Regular Verbs List in English (Rules of Regular Verbs)

Regular verbs list in English play a foundational role in the structure of the English language. These verbs, unlike their irregular counterparts, follow a consistent pattern in their conjugation across different tenses—specifically, they adopt a standard “-ed” ending for both their past tense and past participle forms.

This predictability makes them essential for language learners who are trying to grasp the rules of English grammar. As students familiarize themselves with regular verbs, they gain confidence in constructing grammatically correct sentences and improve their communication skills. Here, we will explore a comprehensive list of regular verbs that can help learners strengthen their vocabulary and enhance their understanding of English verb conjugation.

What Are Regular Verbs?

Regular verbs are verbs that follow a standard pattern in their conjugation across different tenses. Specifically, in English, they form their past tense and past participle by adding a suffix – usually -ed, -d, or -ied to the base form of the verb. This rule makes them predictable and easier to learn compared to irregular verbs, which do not follow standard conjugation patterns and often change vowels or have entirely different forms.

Here’s how regular verbs work:

  • Base form: Use (to employ)
  • Past tense: Used (employed yesterday)
  • Past participle: Used (have employed)

Rules Of Regular Verbs

Regular verbs in English follow simple and predictable rules for forming their past tense and past participle forms. Here are the basic rules:

Adding -ed:

    • For most verbs, simply add -ed to the base form of the verb.
      • Example: Talk → Talked

Verbs ending in -e:

    • If the verb ends with an -e, just add -d.
      • Example: Love → Loved

Consonant after a single vowel (CVC pattern):

    • For verbs that have a single vowel followed by a consonant (and are one syllable or have the stress on the last syllable in multi-syllable words), double the final consonant before adding -ed.
      • Example: Stop → Stopped
      • Note: This rule applies when the final syllable is stressed (e.g., refer → referred) but not when it’s unstressed (e.g., benefit → benefited).

Verbs ending in -y:

    • If the verb ends in a -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to -i and then add -ed.
      • Example: Worry → Worried
    • If the -y is preceded by a vowel, simply add -ed.
      • Example: Play → Played
  1. Spelling considerations:
    • Be mindful of American and British spelling differences; for example, American English typically uses -ed (e.g., learned), whereas British English might use -t for some verbs (e.g., learnt).

