Verbs that start with U in English

Verbs that start with the letter U are not very common in the English language. However, there are a few verbs that begin with this letter. Understanding these verbs can help expand your knowledge of the English language and improve your speaking and writing abilities.

Verbs That Start With U

Upbear Unarm
Urinate Unbeseem
Unfetter Unbay
Unspin Unified
Unhold Unravel
Upbar Upclimb
Upfill Used To
Upheave Unbuild
Uplead Unbenumb
Usher In Upgush
United Uplock
Unbefool Underdo
Utile Upgather
Unbank Uninstall
Used Upbraid
Upflow Up
Unballast Utilize
Uplay Unblind
Uppluck Unbind
Unbar Unspeak
Unactive Upgraded
Unbias Upprop
Unbeget Unclothe
Undertook Use Up
Undertake Unbolt
Upcoil Upraise
Uncover Unbag
Upbreed Utilizing
Upset Underfong
Upgive Unattire
Upcurl Upsell
Unauthorize Updive
Unbishop Unbespeak
Underbear Underline
Undercut Unburden
Undersell Uppercut
Unbed Uphold
Uphang Utilized
Updated Understanded
Upend Unapparel
Upholster Unappropriate
Uncorked Unbarrel
Unbark Uphilt
Undo Unbeguile
Unveiled Unanchor
Upstand Update
Unlock Unbelt
Uphoard Upbreak
Underspend Updraw
Upcast Underwrite
Unifying Unbone
Undermine Uppile
Unbe Unearth
Unbit Unbethink
Upblow Unbecome
Undone Unite
Unbewitch Uplift
Upgaze Urge
Unbend Upgrade
Unsettling Underlies
Uncurled Use
Undershoot Unbless
Unbeat Unbarricade
Undergo Unbalance
Upcheer Unknit
Understand Upgrow
Upraised Uphasp
Unblindfold Unbear
Uplean Unbody
Unconfound Upbind

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Verbs Starting With U

1. Use

  • Meaning: To employ for a purpose.
  • Example: She used a pen to write the note.

2. Uncover

  • Meaning: To reveal or expose.
  • Example: He uncovered the hidden documents.

3. Understand

  • Meaning: To comprehend or grasp.
  • Example: She understands the complex theory.

4. Unite

  • Meaning: To join together.
  • Example: They united their efforts to help.

5. Update

  • Meaning: To make current.
  • Example: He updates the software regularly.

6. Upgrade

  • Meaning: To improve or enhance.
  • Example: She upgraded her phone to the latest model.

7. Urge

  • Meaning: To strongly recommend.
  • Example: He urged caution in the decision.

8. Utilize

  • Meaning: To make practical use of.
  • Example: She utilized her skills in the project.

9. Unfold

  • Meaning: To reveal or disclose.
  • Example: The plot unfolds slowly in the movie.

10. Underestimate

  • Meaning: To undervalue or belittle.
  • Example: Never underestimate your opponent.

11. Undergo

  • Meaning: To experience or endure.
  • Example: He underwent surgery last week.

12. Underline

  • Meaning: To emphasize or highlight.
  • Example: She underlined the important dates.

13. Undo

  • Meaning: To reverse or annul.
  • Example: He tried to undo the damage done.

14. Undress

  • Meaning: To remove clothes.
  • Example: She undressed quickly after the event.

15. Unearth

  • Meaning: To discover or find out.
  • Example: Archaeologists unearthed ancient artifacts.

16. Unfasten

  • Meaning: To open or release.
  • Example: He unfastened his seat belt.

17. Unify

  • Meaning: To make or become united.
  • Example: The leaders sought to unify their people.

18. Unleash

  • Meaning: To release from restraint.
  • Example: The company unleashed its new product.

19. Unlock

  • Meaning: To open or release.
  • Example: She unlocked the door with her key.

20. Unmask

  • Meaning: To expose the true character.
  • Example: The detective unmasked the culprit.

21. Unpack

  • Meaning: To remove from a container.
  • Example: They unpacked the boxes after moving.

22. Unplug

  • Meaning: To disconnect from a power source.
  • Example: Remember to unplug the iron.

23. Unravel

  • Meaning: To disentangle or solve.
  • Example: The mystery slowly unraveled.

24. Unseat

  • Meaning: To remove from a position.
  • Example: The scandal unseated the official.

25. Unveil

  • Meaning: To reveal or disclose.
  • Example: The artist unveiled her new sculpture.

26. Uphold

  • Meaning: To support or maintain.
  • Example: He upholds the principles of justice.

27. Upset

  • Meaning: To disturb or distress.
  • Example: The news upset her greatly.

28. Urinate

  • Meaning: To excrete urine.
  • Example: The child needed to urinate urgently.

29. Usurp

  • Meaning: To seize power unlawfully.
  • Example: The general usurped the throne.

30. Utilize

  • Meaning: To use effectively.
  • Example: She utilized her time well.

31. Uproot

  • Meaning: To remove or displace.
  • Example: The storm uprooted several trees.

