Collective Nouns For Crows (With Meaning and Examples)

Crows are known for their intelligence, adaptability, and complex social structures. Often found in flocks or gatherings, these highly intelligent birds exhibit fascinating collective behaviors that have intrigued humans for centuries. From their impressive aerial acrobatics to synchronized roosting patterns, crows demonstrate a remarkable sense of unity and coordination when they come together in large numbers.

What is the Collective Noun For Crows?

The collective noun for crows is a “murder” of crows. It is a term used to describe a group of crows when they are gathered together. The term has historical roots and is one of the more well-known and distinctive collective nouns in the English language.

Here are the 10 Collective Nouns For Crows:

  1. Murder of crows
  2. Flock of crows
  3. Mob of crows
  4. Cluster of crows
  5. Horde of crows
  6. Assembly of crows
  7. Congregation of crows
  8. Group of crows
  9. Gathering of crows
  10. Band of crows

Collective Nouns For Crows

  1. Exaltation of crows
  2. Pursuit of crows
  3. Cluster of crows
  4. Congregation of crows
  5. Flight of crows
  6. Watch of crows
  7. Jostling of crows
  8. Loft of crows
  9. Swarm of crows
  10. Unkindness of crows
  11. Flurry of crows
  12. Bellowing of crows
  13. Horde of crows
  14. Coalition of crows
  15. Rowdiness of crows
  16. Yard of crows
  17. Council of crows
  18. Brigade of crows
  19. Legion of crows
  20. Platoon of crows
  21. Cortege of crows
  22. Host of crows
  23. Brigade of crows
  24. Tidings of crows
  25. Collection of crows
  26. Charm of crows
  27. Congress of crows
  28. Formation of crows
  29. Camouflage of crows
  30. Circle of crows
  31. Seasoning of crows
  32. Confusion of crows
  33. Scare of crows
  34. Gathering of crows
  35. Patrol of crows
  36. Echelon of crows
  37. Party of crows
  38. Caucus of crows
  39. Watchfulness of crows
  40. Convocation of crows
  41. Convocation of crows
  42. Orchard of crows
  43. Army of crows
  44. Murmuration of crows
  45. Ring of crows
  46. Charm of crows
  47. Skulk of crows
  48. Roost of crows
  49. Syndicate of crows
  50. Squad of crows
  51. Team of crows
  52. Herd of crows
  53. Troop of crows
  54. Conspiracy of crows
  55. Brood of crows
  56. Tumult of crows
  57. Posse of crows
  58. Wake of crows
  59. Parliament of crows
  60. Kennel of crows
  61. Wing of crows
  62. Crew of crows
  63. Troop of crows
  64. Gaggle of crows
  65. Gathering of crows
  66. Bunch of crows
  67. Band of crows
  68. Rally of crows
  69. Hill of crows
  70. Group of crows
  71. Galley of crows
  72. Rookery of crows
  73. Quiver of crows
  74. Parliament of crows
  75. Pack of crows
  76. Outing of crows
  77. Zeal of crows
  78. Outfield of crows
  79. Regiment of crows
  80. Phalanx of crows
  81. Order of crows
  82. Rabble of crows
  83. Sedge of crows
  84. Squadron of crows
  85. Constellation of crows
  86. Army of crows
  87. Murderation of crows
  88. Battalion of crows
  89. Assembly of crows
  90. Flock of crows
  91. Congress of crows
  92. Formation of crows
  93. Company of crows
  94. Disguise of crows
  95. Collection of crows
  96. Clan of crows
  97. Mob of crows
  98. Troubling of crows

Must Read: Collective Nouns For Puppies

What is the Collective Noun For Crows

Collective Nouns For Crows With Meaning and Examples

  1. Murder

Meaning: A group of crows is called a murder.


  • I saw a murder of crows perched on the telephone wires, cawing loudly.
  • The farmer was worried when he noticed a murder of crows circling his cornfield.
  • As the sun set, a murder of crows flew across the sky, creating an eerie sight.
  1. Horde

Meaning: A group of crows is referred to as a horde.


  • A horde of crows descended upon the park, searching for food scraps left by visitors.
  • The city rooftops were filled with a horde of crows, blackening the sky during their evening roost.
  • A horde of crows followed the plow in the field, eagerly feasting on insects unearthed by the farming activity.
  1. Gathering

Meaning: A group of crows is known as a gathering.


  • I observed a gathering of crows holding a noisy conference in the park, discussing their next move.
  • After the rain, a gathering of crows scoured the freshly watered lawns for worms.
  • The old tree became the meeting spot for a gathering of crows every evening.
  1. Conspiracy

Meaning: A group of crows is sometimes called a conspiracy.


  • From a distance, it looked like a conspiracy of crows was plotting something in the abandoned building.
  • Some people believe that a conspiracy of crows possesses mystical powers and foretell future events.
  • At dusk, a conspiracy of crows formed a dark silhouette against the setting sun.
  1. Assembly

Meaning: A group of crows is referred to as an assembly.