Regular Verbs List In English

  • Accept – Accepted – Accepted
  • Achieve – Achieved – Achieved
  • Ask – Asked – Asked
  • Bake – Baked – Baked
  • Call – Called – Called
  • Clean – Cleaned – Cleaned
  • Dance – Danced – Danced
  • Decide – Decided – Decided
  • Earn – Earned – Earned
  • Explain – Explained – Explained
  • Finish – Finished – Finished
  • Guess – Guessed – Guessed
  • Help – Helped – Helped
  • Joke – Joked – Joked
  • Jump – Jumped – Jumped
  • Kick – Kicked – Kicked
  • Laugh – Laughed – Laughed
  • Learn – Learned (or Learnt) – Learned (or Learnt)
  • Manage – Managed – Managed
  • Need – Needed – Needed
  • Offer – Offered – Offered
  • Plan – Planned – Planned
  • Play – Played – Played
  • Question – Questioned – Questioned
  • Reach – Reached – Reached
  • Relax – Relaxed – Relaxed
  • Save – Saved – Saved
  • Talk – Talked – Talked
  • Thank – Thanked – Thanked
  • Use – Used – Used
  • Visit – Visited – Visited
  • Wait – Waited – Waited
  • Walk – Walked – Walked
  • Want – Wanted – Wanted
  • Work – Worked – Worked
  • Yell – Yelled – Yelled
  • Zap – Zapped – Zapped
  • Admire – Admired – Admired
  • Brush – Brushed – Brushed
  • Change – Changed – Changed
  • Damage – Damaged – Damaged
  • Deliver – Delivered – Delivered
  • Enter – Entered – Entered
  • Fix – Fixed – Fixed
  • Gather – Gathered – Gathered
  • Hunt – Hunted – Hunted
  • Increase – Increased – Increased
  • Juggle – Juggled – Juggled
  • Knock – Knocked – Knocked
  • Listen – Listened – Listened
  • Measure – Measured – Measured
  • Notice – Noticed – Noticed
  • Observe – Observed – Observed
  • Pack – Packed – Packed
  • Paint – Painted – Painted
  • Qualify – Qualified – Qualified
  • Repair – Repaired – Repaired
  • Smile – Smiled – Smiled
  • Study – Studied – Studied
  • Trade – Traded – Traded
  • Unite – United – United
  • Vacuum – Vacuumed – Vacuumed
  • Warn – Warned – Warned
  • X-ray – X-rayed – X-rayed
  • Yawn – Yawned – Yawned
  • Zoom – Zoomed – Zoomed
  • Announce – Announced – Announced
  • Boil – Boiled – Boiled
  • Charge – Charged – Charged
  • Describe – Described – Described
  • Exchange – Exchanged – Exchanged
  • Frame – Framed – Framed
  • Guess – Guessed – Guessed
  • Heat – Heated – Heated
  • Imagine – Imagined – Imagined
  • Join – Joined – Joined
  • Keep – Kept – Kept
  • Level – Leveled (or Levelled) – Leveled (or Levelled)
  • Melt – Melted – Melted
  • Name – Named – Named
  • Operate – Operated – Operated
  • Pour – Poured – Poured
  • Record – Recorded – Recorded
  • Serve – Served – Served
  • Travel – Traveled (or Travelled) – Traveled (or Travelled)
  • Verify – Verified – Verified
  • Whisper – Whispered – Whispered
  • Align – Aligned – Aligned
  • Balance – Balanced – Balanced
  • Create – Created – Created
  • Design – Designed – Designed
  • Explore – Explored – Explored
  • File – Filed – Filed
  • Grant – Granted – Granted
  • Hire – Hired – Hired
  • Install – Installed – Installed
  • Judge – Judged – Judged
  • Kick – Kicked – Kicked
  • Label – Labeled – Labeled
  • Match – Matched – Matched
  • Navigate – Navigated – Navigated
  • Organize – Organized – Organized
  • Program – Programmed – Programmed
  • Quote – Quoted – Quoted
  • Release – Released – Released
  • Shine – Shined – Shined
  • Test – Tested – Tested
  • Update – Updated – Updated
  • Validate – Validated – Validated
  • Wash – Washed – Washed
  • Extend – Extended – Extended
  • Form – Formed – Formed
  • Guard – Guarded – Guarded
  • Identify – Identified – Identified
  • Jump – Jumped – Jumped
  • Knit – Knitted – Knitted
  • Link – Linked – Linked
  • Mention – Mentioned – Mentioned
  • Nurture – Nurtured – Nurtured
  • Offer – Offered – Offered
  • Print – Printed – Printed
  • Question – Questioned – Questioned
  • Restore – Restored – Restored
  • Sign – Signed – Signed
  • Touch – Touched – Touched
  • Utilize – Utilized – Utilized
  • Venture – Ventured – Ventured
  • Witness – Witnessed – Witnessed
  • Xerox – Xeroxed – Xeroxed
  • Yield – Yielded – Yielded
  • Zest – Zested – Zested
  • Adjust – Adjusted – Adjusted
  • Build – Built – Built
  • Calculate – Calculated – Calculated
  • Deposit – Deposited – Deposited
  • Educate – Educated – Educated
  • Focus – Focused – Focused