32. Upholster

  • Meaning: To provide furniture with padding.
  • Example: He upholstered the old chair.

33. Usher

  • Meaning: To lead or guide.
  • Example: She ushered them to their seats.

34. Utter

  • Meaning: To speak or express.
  • Example: He uttered a few words in response.

35. Unclasp

  • Meaning: To release a fastening.
  • Example: She unclasped her necklace.

36. Uncoil

  • Meaning: To unwind or unroll.
  • Example: He uncoiled the rope.

37. Undercut

  • Meaning: To undermine or undercut.
  • Example: Their strategy undercut the competition.

38. Underwrite

  • Meaning: To support financially.
  • Example: The bank underwrote the new venture.

39. Undulate

  • Meaning: To move in waves.
  • Example: The dancers’ movements undulated gracefully.

40. Unearth

  • Meaning: To excavate or discover.
  • Example: The team unearthed a rare fossil.

41. Unfurl

  • Meaning: To spread out or unfold.
  • Example: The flag unfurled in the wind.

42. Unhinge

  • Meaning: To unsettle or disturb.
  • Example: The suspense unhinged the audience.

43. Uniform

  • Meaning: To make consistent or uniform.
  • Example: The policy will uniform the procedures.

44. Unite

  • Meaning: To join or merge.
  • Example: The two companies decided to unite.

45. Unlace

  • Meaning: To untie laces.
  • Example: She unlaced her shoes.

46. Unleash

  • Meaning: To release or free.
  • Example: They unleashed the new software update.

47. Unload

  • Meaning: To remove a load.
  • Example: He unloaded the groceries from the car.

48. Unlock

  • Meaning: To open a lock.
  • Example: She unlocked the mystery behind the code.

49. Unnerve

  • Meaning: To unsettle or make nervous.
  • Example: The eerie silence unnerved her.

50. Unwind

  • Meaning: To relax or reduce stress.
  • Example: He unwinds by playing the guitar.

Action Verbs Starting With U

  1. UseEmploy
  2. UncoverReveal
  3. UnderstandComprehend
  4. UniteMerge
  5. UpdateRenew
  6. UpgradeEnhance
  7. UrgeEncourage
  8. UtilizeApply
  9. UnfoldReveal
  10. UnderestimateMisjudge
  11. UndergoExperience
  12. UnderlineHighlight
  13. UndoReverse
  14. UndressDisrobe
  15. UnearthDiscover
  16. UnfastenDetach
  17. UnifyConsolidate
  18. UnleashRelease
  19. UnlockOpen
  20. UnmaskExpose
  21. UnpackEmpty
  22. UnplugDisconnect
  23. UnravelSolve
  24. UnseatDethrone
  25. UnveilDisclose
  26. UpholdSupport
  27. UpsetDisturb
  28. UrinateExcrete
  29. UsurpSeize
  30. UprootEradicate
  31. UpholsterFurnish
  32. UsherGuide
  33. UtterSpeak
  34. UnclaspRelease
  35. UncoilUnwind
  36. UndercutUndermine
  37. UnderwriteFinance
  38. UndulateWave
  39. UnfurlUnfold
  40. UnhingeDerange
  41. UniformStandardize
  42. UnlaceUntie
  43. UnloadDischarge
  44. UnnerveDisconcert
  45. UnwindRelax
  46. UpstageEclipse
  47. UpturnInvert
  48. UrbanizeCivilize
  49. UrgeImpel
  50. UtilizeExploit

Positive Verbs That Start With U

  1. UniteJoin
  2. UpliftElevate
  3. UpgradeImprove
  4. UpholdMaintain
  5. UnleashEmpower
  6. UnveilReveal
  7. UnderstandGrasp
  8. UnifyHarmonize
  9. UnlockLiberate
  10. UpliftInspire
  11. UsherLead
  12. UtilizeHarness
  13. UnravelClarify
  14. UncoverDisclose
  15. UnearthFind
  16. UrgentPress
  17. UnfoldDevelop
  18. UndertakeInitiate
  19. UnwindDe-stress
  20. UnclaspLoosen
  21. UnfurlSpread
  22. UpliftBoost
  23. UptickIncrease
  24. UmbrellaProtect
  25. UnbindFree
  26. UnblockClear
  27. UnbuckleRelease
  28. UnbuttonOpen
  29. UncapOpen
  30. UnchainLiberate
  31. UncoilExtend
  32. UnfastenLoosen
  33. UnguardRelax
  34. UnharnessFree
  35. UnhookDetach
  36. UnifyCombine
  37. UnionizeOrganize
  38. UniversalizeGeneralize
  39. UnlockUnfasten
  40. UnpackReveal
  41. UnplugDisconnect
  42. UnravelDisentangle
  43. UnrollSpread
  44. UnscrambleSolve
  45. UnsealOpen
  46. UnsettleChange
  47. UnshackleFree
  48. UnsheatheDraw
  49. UnstickDetach
  50. UnstopOpen

Verbs That Begin With U | Images

Verbs that start with U in English

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