Interesting Slang Words For Friend

Slang Words For Friend Ever wonder how to sound cooler when talking about your buddies, pals, or besties? Language is constantly evolving, and so is the way we refer to our friends. From casual acquaintances to those who know us best, there are tons of slang terms that capture the essence of friendship in fun and interesting ways. In this blog post, we’ll dive into some of the most popular and creative slang words used to describe friends, helping you expand your vocabulary and maybe even impress your circle with some new terms!

Slang Words For Friend


Meaning: Close friend or companion
Example: He’s been my buddy for years.


Meaning: Informal term for friend
Example: Let’s catch up, my old pal.


Meaning: British slang for friend
Example: He’s my best mate from school.


Meaning: Informal, often childhood friend
Example: We were chums in elementary school.


Meaning: Best friend
Example: She’s my bestie since kindergarten days.


Meaning: Best Friends Forever
Example: We’ve been BFFs for a decade.


Meaning: Loyal friend or assistant
Example: He’s my sidekick on adventures always.


Meaning: Close friend, often from neighborhood
Example: He’s been my homie since childhood.


Meaning: Brotherly term for friend
Example: He’s like a bro to me.


Meaning: Sisterly term for female friend
Example: She’s my sis, no matter what.


Meaning: Slang for close male friend
Example: What’s up, my dawg? Let’s chill.


Meaning: Spanish for friend
Example: Mi amigo and I went traveling together.


Meaning: Close friend, like a godfather
Example: He’s been my compadre for years.


Meaning: Group of friends or people
Example: Let’s hang out with our peeps tonight.


Meaning: Group of close friends
Example: He’s part of our tight-knit crew.

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Slang Words For Friend


Meaning: Group of friends
Example: The posse gathered at the park.


Meaning: Friends treated like family
Example: My fam and I stick together.

Best Mate

Meaning: Closest, most trusted friend
Example: She’s my best mate since high school.


Meaning: Close associate or friend
Example: He’s my comrade in all ventures.


Meaning: Very close friend
Example: He’s my ace, always got my back.


Meaning: Trusted friend for sharing secrets
Example: She’s my confidant in tough times.

Ride or Die

Meaning: Unwaveringly loyal friend
Example: She’s my ride or die forever.


Meaning: Close friend or companion
Example: He’s my partner in all adventures.


Meaning: Close male friend
Example: He’s my homeboy from the neighborhood.


Meaning: Close female friend
Example: She’s my homegirl, always there for me.

Road Dog

Meaning: Travel companion, close friend
Example: He’s my road dog on trips.

Best Buddy

Meaning: Closest, most trusted friend
Example: He’s been my best buddy forever.


Meaning: Informal, often childhood friend
Example: He’s my chum from primary school.

Ace Boon

Meaning: Extremely close friend
Example: He’s my ace boon from college.


Meaning: Close friend or companion
Example: She’s been my buddy since kindergarten.

Old Friend

Meaning: Longtime, trusted friend
Example: We met up with an old friend.

Running Mate

Meaning: Companion in activities
Example: He’s my running mate for marathons.


Meaning: Female trusted friend for secrets
Example: She’s my confidante in tough situations.

Bosom Buddy

Meaning: Very close, intimate friend
Example: She’s been my bosom buddy for years.

Chill Buddy

Meaning: Friend for relaxing and hanging out
Example: He’s my chill buddy on weekends.


Meaning: Friend who shares activities
Example: My companion and I explore new places.


Meaning: Female friend in Spanish
Example: She’s my amiga, always there for me.


Meaning: Close friend or companion
Example: We’ve been buddies since we were kids.


Meaning: General term for a close companion
Example: He’s a good friend from work.

Best Pal

Meaning: Closest and dearest friend
Example: She’s been my best pal forever.


Meaning: Childhood friend for playing
Example: We were playmates in the neighborhood park.


Meaning: Trusted partner in activities
Example: He’s my co-pilot in adventures.

Right Hand

Meaning: Most trusted, reliable friend
Example: He’s my right hand in everything.


Meaning: Close friend or companion
Example: My buddy and I go way back.

Best Friend

Meaning: Closest, most cherished friend
Example: She’s my best friend since high school.

Chill Mate

Meaning: Friend for relaxing and hanging out
Example: He’s my chill mate on weekends.

Hangout Buddy

Meaning: Friend for social activities
Example: He’s my hangout buddy on weekends.


Meaning: Close associate or friend
Example: We’ve been comrades through thick and thin.

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