50+ Phrasal Verbs with Break

Phrasal verbs are integral components of the English language, enriching expressions and adding depth to dialogue. Among these, verbs associated with “break” are particularly useful due to their frequent usage in everyday conversations and various contexts.

For beginners, understanding these “break” phrasal verbs can greatly enhance your ability to express actions related to ending, disrupting, or changing states. In this guide, we will explore a selection of essential phrasal verbs that start with “break,” each carefully explained with definitions and illustrated through clear, straightforward examples. This will help you grasp their meanings and learn how to use them effectively in your daily communication.

Phrasal Verbs with Break

1. Break Away

Meaning: Escape from control.

Example: The prisoner managed to break away from his guards.

2. Break Down

Meaning: Stop functioning; become upset.

Example: My car broke down on the way to work.

3. Break In

Meaning: Enter by force; interrupt.

Example: Burglars broke in while we were on vacation.

4. Break Into

Meaning: Start suddenly.

Example: He broke into a run when he saw the bus approaching.

5. Break Off

Meaning: End a relationship or discussion.

Example: She broke off the engagement last month.

6. Break Out

Meaning: Begin suddenly (of war, disease, etc.).

Example: A fire broke out in the warehouse.

7. Break Through

Meaning: Overcome a barrier or obstacle.

Example: The research team finally broke through the technical limitations.

8. Break Up

Meaning: End a relationship; disperse.

Example: The meeting broke up at nine o’clock.

9. Break Out of

Meaning: Escape from a place or situation.

Example: He broke out of the routine by going on an adventure holiday.

10. Break Down Barriers

Meaning: Overcome obstacles in communication or relationships.

Example: We need to break down barriers between departments.

11. Break Apart

Meaning: Separate into pieces.

Example: The ship broke apart on the rocks.

12. Break Away From

Meaning: Leave or stop being involved with.

Example: He is trying to break away from the bad influences of his friends.

13. Break Back

Meaning: Return to a previous condition.

Example: The stock market broke back to its previous levels.

14. Break Even

Meaning: Neither lose nor gain financially.

Example: It took the business a year to break even.

15. Break Forth

Meaning: Erupt or emerge suddenly.

Example: Sunshine broke forth after the storm.

16. Break Free

Meaning: Escape from confinement.

Example: The horse broke free from its tether.

17. Break Ground

Meaning: Start a construction project.

Example: They broke ground on the new building last week.

18. Break Loose

Meaning: Become free; lose control.

Example: The crowd broke loose after the concert.

19. Break Off

Meaning: Suddenly stop speaking.

Example: He broke off in mid-sentence when he saw the time.

20. Break Open

Meaning: Force something to open.

Example: The police had to break open the door during the raid.

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21. Break Out In

Meaning: Develop a sudden skin condition.

Example: He broke out in a rash after using the new soap.

22. Break The Ice

Meaning: Ease tension or initiate a social interaction.

Example: He told a joke to break the ice.

23. Break The News

Meaning: Inform or reveal information.

Example: How will you break the news to her about moving?

24. Break With

Meaning: End a custom, practice, or relationship.

Example: The company is breaking with tradition to innovate more freely.

25. Break Down a Door

Meaning: Force entry into a room or building.

Example: Firefighters had to break down the door to rescue the occupants.

26. Break Into Song

Meaning: Start singing suddenly.

Example: The crowd broke into song when the band came onstage.

27. Break Into Tears

Meaning: Start crying suddenly.

Example: She broke into tears when she heard the sad news.

28. Break Off Negotiations

Meaning: Stop discussions abruptly.

Example: The two countries broke off negotiations after disagreements.

29. Break The Bank

Meaning: Spend more money than is sensible.

Example: Buying a new yacht would break the bank.

30. Break The Cycle

Meaning: Stop a recurring sequence of events.

Example: This program aims to break the cycle of poverty.

31. Break The Habit

Meaning: Stop a habitual action or behavior.

Example: It’s hard, but I’m determined to break the habit of staying up late.

32. Break The Pattern

Meaning: Change the regular sequence or way of doing something.

Example: We’re trying to break the pattern of errors in our process.

33. Break The Record

Meaning: Achieve the best or most extreme performance.

Example: She broke the record for the 100-meter dash.

34. Break The Rules

Meaning: Violate the regulations or norms.

Example: You’re not allowed to break the rules during exams.

35. Break The Silence

Meaning: Speak or make noise after a period of quiet.

Example: He broke the silence by clearing his throat.

36. Break The Spell

Meaning: End or interrupt an enchanted or magical moment.

Example: A loud crash broke the spell of the quiet evening.

37. Break Up The Fight

Meaning: Stop a physical altercation.

Example: Teachers had to break up the fight in the hallway.

38. Break Wind

Meaning: Expel intestinal gas.

Example: It was embarrassing when he broke wind in the meeting.

39. Break A Code

Meaning: Decrypt a secret message.

Example: The team worked hard to break the enemy’s code.

40. Break A Leg

Meaning: A theatrical way to wish good luck.

Example: “Break a leg!” she said before the performance.

41. Break A Promise

Meaning: Fail to keep one’s word.

Example: I hope you never break a promise you make to someone.

42. Break A Record

Meaning: Surpass a previously set performance.

Example: He’s aiming to break a world record in swimming.

43. Break A Seal

Meaning: Open something that is sealed.

Example: Breaking the seal on the document verified its authenticity.

44. Break A Spell

Meaning: End the effects of enchantment.

Example: The fairy tale involved a prince breaking a spell to save the princess.

45. Break Someone’s Heart

Meaning: Cause someone emotional pain.

Example: It’s never easy to break someone’s heart.

46. Break Someone In

Meaning: Train or get someone accustomed to a new job or environment.

Example: It took a few weeks to break the new intern in.

47. Break The Color Barrier

Meaning: Overcome racial segregation.

Example: Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball.

48. Break The Mold

Meaning: Do something in a new and original way.

Example: Her approach to science education really breaks the mold.

49. Break Through The Clutter

Meaning: Stand out among many similar items or issues.

Example: The ad needs to break through the clutter to capture attention.

50. Break Your Fall

Meaning: Reduce the impact when falling.

Example: Luckily, the bushes were there to break his fall.

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