  • The loud cawing echoed across the valley as an assembly of crows gathered on the cliffs.
  • An assembly of crows surrounded the injured member, offering protection and support.
  • As autumn arrived, an assembly of crows flew southward in search of warmer climates.
  1. Muster

Meaning: A group of crows is sometimes called a muster.


  • A muster of crows flocked to the tall oak tree, creating a mesmerizing sight for onlookers.
  • The loud cries of a muster of crows alerted us to the presence of a predatory hawk nearby.
  • As the winter approached, a muster of crows gathered food to prepare for the cold months ahead.
  1. Band

Meaning: A group of crows is known as a band.


  • A band of crows followed the farmer as he plowed the field, eagerly searching for insects.
  • The loud cawing of a band of crows startled the campers in the woods.
  • An old barn served as a roosting spot for a band of crows every evening.
  1. Cluster

Meaning: A group of crows is referred to as a cluster.


  • I spotted a cluster of crows pecking at the fallen fruits in the orchard.
  • The tall pine tree was covered with a cluster of crows, seeking refuge during the rain.
  • A cluster of crows circled above the city, perhaps attracted by some food event.
  1. Assembly

Meaning: A group of crows is known as an assembly.


  • The loud cawing echoed across the valley as an assembly of crows gathered on the cliffs.
  • An assembly of crows surrounded the injured member, offering protection and support.
  • As autumn arrived, an assembly of crows flew southward in search of warmer climates.
  1. Flock

Meaning: A group of crows is sometimes called a flock.


  • A flock of crows descended on the cornfield, feasting on the ripe grains.
  • We could see a flock of crows flying in formation, a magnificent sight against the evening sky.
  • The park was teeming with a flock of crows, scavenging for food left by picnickers.
  1. Army

Meaning: A group of crows is referred to as an army.


  • An army of crows swooped down on the garbage bins, searching for scraps.
  • We witnessed an army of crows driving away a hawk that dared to intrude on their territory.
  • The old barn had become an army of crows’ stronghold during the nesting season.
  1. Flight

Meaning: A group of crows is sometimes called a flight.


  • A flight of crows gracefully glided over the lake, their black wings reflecting on the water’s surface.
  • The city skyline was dotted with a flight of crows returning to their roosts at dusk.
  • We watched a flight of crows skillfully navigate the strong winds during a storm.
  1. Congress

Meaning: A group of crows is known as a congress.


  • A congress of crows gathered in the park, drawing the attention of curious onlookers.
  • The tall tree was the preferred meeting spot for a congress of crows, where they’d socialize and exchange information.
  • The eerie sound of a congress of crows filled the air as they communicated with each other.
  1. Exaltation

Meaning: A group of crows is sometimes called an exaltation.


  • We witnessed an exaltation of crows dancing in the fields, their antics bringing smiles to our faces.
  • As the sun rose, an exaltation of crows filled the air with their jubilant cawing.
  • The park became alive with an exaltation of crows, celebrating the arrival of spring.
  1. Charm

Meaning: A group of crows is referred to as a charm.


  • A charm of crows lined the rooftops, watching the world below with their intelligent eyes.
  • The forest echoed with the calls of a charm of crows, adding to its mysterious atmosphere.
  • We came across a charm of crows playfully interacting with one another, exhibiting their social behavior.
  1. Caravan

Meaning: A group of crows is sometimes called a caravan.


  • A caravan of crows flew across the vast plains, heading towards their feeding grounds.
  • We spotted a caravan of crows making their way through the city, probably in search of nesting materials.
  • As autumn approached, a caravan of crows migrated southward for warmer weather.
  1. Parliament

Meaning: A group of crows is known as a parliament.


  • An impressive parliament of crows perched on the treetops, overseeing their territory.
  • As we approached, the parliament of crows fell silent, observing us with keen interest.
  • We stumbled upon a parliament of crows engaged in some kind of discussion, as if debating important decisions.
  1. Gaggle

Meaning: A group of crows is sometimes called a gaggle.


  • A gaggle of crows took to the skies, their wings beating in harmony as they flew over the city.
  • The old cemetery was home to a gaggle of crows, adding an eerie atmosphere to the place.
  • We spotted a gaggle of crows perched on the fence, waiting for their turn to feed.
  1. Conclave

Meaning: A group of crows is referred to as a conclave.


  • The dense forest served as a perfect location for a conclave of crows to hold their secret gatherings.
  • We witnessed a conclave of crows huddled together, seemingly discussing their plans for the day.
  • As twilight approached, a conclave of crows settled down in their roosts for the night.
  1. Clattering

Meaning: A group of crows is sometimes called a clattering.


  • A clattering of crows descended on the freshly plowed field, searching for worms and insects.
  • We heard the unmistakable clattering of crows in the distance, indicating their presence.
  • The city rooftops were alive with a clattering of crows, cawing and playing in the early morning light.

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