Regular verbs list in english pdf

Regular verbs Excercise

  • Dogs bark at strangers loudly.
  • She dances gracefully at parties.
  • They paint pictures skillfully.
  • He plays guitar beautifully.
  • We travel to new places.
  • The wind whispers through trees.
  • Fish swim in clear water.
  • She smiles warmly at everyone.
  • Birds fly south in winter.
  • He jogs around the park.
  • Children laugh at funny jokes.
  • She knits scarves for winter.
  • They bake delicious cakes often.
  • He fixes broken toys carefully.
  • We collect stamps as hobby.
  • She calls her mom nightly.
  • Cats nap in sunny spots.
  • He reads books every night.
  • They clean their house weekly.
  • We plant flowers in spring.
  • She writes poems creatively.
  • Birds nest in tall trees.
  • He surfs on big waves.
  • They hike in the mountains.
  • We watch movies on weekends.
  • She organizes her room neatly.
  • Dogs dig holes in gardens.
  • He coaches young athletes.
  • They camp in the wilderness.
  • We fish in the lake.
  • She shops for groceries.
  • Cars honk in busy traffic.
  • He skates on frozen ponds.
  • They picnic in the park.
  • We cycle around the city.
  • She jumps rope for fitness.
  • Birds peck at seeds.
  • He builds model airplanes.
  • They sail on the ocean.
  • We explore historic sites.
  • She taps her feet rhythmically.
  • Dogs fetch sticks eagerly.
  • He gardens on weekends.
  • They march in parades.
  • We climb tall mountains.
  • She decorates her home.
  • Birds chirp at dawn.
  • He invents useful gadgets.
  • They stroll along the beach.
  • We admire beautiful sunsets.
  • She practices yoga daily.
  • Dogs pant in hot weather.
  • He sculpts clay figures.
  • They row boats on lakes.
  • We meditate for peace.
  • She doodles in her notebook.
  • Birds migrate in autumn.
  • He designs web pages.
  • They volunteer at shelters.
  • We discover new things.
  • She treats everyone kindly.
  • Dogs sniff interesting scents.
  • He lectures at universities.
  • They harvest crops in fall.
  • We appreciate fine art.
  • She learns new languages.
  • Birds forage for food.
  • He trains for marathons.
  • They sketch landscapes beautifully.
  • We attend various events.
  • She guides tourists expertly.
  • Dogs protect their homes.
  • He calculates complex equations.
  • They compose lovely music.
  • We debate important issues.
  • She recycles diligently.
  • Birds preen their feathers.
  • He narrates interesting stories.
  • They foster abandoned animals.
  • We savor exquisite meals.
  • She assembles model kits.
  • Dogs obey training commands.
  • He reviews books critically.
  • They preserve historical artifacts.
  • We cherish family moments.
  • She sews beautiful dresses.
  • Birds hover over flowers.
  • He cooks gourmet dishes.
  • They tutor students successfully.
  • We contribute to charities.
  • She arranges lovely bouquets.
  • Dogs roll in the grass.
  • He juggles multiple tasks.
  • They restore old cars.
  • We embrace new challenges.
  • She solves puzzles quickly.
  • Birds soar in the sky.
  • He mentors young professionals.
  • They inspect quality of products.
  • We toast to good health.

past simple regular verbs examples

past tense for regular verbs regular verbs list english

Punish Punished Punished
Approve Approved Approved
Phone Phoned Phoned
Gather Gathered Gathered
Bake Baked Baked
Adopt Adopted Adopted
Control Controlled Controlled
Interrupt Interrupted Interrupted
Complain Complained Complained
Question Questioned Questioned
Hope Hoped Hoped
Joke Joked Joked
Add Added Added
Type Typed Typed
Open Opened Opened
Start Started Started
Push Pushed Pushed
Offend Offended Offended
Deliver Delivered Delivered
Copy Copied Copied
Lie Lied Lied
Pull Pulled Puled
Park Parked Parked
Laugh Laughed Laughed
Pray Prayed Prayed
Kick Kicked Kicked
Listen Listened Listened
Announce Announced Announced
Collect Collected Collected
Love Loved Loved
Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed
Visit Visited Visited
Establish Established Established
Assist Assisted Assisted
Cheat Cheated Cheated
Clean Cleaned Cleaned
Purchase Purchased Purchased
Like Liked Liked
Race Raced Raced
Borrow Borrowed Borrowed
Compare Compared Compared
Study Studied Studied
Murder Murdered Murdered
Scold Scolded Scolded
Appreciate Appreciated Appreciated
Count Counted Counted
Warn Warned Warned
Marry Married Married
Retire Retired Retired
Need Needed Needed
Attack Attacked Attacked
Cycle Cycled Cycled
Wait Waited Waited
Agree Agreed Agreed
Return Returned Returned
Clap Clapped Clapped
Select Selected Selected
Move Moved Moved
Greet Greeted Greeted
Use Used Used
Achieve Achieved Achieved
Exercise Exercised Exercised
Irritate Irritated Irritated
Employ Employed Employed
Argue Argued Argued
Harass Harassed Harassed
Want Wanted Wanted
Explain Explained Explained
Pick Picked Picked


Regular verbs list in english

You can Download a List of irregular verbs in English pdf


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