to mating or hibernation.


  • Entomologists were thrilled to discover a hidden conclave of rare beetles, previously unknown to science.
  • During winter, ladybugs seek shelter in a conclave within tree crevices to survive the cold months.
  • The fireflies’ conclave lit up the forest with a mesmerizing display of synchronized flashes.
  1. Exaltation

Meaning: A joyous and animated group of butterflies, often in flight.


  • As we strolled through the garden, we were enchanted by an exaltation of colorful butterflies dancing around the flowers.
  • The sight of the migrating monarch butterflies formed an impressive exaltation, brightening the skies as they journeyed south.
  • The butterfly garden buzzed with excitement as an exaltation of painted ladies fluttered gracefully among the blossoms.
  1. Scurry

Meaning: A group of small insects or pests moving quickly and erratically.


  • The kitchen floor was invaded by a scurry of cockroaches, scuttling away whenever the lights turned on.
  • We were startled by a sudden scurry of ants that appeared on the picnic blanket, searching for crumbs.
  • A scurry of silverfish raced across the bathroom tiles, seeking damp corners to hide.
  1. Swarmlet

Meaning: A small or miniature swarm of insects.


  • While the larger bees were out foraging, a swarmlet guarded the hive’s entrance against intruders.
  • The garden had a gentle swarmlet of hoverflies, delicately pollinating the flowers.
  • We noticed a swarmlet of tiny aphids gathering on the plant’s stem, sapping its nutrients.
  1. Cacophony

Meaning: A group of noisy and loud insects, often associated with their calls or sounds.


  • The nighttime was filled with the cacophony of crickets, their chirping forming a rhythmic symphony.
  • In the wetlands, we were serenaded by a boisterous cacophony of frogs croaking near the water’s edge.
  • As darkness fell, the forest echoed with the cacophony of cicadas, signaling the arrival of summer.
  1. Galaxy

Meaning: A vast and widespread group of flying insects, resembling stars in the night sky.


  • The meadow became a luminous galaxy of fireflies, illuminating the night with their glimmering lights.
  • During migration, the sky filled with a magnificent galaxy of dragonflies, moving like shooting stars.
  • We were in awe as the beach was enveloped by a breathtaking galaxy of sea butterflies, forming a beautiful haze above the waves.

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