50 Slang Words For Jail

“Slang Words for Jail” uncovers the gritty and colorful slang terms used to talk about prison. For students and beginners in English, this blog post provides a fascinating glimpse into how different cultures refer to incarceration using informal language.

Whether it’s in movies, books, or everyday conversation, understanding these slang terms can offer deeper insights into English-speaking societies. We’ll explore various expressions that capture the essence of jail in slang, enhancing your ability to discuss more serious topics in an engaging way. Let’s dive into the language of the lock-up and expand our vocabulary together!

Slang Words For Jail


Meaning: Informal term for jail
Example: He’s been in the slammer before.


Meaning: Another slang for jail
Example: He spent a night in clink.

Big House

Meaning: Prison or penitentiary
Example: He’s doing time in the big house.


Meaning: Short for penitentiary
Example: He’s been in the pen twice.


Meaning: Temporary detention facility
Example: He’s in lockup for the weekend.


Meaning: Slang for jail or prison
Example: He ended up in the pokey.


Meaning: Informal term for prison
Example: He’s been in the joint before.


Meaning: Jail cell or prison
Example: He’s locked in the cage again.


Meaning: Informal term for jail
Example: He’s spending the night in cooler.


Meaning: Small prison room
Example: His cell is very cramped.


Meaning: Old slang for prison
Example: He did ten years in stir.

Iron Hotel

Meaning: Humorous term for jail
Example: He’s checked into the iron hotel.


Meaning: Another term for jail
Example: He’s in the can again.


Meaning: Holding area in jail
Example: He’s waiting in the drunk tank.


Meaning: Western slang for jail
Example: He got thrown in the hoosegow.

Graybar Hotel

Meaning: Euphemism for prison
Example: He’s a guest at the graybar hotel.


Meaning: Long-term prison facility
Example: He’s serving time in penitentiary.

The Rock

Meaning: Famous prison, now general term
Example: He got sent to the rock.


Meaning: Refers to jail cells
Example: He’s behind bars for life.


Meaning: Being held in custody
Example: He’s in detention for now.

Correctional Facility

Meaning: Formal term for prison
Example: He’s in a correctional facility.


Meaning: Being held by authorities
Example: He’s currently in police custody.


Meaning: Being restricted or jailed
Example: He’s in solitary confinement now.


Meaning: Strict prison control period
Example: The prison is on lockdown.


Meaning: Inmates or prisoners
Example: The clinkers are causing trouble.

The Farm

Meaning: Rural prison
Example: He’s been sent to the farm.


Meaning: In prison or jail
Example: He’s doing five years inside.

The Pit

Meaning: Harsh or tough jail
Example: He’s stuck in the pit.

Hard Time

Meaning: Serving long prison sentence
Example: He’s doing hard time now.

The Hole

Meaning: Solitary confinement
Example: He was thrown into the hole.

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Slang Words For Jail


Meaning: Outdoor prison area
Example: He spends afternoons in yard.


Meaning: Prison sentence duration
Example: He’s serving a ten-year time.

The Box

Meaning: Solitary confinement
Example: He’s isolated in the box.


Meaning: Long prison sentence
Example: He’s facing a 30-year brick.


Meaning: Dark, harsh prison
Example: He’s held in the dungeon.


Meaning: Informal term for jail
Example: He’s been in the cooler overnight.


Meaning: Another term for prison
Example: He’s been sent to the house.


Meaning: Slang for large prison
Example: He’s locked in the bighouse.


Meaning: Jail or detention
Example: He’s in county lock-up now.


Meaning: Slang term for jail
Example: He’s in the pokey again.


Meaning: Short for penitentiary
Example: He’s serving time in the pen.


Meaning: Hard labor prison
Example: He’s breaking rocks at rockpile.

Behind Bars

Meaning: In jail or prison
Example: He’s behind bars once more.


Meaning: Maximum security prison
Example: He’s held in max facility.


Meaning: Prison with labor
Example: He’s sent to the workhouse.


Meaning: Juvenile correctional facility
Example: He’s in a reformatory now.

Penal Colony

Meaning: Remote prison settlement
Example: He’s exiled to penal colony.

Detention Center

Meaning: Place for holding inmates
Example: He’s at a juvenile detention center.

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